This Love is in the Air Earthen bug makes players lose Love Tokens

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Players are massively reporting WoW Valentines Day Earthen bug that makes them lose Love Tokens. Read the article to learn more!

This Valentine's Day Earthen bug makes players lose Love Tokens

Love is in the Air event has finally started, and players are farming Love Tokens and completing achievements at full pace. However, this is the first Valentine’s Day event in The War Within expansion, meaning it is the first for the Earthen race to participate in. This is where troubles nobody expected started appearing. Without further ado, let’s discuss this new Love is in the Air Earthen bug!

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During the event, players can farm Love Tokens by completing various event-related quests. One of the daily quests, Loving Yourself, Your Way quest, requires the player to consume at least five love-themed treats or chocolates. This is where some people face a heart-breaking truth: Earthen can not only eat, they can not eat treats. Reddit user ImWhiteTrash was one of the first ones to report this problem to the community:

Love is in the Air Earthen bug

One of the Earthen race’s abilities is Ingest Minerals skill. It makes them always Well-Fed and lets them consume minerals to gain extra stats as their ”meal” buff. However, this ability prohibits Earthen from digesting any normal food, including treats and chocolates from Love is in the Air event. Since players who faced this Earthen bug had to miss this daily quest, they lost and will lose at least 10 Love Tokens each day with this bug remaining. 

Final thoughts

Despite this Love is in the Air Earthen bug being quite logical, we are sure Blizzard will soon release a fix to this issue. We might even get new Earhten-special love-themed gems for this race to have a crunch with during the event. If you want to learn more about this event and farm Love Tokens most efficiently, read our Love is in the Air guide. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

What do you think about this Love is in the Air Earthen food bug? Do you think this race was intended to skip this daily quest? Let us know in the comments below!

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