The War Within Mining guide 1–100: Level up fast
Welcome to our ultimate The War Within Mining guide for leveling up from 1 to 100 in the most efficient way possible.

Table of Contents
- Why should you choose Mining as your profession?
- What is the best combo with Mining in WoW?
- The War Within Mining specializations
- The War Within Mining trainer
- Overloading Empowered Ores
- The War Within Mining guide: Leveling
- The War Within Mining leveling routes
- Darkmoon Faire
- Conclusion for The War Within Mining guide
Alongside this Mining guide, we’ve created a dedicated article covering all 11 primary professions. Inside, we highlight Blizzard’s changes in The War Within professions and provide a user-friendly list for quick access to the information you need. Be sure to check it out:
Why should you choose Mining as your profession?
In The War Within, Mining is still a good way to make gold without needing to craft anything. Blacksmiths, Jewelcrafters, and Engineers require large amounts of ore. Additionally, side materials like Writhing Samples and Crystalline Powder from Mining are valuable too.
Aside from that, all mines have a chance to drop Imperfect Null Stones as a rare bonus item. You can combine these to create a Null Stone, a valuable reagent used in various professions like Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Engineering, and Tailoring. Be sure to keep a few, as they’re also needed for one of the Mining weekly quests.
What is the best combo with Mining in WoW?
Mining lets you collect ore and other resources directly from the environment. Paired with Blacksmithing, you can use these materials to craft weapons, armor, and other items. This not only makes you self-sufficient but also saves you gold that you’d otherwise spend on buying materials, especially if you plan to craft high-end gear regularly.
Besides, any excess ores and bars can be sold at the Auction House for extra income, which can be especially lucrative during the early phases of a new expansion or patch when the demand for certain crafting materials is high. With Blacksmithing, you can also create powerful gear for yourself and others, particularly benefiting melee classes like Warriors or Paladins. Plus, this gives you an edge in PvE and PvP content, reducing your reliance on random drops and the market.
The War Within Mining specializations
When you reach level 25, you’ll unlock Mining specializations. There’s no rush to spend your points immediately, but make sure to choose Mining Fundamentals as your first specialization. This will give you a passive ability to restore 1 Vigor when gathering ores, making it easier to keep your Dragonriding mount active.
You’ll eventually unlock all three specializations, so your initial choice isn’t critical. It takes 50 skill points to unlock the second specialization and 75 for the third.
However, be cautious with how you spend your Mining knowledge points. Don’t spend them too quickly unless you have a clear plan in mind. Knowledge points are limited and valuable, so you’ll always want more. You can keep leveling Mining and decide how to use your knowledge points later.
Plethora of Ore
Plethora of Ore is your go-to for boosting your Mining skill. For just 50 points, the center node gives you a +85 skill increase for all mining nodes, plus +45 Deftness, +105 Finesse, and +60 Perception for every node you gather. It’s the best use of your knowledge points and provides a solid boost no matter what you’re mining.
Mining Fundamentals
Mining Fundamentals grants +225 Finesse, +195 Deftness, +180 Perception, and +20 skill for all ores you gather. It also allows mounted gathering after investing 60 points. While mounted gathering is convenient, the extra Null Stone from Plethora of Ore is more valuable in our opinion. We’d only suggest focusing on Mining Fundamentals first if you can’t go without mounted gathering. If you’re playing as a Druid, your instant mount casting through flight form makes maxing out this specialization less of a priority.
The best perk from this specialization is the passive ability to regain 1 Vigor from gathering ores. You don’t need to spend any points to get this bonus — it’s unlocked just by selecting the specialization. This makes Mining Fundamentals a must for your first choice, as the Vigor boost is crucial for reducing downtime. Without it, you’ll often find yourself grounded, waiting for Vigor to recover.
Mastering the Mysterious
Mastering the Mysterious grants +45 skill for gathering Empowered mining deposits and slightly reduces the cooldown of your overload ability. Once you’ve invested 45 points, you’ll also get an additional charge for Overload Empowered Deposit.
The cooldown reduction is small, dropping from 30 to 34 minutes, so you’ll need to mine 21 ores instead of 24 to reset it fully. The main benefit is the extra overload charge, allowing you more time to search for valuable elemental deposits without worrying too much about cooldown time.
The War Within Mining trainer
You can learn Khaz Algar Mining in a few ways. If you were a Miner in Dragonflight and continued the profession into The War Within, you can learn it right away by harvesting any mining node in Khaz Algar. Alternatively, you can learn it from one of these trainers:
- Tarib in Dornogal, located at [46.9, 22.5]
- Shardgar in Freywold Village on the Isle of Dorn, at [41.4, 74.0]
- Drampert Avirex in Hallowfall, Mereldar, at [43, 56]
- Mintine the Tireless in the City of Threads, Azj’Kahet, at [46.9, 22.5]
Overloading Empowered Ores
After mining Empowered Ore for the first time, you’ll unlock the Overload Empowered Deposit ability. Be sure to place it on your action bar since you’ll use it often. Activating this ability near an Empowered Ore gives you extra rewards. It has a 12-hour cooldown, which is reduced by 30 minutes each time you gather ores native to Khaz Algar. The table below shows what you can get from overloading each ore.
Type | Overloading |
Crystallized | Creates a portal that sends you to another nearby ore. |
EZ-Mine Nodes | Creates several small mining nodes around the large EZ-Mine node. You’ll have about 10 seconds to mine as much as possible before you need to escape, or you’ll be caught in an explosion. |
Webbed | Creates a bunch of small spiders that you can step on to get some Weavercloth. |
Weeping | Overloading these ores will summon a powerful mob. If your gear isn’t great or you’re leveling an alt, you might need to use some cooldowns. The mob will drop extra Writhing Samples. Make sure to loot the ore before overloading, as it will disappear afterward, and you won’t be able to mine it again. |
The War Within Mining guide: Leveling
Leveling Mining in The War Within is slower than in past expansions because regular nodes stop giving skill points quickly. To progress, you’ll need to focus on rare nodes. If you’re lucky and there’s little competition, you can probably reach level 100 in 2-3 hours.
1 – 70
From levels 1 to 70, you’ll gain skill points from almost everything, so you’ll level up quickly. Bismuth stops giving skill points around level 40, but Ironclaw and Aqirite keep providing them up to level 70.
70 – 90
Once you reach skill level 70, only the Empowered, Camouflaged, and Rich Aqirite and Ironclaw nodes will give you skill points. These nodes appear randomly instead of regular ores, so there isn’t a specific farming route to follow.
90 – 100
You can only earn skill points by mining Empowered and Camouflaged Aqirite and Ironclaw nodes.
The War Within Mining leveling routes
Before you start leveling Mining, make sure to get a Phial of Truesight. This item lets you see hidden Mining and Herbalism nodes and gives you a Perception boost. These hidden nodes are common, so you’ll likely find about 20% more than someone not using the Phial. Always use one when farming ores. The quality of the Phial doesn’t matter much — a Quality 1 works fine. Higher quality just increases your Perception a bit more.
The following routes are flexible because Mining nodes are spread out, so you can easily stray from the main path and still find plenty to mine. Plus, they work well for dual gatherers, which is handy.
The Isle of Dorn

All three routes are great for farming ores, so we’d recommend trying each to find what works best for you. Route 1 is the most relaxed, as it just loops around the edge of the map. Route 2 is the shortest, while Route 3 is a longer version of Route 2 if there’s too much competition.
The Ringing Deeps

This route is simple and covers most of the area in a loop. If you want, you can split it in half and only explore one side. Just note that there are more mobs here than on the Isle of Dorn, so you may need to fight some along the way.

Route 1 is shorter, but Route 2 covers more of the area. We’d recommend avoiding the area leading to Hallowfall — it’s tricky with all the vertical movement, making nodes hard to find. However, the upside is that you might encounter less competition there.

Here’s a more efficient farming route in Hallowfall. Instead of flying between the northern islands, which can waste time, stick to this single route.
Darkmoon Faire
When the Darkmoon Faire is active, you can earn 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points by completing Rinling‘s short quest, “Rearm, Reuse, Recycle.” It’s best to save this quest for later to maximize the value of the skill points.
Conclusion for The War Within Mining guide
We hope this The War Within Mining guide has been helpful to you. A special thanks to WoW-professions for their valuable resources. May your Mining adventures bring you continued joy in your travels in the new expansion!