Destiny 2: Devil’s Lair Grandmaster walkthrough guide
Explore the Devil’s Lair GM Nightfall walkthrough and complete it without any issues along the way!

Table of Contents
- Devil’s Lair is the perfect mission to farm Adept weapons or materials
- Devil’s Lair champions are Overload and Barrier ones
- Best weapons for this nightfall are Pulse Rifles, Rocket Sidearms, Sniper Rifles, Auto Rifles
Another week, another nightfall. This time, we will talk about the Devil’s Lair Grandmaster Nightfall and how to complete it efficiently. So, without further ado, let’s check out various tactics and strategies for this mission!
Best weapons for Devil’s Lair on Grandmaster difficulty
Along the way in D2 Devil’s Lair nightfall, you’ll encounter many Barrier Champions. You can use well-known weapons like Outbreak Perfected or Sniper Rifles, such as Critical Anomaly with Chill Clip or Uzume RR4. You’ll also need weapons to handle Overload enemies, and we highly recommend Auto Rifles. With the release of Act 3, there are plenty of Mods for ARs in the artifact, making Exotics like Khvostov 7G-0X, Necrochasm, and Choir of One even stronger. During the middle of the strike, you’ll need to take down the Walker from a distance quickly, so having at least one Sniper Rifle or Linear Fusion Rifle in your fireteam will be incredibly useful.
Best builds for Devil’s Lair GM mightfall
Another thing you have to prepare is the best loadout for Devil’s Lair Grandmaster nightfall in Destiny 2! It can help you survive encounters and quickly destroy enemies on your path!
Even after the Nerf, the Prismatic Turret Warlock remains one of the best prismatic loadouts due to frequent enemy freezing, easy healing, and fast ability regeneration. Other notable builds include the Solar subclass with Speaker’s Sight for fireteams with low survivability.
You’ll often be close to enemies, making Consecration Prismatic Titan the best choice for this GM. Although this build can easily one-shot many enemies, including Champions, you might have trouble with the boss, as it’s constantly airborne.
If your allies often die during Devil’s Lair nightfall on Grandmaster difficulty, we recommend using Void with Orpheus Rigs or Omnioculus, though this playstyle may not appeal to everyone. If you’re one of those players, we suggest Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk for a powerful Super, or Prismatic with Spirit of Inmost Light and Cyrtarachne for ability spamming and constant Woven Mail.
How to complete Devil’s Lair GM nightfall — encounters guide
Initially, it’s best to summon your Sparrow or Skimmer right away to quickly reach the destination, ignoring all enemies along the way. You’ll encounter an Overload Champion at the end of the path, which is relatively painless to defeat. Moving through narrow corridors, you’ll face Fallen and Hive enemies with a Barrier Knight. After eliminating them, you’ll enter a large room where Wizards, Thralls, and an Overload Captain will be waiting at the entrance. Ahead, there are even more Hive and Fallen enemies fighting each other, including a Barrier Knight and Overload Captain.
You have to hack the terminal once the room is cleared to start the first encounter. In this encounter, you’ll fend off three waves of enemies. In the first wave, only Fallen will appear, including Shanks and an Overload Champion. Both factions will attack you simultaneously in the second wave, so be prepared. We recommend staying in the room with the tank, as it offers good cover. A Barrier Champion will also appear in this room, so stay vigilant. The third wave mainly consists of Fallen again, but you’ll face two Overload Captains this time. After clearing all three waves, the path forward will open.
You’ll go through more narrow corridors, dealing with a few enemies and an Overload Champion along the way. At the end, you’ll arrive at a large area where the second encounter takes place. At the start of this encounter, you’ll face a Barrier Servitor and other Fallen enemies, which should be taken out as quickly as possible. After that, two Brigs and a Walker will spawn. You should prioritize the Walker, as its shots can easily one-shot you. After the Walker is dealt with, focus on the Brigs, but remember that Precision weapons are ineffective against them until they reach 50% HP. There will also be several Barrier and Overload Champions in the arena.
Once you’ve cleared the area, you’ll reach the Devil’s Lair final boss encounter. Shortly after the boss spawns, you’ll be able to damage it, but once it reaches ~66% HP, it will become immune. To remove the immune shield, you must takedown all four Servitors flying around the boss. Be careful, as many Fallen enemies will spawn throughout the encounter. When the boss’s health drops to 1/3, it will become immune again and summon four more Servitors. This time, you’ll also have to deal with two Overload Captains. After defeating all these enemies, you can finish off Sepiks Prime and complete the Devil’s Lair GM.
Final words on Devil’s Lair nightfall guide
We hope this guide will help you beat Devil’s Lair in Destiny 2 easily. If you have some questions, you can ask us in the comments below and we will answer them as fast as possible. Also, we recommend checking out current GM nightfall adept weapons to learn more about available rewards in this activity!
Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.