Hunter BiS The War Within: Marksmanship, Survival, Beast Mastery

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We have prepared a Hunter BiS The War Within Season 1 for all three specs: Marksmanship, Survival, and Beast Mastery, just for you!

Hunter BiS The War Within: Marksmanship, Survival, Beast Mastery

Gear plays a critical role in your World of Warcraft journey. You can acquire your equipment from various sources such as raids, dungeons, PvE, PvP activities, and more. However, not all gear qualifies as Best-in-Slot (BiS), the top-tier equipment that can significantly enhance your power. So, to help you become the most powerful Hunter in Azeroth and beyond, WowVendor has compiled a BiS list for all three Hunter specializations: Marksmanship, Survival, and Beast Mastery.

Please note that this list focuses solely on gearenchants, and gems. We won’t be discussing talents, rotations, or stats here. Also, if you play other classes, the article below includes links to the rest of the BiS class guides tailored just for you. Be sure to check it out:

Best Crafted Gear and Embellishments

This section covers the best-crafted gear and embellishments for all specs in The War Within Season 1. While crafted gear boosts your character and can be made via crafting orders using Sparks of Omensembellishments are unique enhancements that come built-in or can be added to this crafted gear, providing extra effects beyond the regular stats. Remember, you can only wear two pieces of gear with embellishments at once, as noted by the “Unique-Equipped: Embellished (2)” tag.

SpecializationBest Crafted GearBest Embellishments
Beast Mastery HunterGlyph-Etched Vambraces, Glyph-Etched GauntletsDawnthread Lining, Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension, Elemental Focusing Lens
Marksmanship HunterP.0.W. x2, Consecrated Cloak, Glyph-Etched VambracesDawnthread Lining, Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension (Raid), Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity (M+)
Survival HunterCharged Halberd, Consecrated CloakDarkmoon Sigil: Ascension, Writhing Armor Banding, Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity

Beast Mastery Hunter BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Beast Mastery Hunter BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Beast Mastery Hunter BiS from Nerub’ar Palace

Below is the best gear for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Quick Ruby, Masterful Ruby, Deadly Emerald, Masterful Emerald, Deadly Emerald, Quick Onyx, or Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
NeckSureki Zealot’s InsigniaSikran
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
CloakWings of Shattered SorrowRasha’nanEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
GlovesClutches of ParanoiaQueen Ansurek
BeltLightless Scavenger’s BonegirdleCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsLightless Scavenger’s FootpadsCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
Ring 1Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
Ring 2Key to the UnseemingThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Ring – Cursed Haste
Trinket 1Mad Queen’s MandateQueen Ansurek
Trinket 2Void Reaper’s ContractNexus-Princess Ky’veza
WeaponShade-Touched SilencerNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

Beast Mastery Hunter BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Quick Ruby, Masterful Ruby, Deadly Emerald, Masterful Emerald, Deadly Emerald, Quick Onyx, or Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst or Great Vault
NeckTrailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst or Great Vault
CloakLightless Scavenger’s HideCatalyst or Great VaultEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristPenumbral RimeguardsCity of ThreadsEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
GlovesCorpseleecher GripsThe Stonevault
BeltReinforced Anti-Intruder ChainmailThe Stonevault
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsSure-Foot SabatonsSiege of BoralusEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
Ring 1Devout Zealot’s RingThe DawnbreakerEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
Ring 2Seal of the City WatchSiege of BoralusEnchant Ring – Cursed Haste
Trinket 1Skardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
Trinket 2Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WeaponRecurved Hull ImpalerThe DawnbreakerEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

Beast Mastery Hunter BiS in general

Below is the best gear for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within overall, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Quick Ruby, Masterful Ruby, Deadly Emerald, Masterful Emerald, Deadly Emerald, Quick Onyx, or Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
Neck (Raiding)Sureki Zealot’s InsigniaSikran
Neck (Mythic+)Trailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
Cloak (Raiding)Wings of Shattered SorrowRasha’nanEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
Cloak (Mythic+)Royal Emblem of Nerub-arUlgrax the DevourerEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristGlyph-Etched VambracesKhaz Algar Leatherworking (100)Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Avoidance
GlovesGlyph-Etched GauntletsKhaz Algar Leatherworking (100)
Belt (Raiding)Lightless Scavenger’s BonegirdleCatalyst, Raid, Great Vault
Belt (Mythic+)Reinforced Anti-Intruder ChainmailThe Stonevault
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
Boots (Raiding)Lightless Scavenger’s FootpadsCatalyst, Raid, Great VaultEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
Boots (Mythic+)Sure-Foot SabatonsSiege of BoralusEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
Ring 1Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Haste
Ring 2 (Raiding)Key to the UnseemingThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Ring – Cursed Haste
Ring 2 (Mythic+)Writhing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’naxEnchant Ring – Cursed Haste
Trinket 1Skardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
Trinket 2Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Weapon (Raiding)Shade-Touched SilencerNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths
Weapon (Mythic+)Splintershot SilkbowSikranEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

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Survival Hunter BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Survival Hunter BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Survival Hunter BiS from Nerub’ar Palace

Below is the best gear for Survival Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful RubyMasterful Emerald, and Masterful Sapphire  while using Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckSilken Advisor’s FavorAnub’arash
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
CloakRoyal Emblem of Nerub-arUlgrax the DevourerEnchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristLightless Scavenger’s WristguardsCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesClutches of ParanoiaQueen Ansurek
BeltAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Mastery
RingWrithing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’nax
TrinketSikran’s Endless ArsenalSikran
TrinketVoid Reaper’s ContractNexus-Princess Ky’veza
WeaponSpire of Transfused HorrorsBroodtwister Ovi’naxEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

Survival Hunter BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Survival Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful RubyMasterful Emerald, and Masterful Sapphire  while using Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst or Great Vault
NeckTrailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst or Great Vault
CloakTroggstitched DrapeGrim BatolEnchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristPenumbral RimeguardsCity of ThreadsEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesClaws of Tainted IchorAra-Kara, City of Echoes
BeltCinch of Lingering InfluenceCity of Threads
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsSure-Foot SabatonsSiege of BoralusEnchant Boots – Defender’s March
RingSeal of the City WatchSiege of BoralusEnchant Ring – Radiant Mastery
RingHigh Nerubian SignetThe Dawnbreaker
TrinketSkardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
TrinketDead-Eye SpyglassSiege of Boralus
WeaponHarvester’s InterdictionAra-Kara, City of EchoesEnchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

Survival Hunter BiS in general

Below is the best gear for Survival Hunter in The War Within overall, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful RubyMasterful Emerald, and Masterful Sapphire  while using Deadly Onyx in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckTrailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
CloakConsecrated CloakKhaz Algar Tailoring (100)Enchant Cloak – Chant of Leeching Fangs
ChestGoresplattered MembraneThe Bloodbound HorrorEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
Wrist (Raiding)Lightless Scavenger’s WristguardsCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
Wrist (Mythic+)Ky’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesLightless Scavenger’s MittsCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BeltAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
Boots (Raiding)Defiance Crusher’s SabatonsThe Dawnbreaker
Boots (Mythic+)Rasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nan
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Mastery
RingWrithing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’nax
TrinketSkardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
Trinket (Raiding)Dead-Eye SpyglassSiege of Boralus
Trinket (Mythic+)Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WeaponCharged HalberdKhaz Algar Blacksmithing (100)Enchant Weapon – Authority of the Depths

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Marksmanship Hunter BiS The War Within

You’ll find three lists here: Marksmanship Hunter BiS from the Nerub’ar raid, Mythic+, and an overall best-in-slot list.

Marksmanship Hunter BiS from Nerub’ar Palace

Below is the best gear for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Nerub’ar Palace, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadLightless Scavenger’s SkullCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
NeckLocket of Broken MemoriesRasha’nan
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyRasha’nan
CloakWings of Shattered SorrowRasha’nanEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristKy’veza’s Covert ClaspsNexus-Princess Ky’vezaEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesLightless Scavenger’s MittsCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BeltAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLiquified Defector’s LeggingsQueen AnsurekStormbound Armor Kit
BootsRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Scout’s March
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingWrithing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi’nax
TrinketVoid Reaper’s ContractNexus-Princess Ky’veza
TrinketMad Queen’s MandateQueen Ansurek
WeaponSplintershot SilkbowSikranEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power

Marksmanship Hunter BiS from Mythic+

Below is the best gear for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within that you can find in Mythic+, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadRattling Deadeye HoodThe Necrotic Wake
NeckTrailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst or Great Vault
CloakTroggstitched DrapeGrim BatolEnchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestVesture of the Smoldering SerpentCatalyst or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristPenumbral RimeguardsCity of ThreadsEnchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesLightless Scavenger’s MittsCatalyst or Great Vault
BeltAnchor Chain GirdleSiege of Boralus
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsRed Scale BootsGrim BatolEnchant Boots – Scout’s March
RingDevout Zealot’s RingThe DawnbreakerEnchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingSeal of the City WatchSiege of Boralus
TrinketSkardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
Trinket 2 (Raiding)Empowering Crystal of Anub’ikkajThe Dawnbreaker
Trinket 2 (Mythic+)Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
WeaponAugmented Refractor CannonThe StonevaultEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power

Marksmanship Hunter BiS in general

Below is the best gear for Marksmanship Hunter in The War Within overall, including items, slots, sources, and enchants. As for gems, we recommend using Culminating Blasphemite as your Algari Diamond and Masterful Ruby in all other sockets.

HeadRattling Deadeye HoodThe Necrotic Wake
NeckLocket of Broken MemoriesRasha’nan
ShouldersLightless Scavenger’s TaxidermyCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
CloakConsecrated CloakKhaz Algar Tailoring (100)Enchant Cloak – Chant of Winged Grace
ChestLightless Scavenger’s TunicCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultEnchant Chest – Crystalline Radiance
WristGlyph-Etched VambracesKhaz Algar Leatherworking (100)Enchant Bracer – Chant of Armored Leech
GlovesLightless Scavenger’s MittsCatalyst, Raid, or Great Vault
BeltAccelerated Ascension CoilBroodtwister Ovi’nax
LegsLightless Scavenger’s StalkingsCatalyst, Raid, or Great VaultStormbound Armor Kit
BootsRasha’nan’s Grotesque TalonsRasha’nanEnchant Boots – Scout’s March
RingSeal of the Poisoned PactQueen AnsurekEnchant Ring – Radiant Critical Strike
RingSeal of the City WatchSiege of Boralus
Trinket 1 (Raiding)Mad Queen’s MandateSiege of Boralus
Trinket 1 (Mythic+)Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Trinket 2Skardyn’s GraceGrim Batol
WeaponSplintershot SilkbowSikranEnchant Weapon – Authority of Radiant Power


And with that, it’s time to wrap up our Hunter BiS guide for The War Within across all three specs. Let us know if these lists have helped you on your adventures in Azeroth and happy gaming!

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