Zekvir’s reward once a week: New questionable hotfixes

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Recently, Blizzard announced new hotfixes. Now, players will only get rewards from Zekvir’s lair once a week.

Zekvir’s reward once a week: New questionable hotfixes

Blizzard just confirmed upcoming hotfixes. They made an extensive list of changes, but most players focused on the Zekvir’s Lair nerfs. M+ experience has not been nice for most of the player base recently. Many people moved to Delves farming instead of Mythic plus runs. We took a closer look at M+ situation in our M+ is too hard: Why Mythic+ dungeons suck in The War Within article. New nerfs to Zekvir’s Delve looked like a forced recruitment of people toward Mythic+. Let’s dive into this theme and discuss new hotfixes.

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Zekvir’s Lair nerf and other hotfixes

Blizzard published a list of many hotfixes to be added to the game. This list contained bug fixes and tuning to the Nerub’ar Palace raid. But most importantly, they mentioned that Zekvir’s Lair Delve would only reward players with Valorstones and Crests for completion once a week. This change is an unconditional Zekvir’s Delve nerf, leaving most players speechless.

How Zekvir’s nerf affects players

Previously, many players tended to farm this Delve to get Valorstones and Crests. This was not an exploit-like way to progress by upgrading your gear, as most players chose this activity as an alternative to other ways to obtain this currency. Many people enjoyed farming their progress by doing Delves runs at their own pace, including Zekvir’s Delve. But now, gaining Crests and Valorstones from Zekvir’s Lair is just a bonus and not an efficient option.

Community opinion

Based on the comments across social media platforms, the community is almost unanimously against this nerf. This move from the developers looks like an impudent attempt to make more players consider M+ runs. But the community is outrageous with this idea. Some people criticize Blizard for nerfing the only somewhat enjoyable way to progress instead of fixing the existing issue with other end-game activities. Last time, Blizzard did a similar strong nerf, deleting Zekvir’s Lair Delve from Great Vault’s progress. Such a repetition of the same mistake just added fuel to the fire.

Last thoughts

This nerf is an unpleasant turn of events for most of the players. The main issue for most of the player base is not Zekvir’s nerf itself. The problem is that Blizzard does not admit the current problem with more players moving to Delves instead of M+ runs. Players feel forced out of other activities, and no alternative is left.

What do you think about this Zekvir’s Lair nerf? Did you use this Delve as a source of Valorstones or Crests? Let us know your opinion in the comments!

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