WoW 11.0 New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

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WoW New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

A WoW new expansion leak about the forthcoming continent of Avaloren has set the gaming world on fire. 

With BlizzCon 2023 just around the corner, the gaming community is abuzz with eager anticipation. The promise of revelations about the future of their cherished game looms large. However, right now, the anticipation has surged to a fever pitch. 

An anonymous user has dropped a bombshell with a series of four images shared on MMO-Champion and Reddit. They claim these snapshots originate from the upcoming WoW continent, Avaloren. With diverse landscapes of lush jungles and snow-covered mountains, it features a host of iconic races. Among them are the Harpies, Earthen, and even the elusive Briarhorn.

As with every other leak, the illustrations’ resolution is really low. However, eagle-eyed fans are still able to spot many fascinating details that were introduced into the game recently. From critters to birds and objects, it’s certain that they all belong to the magical World of Warcraft. Exuding the essence of WoW, these screenshots bear the resemblance to every new location that has appeared in the game thus far. It’s fresh and new, yet the sense of familiarity is comforting. Other than that, the content showcased in these illustrations has a high level of quality. So, they are highly unlikely to be the product of AI

In one of these images, fans have spotted a creature resembling the Briarhorn Hatchling from the Caverns of Time. Its model is named “TitanUtopiaPet.” Other than that, there’s also an adult version of it. However, the model for a grown-up Briarhorn is absent in the current game. Some players also noted that the landscape captured in this particular screenshot bears a striking resemblance to the Titans’ Utopia.

WoW 11.0 New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

Moving on, we have some enigmatic pillars. They have the same appearance as the decorative elements showcased at BlizzCon 2023’s Warcraft Hall. However, the community agreed that these structures don’t seem like they belong to the new expansion. Rather, they mirror those found within the Caverns of Time.” 

WoW 11.0 New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

In this screenshot is a massive bird statue reminiscent of the one found in Hinterlands.

WoW 11.0 New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

Furthermore, we have a dwarf brandishing an axe and a hammer, similar to that seen in Stormheim

WoW 11.0 New Expansion Leak: Avaloren

While they aren’t exact copies of one another, they certainly give fans some food for thought. 

Of course, it’s impossible to say the leak is 100% accurate. Arguments both endorsing and questioning its authenticity continue to fuel discussions. At the moment of writing, the community has yet to reach a definitive answer. Nevertheless, one undeniable fact remains. The work is masterfully crafted. It boasts a plethora of distinctive models, objects, and textures, which appear to exceed the typical scope of a fan-made endeavor. But whether it’s true or not, we will find out when BlizzCon 2023 arrives in a week

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Pet Battlesays:

Avaloren has been mentioned for a while. Any continent on the other side of Azeroth is welcomed.