Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2025: spooky Armor voting results
Get ready to scare and impress in Destiny 2! The results for the Festival of the Lost 2025 armor vote are here, revealing fan-favorite spooky designs for each Guardian class.

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This Halloween, Guardians can expect some of the most spine-chilling armor sets ever. The annual Festival of the Lost has once again allowed players to vote for their favorite themed armor designs. While each class had strong contenders, the results are in, and the community has spoken.

Festival of the Lost 2025 Armor release date
The winning designs will be available on October 2025 in the Eververse store. Players can purchase them using either Bright Dust or Silver.
Festival of the Lost 2025 Titan Armor: the Slasher
The Titan vote was the closest this year, with just 53% of players opting for the winning design. Titans will get the Jason-inspired Slasher set, featuring a menacing hockey mask, chains, and rugged armor styled after the iconic horror character. This spine-tingling armor is perfect for Titans ready to bring fear to their foes.
Festival of the Lost 2025 Hunter Armor: the Specter
Hunters showed a slightly clearer preference, with 57% of the vote going to the haunting Specter set. This design channels the eerie vibe of a ghostly zombie bride, complete with a tattered wedding dress, thorned roses, and a skull for a face. Hunters can look forward to turning the Tower into their haunted chapel this Festival of the Lost.
Out of all the skins, this one is met with the most disappointment by the community. Many wanted another skin to win and consider this skin a bad choice. And while the skin vote for Titan was also close it is met with less backlash as players considered both choices good enough.
Festival of the Lost 2025 Warlock Armor: the Specter
Warlocks made their choice loud and clear, as a staggering 73% voted for the Slenderman-like Specter armor. This unnerving set features a sleek black suit, a blank ghostly face, and unsettling tentacle-like appendages sprouting from the back. It’s the ultimate choice for those who want to embody pure nightmare fuel.
Runner-Up Designs will still make their debut
Even if your favorite didn’t win, there’s good news. Bungie confirmed that the runner-up designs will also be added to the game between the 2025 and 2026 Festival of the Lost events.
With so many incredible options, every Guardian will have a chance to find a look that suits their spooky style.
What do you think of the winning designs? Share your thoughts and let us know which armor set you’re most excited to wear this Halloween season!