The biggest Titan changes in Destiny 2 Episode: Revenant

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Destiny 2 Titan changes are coming, and they will blow the minds of Titan mains!

Titan Changes in Episode Revenant

During Episode: Echoes, the developers promised to reevaluate the Titan class, giving it various buffs or reworks to its core mechanics. In today’s TWID, we finally learned what changes will be made and when to expect them.

General Titan changes in Destiny 2

The most significant buff is the change to Titan Barricade. Now, it will taunt enemies in front of it, protecting Guardians from enemy fire. Additionally, non-boss combatants will deal 50% less damage to the Barricade, and the splash-damage reduction from combatants for players behind the Barricade has been increased from 20% to 60%.

Another major change is a new Exclusive Titan Feature, which increases Unpowered Melee damage by 20% against PvE combatants and 5% against players. A nice bonus is the increased stun multiplier, which can be helpful in many situations.

Titan abilities changes in Destiny 2

Along with these excellent bonuses, the developers also buffed several Titan Abilities, including some Supers. The biggest buff went to the Unbreakable Aspect, introduced in The Final Shape. Now, damage blocked by it will generate grenade energy, and the maximum duration of the shield has been increased. Additionally, the Void Overshield, which can be gained through Unbreakable, has also been buffed, but we’ll cover that later.

Other Abilities also received significant changes. For example, slamming a Diamond Lance will grant you and nearby allies two stacks of Frost Armor, and Knockout Melee takedowns now cancel health and shield stun. Shiver Strike (Stasis Melee) received a lot of good changes, making it more relevant in PvE. In the next Episode, it will attach a Stasis explosive to the target on impact, refund 80% melee energy on whiff, and have a 12.5% increase in energy recharge rate. However, there’s a nerf for PvP — after landing a Shiver Strike attack, the attacker’s melee ability will be suppressed for 0.5 seconds.

Some Super Abilities were also changed, and the most notable is the Thundercrash Buff, which will deal 33% more damage. During Glacial Quake, you’ll be able to use Howl of the Storm Aspect again. Twilight Arsenal will have improved tracking and relic weapon damage vs combatants by 23%, and Fist of Havoc gained a bit more damage resistance and better tracking.

Other abilities buffs

Let’s wrap up with other changes that may pleasantly surprise you:

The developers also teased a mid-season patch that will increase roaming Super uptime.

Final words

So, what do you think about these changes? Are you happy for Titans, and do you expect Hunters with Warlocks to do something like this in the future? Tell us in the comments below!

Also, if you missed other changes that Bungie revealed in the same TWID, check them out in the rewards changes in the Episode Echoes article.

Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.

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Owl Guy
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