Dealing with LoL Rank Toxicity: Riot’s New ‘Remedial’ System

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Dealing with LoL Rank Toxicity: Riot's New 'Remedial' System

Recently, Riot Games has rolled out a new “remedial” system. The goal is to address and reform players displaying poor conduct in ranked games. 

Over the years, League of Legends (LoL) has been plagued by ongoing issues of toxic behavior among its player base during matches. Riot has made numerous attempts to address this problem in the hope of curbing the toxicity. Regrettably, none of these measures have proven wholly effective so far.

If a player’s account is marked with penalties—for example, for being AFK, badmouthing teammates, trolling, or inting—they can easily switch to another account. This allows them to continue queuing for matches and, unfortunately, continue ruining the game for many others. And once the punishing timer on their main account wears off, they are back into the fray, spreading their toxicity.

And so, they have devised a new solution to tackle this challenge: the remedial system. This system will debut with Patch 13.19 on September 26, 2023. It will enforce stricter consequences and discourage account swapping. 

Players who display unsportsmanlike conduct will now face a new kind of penalties. They will need to participate in normal matches and play until the end with good behavior. Be it ARAM, Blind Pick, Draft Pick, or the Rotating Game Mode, they will need to keep a civil tongue in their head. Thus, they won’t be able to take part in ranked games until they demonstrate improved behavior

The majority of the player base appreciates these efforts to create a healthier environment for all to enjoy. However, there are concerns about potential negative effects on innocent players who seek enjoyment in casual matches. Some just don’t like the competition in ranking. And now, because of that, they have to spend time with toxic individuals for no reason.

In addition, Riot has yet to clarify how they intend to address situations where players are marked as AFK due to external factors. For example, sudden instability in their internet connection leads to an unintended disconnection from the game.

We will have to wait and see how this will affect the grand picture of League.

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