Nerub’ar Palace raid guide: Boss fight tips and strategies

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We prepared every boss in the Nerub’ar Palace raid guide for you. We also added some tips so that your raiding experience would be better.

Nerub'ar Palace raid guide

The War Within season 1 finally started, and you might need to quickly check tactics and mechanics for Nerub’ar Palace raid bosses. We want to assist you on your journey to conquer this new raid, so we prepared a guide including every boss from it.

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Ulgrax Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Ulgrax fight is concentrated on single target damage. Use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. Ulgrax has two phases

First phase

During the first phase, he uses the following abilities: Stalker’s Webbing, Carnivorous Contest, and Brutal Crush. After using Stalker’s Webbing. Ulgrax unleashes a barrage of webs and creates hazardous areas. Upon touching the webbed area, the player will be rooted for 8 seconds, which can end fatally. In order to remove these webbed areas, players need to bring Digestive Acid debuff area to these spots. When Digestive Acid expires, webs will vanish. 

Upon using Carnivorous Contest, Ulgrax will start pulling everything in front of him towards his mouth. Players need to get together in the spell area to divide the pulling strength so that nobody ends up in Ulgrax’s grasp. But be careful not to get too close to the boss

Ulgrax also has a Tank Combo you need to know about. When he uses Brutal Crush on the current tank, Tenderized effect is applied. Due to Tenderized, all received healing is reduced with each stack. We advise changing agro after every Brutal Crush use so that Healers don’t struggle to maintain tanks’ health bars at a high level. 

Second phase

Once Ulgrax reaches 0 Energy, he enters the second phase. During this phase, he will cast Ready to Feed and summon Ravenous Spawns that players need to kill. During this Feeding Frenzy, Ulgrax received damage is reduced by 99%, so you will need to perform the following mechanics. Upon killing adds, players need to pick up Chunky Viscera left from mobs and bring them to the boss. Use your Extra Action Button to feed Ulgrax and increase his Energy level. This phase is followed by an increasing AoE damage to all players and Juggernaut Charges across the whole boss arena. Dodge Juggernaut Charge and feed Ulgrax to return him to his first phase and continue damaging him. 

Repeat these phases until he is defeated.

The Bloodbound Horror Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Bloodbound Horror fight has no extra phases, and the fight against it is primarily concentrated on single target damage and prioritizing adds when needed. This encounter requires your raid to split into two groups. Soon, we will explain why. Use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. 

During this fight, adds will appear from the same two spawn locations. These adds must be killed but can only be battled by players in some sort of a Shadow Realm. In order to let the whole raid get into this state, players must split into two groups. When casting Gruesome Disgorge, The Bloodbound Horror will blast anyone in the cone in front of him and send them to The Unseeming state for 40 seconds. This is just what we want. But casts of Gruesome Disgorge happen more often than 40 seconds and will likely kill people if they get hit by it twice in a row due to Unseeming Blight. So, every group has to soak it one by one

During The Unseeming event, Lost Watchers and Forgotten Harbingers will appear. Tanks should get Lost Watchersagro. From time to time, they will start casting Black Bulwark. This spell must be interrupted in any case scenario. When Forgotten Harbingers appear, they will start spam-casting Manifest Horror. Players have to defeat Forgotten Harbingers ASAP, but Blood Horrors from their cast must be eliminated before they get to the boss. Otherwise, the raid will suffer serious damage and likely be wiped. On Heroic difficulty, players will also face Spewing Hemorrhage. Two geysers will appear on sides of the boss and will rotate anti-clockwise. Raid should dodge these geysers and position the boss the way adds can be killed before players are zoned away from them. 

Sometimes, The Bloodbound Horror will also use Grasp From Beyond. This spell will debuff a few players at a time and make them grow tentacles at their location every second of the debuff duration. Players affected by Grasp From Beyond should drop these tentacles by Slutter-stepping further from the raid and be careful not to get hit by an eruption that will appear after 3 seconds of tentacle life. 

The Bloodbound Horror will also use Goresplatter. During this time, a massive AoE zone will appear. Players have to leave it before it is cast. Otherwise, they will immediately die.

Sikran Nerub’ar Palace raid guide


Sikran fight has no extra phases, and the fight against him is primarily concentrated on single target damage. You can use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. 

Sikran will cast Phase Blades from time to time. He will dash to four targeted players in order, damaging them and everything on his way. Targeted players will leave Cosmic Simulacrums upon being hit. On Heroic difficulty, any other player on the Sikran’s way will drop Cosmic Simulacrum as well. The pattern of Sikran’s dashes can be seen in purple lines. Targeted players have to move out from the raid and form a rectangle. This way, none of them will get hit more than once. After Phase Blades cast, the boss will use Decimate upon three players. That means that Sikran will fire them from his weapon, destroying any Cosmic Simulacrums on the line. Upon destroying, Cosmic Simulacrum will deal an AoE damage and leave a DoT on all players. So, the raid should aim Decimate against 1-2 Cosmic Simulacrums at once.

After two Phase Blades and two Decimate casts, Sikran will use Shattering Sweep. Players should get out of the zone and might need to use their defensives. Any left Cosmic Simulacrums will explode with extra damage. So be sure not to fail during Decimate event too much, or the raid will wipe.

Sikran also has a decent Tank Combo. It consists of two Expose and one Phase Lunge casts. The first Tank has to soak both Expose casts, and the second Tank has to taunt swap just before the boss uses Phase Lunge. Don’t hesitate to use defensives during this Tank Combo. It is very strong and can eliminate one of the Tanks if not handled correctly.

Rasha’nan Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Rasha’nan fight has no extra phases, and the fight against him is primarily concentrated on single target damage and periodic AoE bursts against adds. You can use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. 

From time to time, Rasha’nan will cast Rollong Acid. Two random players will get an animation that shows the direction of the acid wave that will appear after a few seconds. One of the players has to move to the right of the raid and one — to the left, depending on their waves’ directions. Make sure that none of these waves travels through the raid.

Rasha’nan will also use Spinneret’s Strands. Rasha’nan will choose a few random players and drop webs on them after a few seconds. These players have to get out of the group so that these web puddles don’t bother other people in the raid. After dropping a web zone, players will be tethered to its center and need to run away in order to free themselves. But snapping each web will cause Spinneret’s Websnap damage to the whole raid, so it is very important not to tear them all at once. On Heroic difficulty, any other player hit by the main puddle drop will also get tethered, so be careful not to trap anyone else.

Sometimes, Rasha’nan casts Infested Spawn, marking some players. Soon after this, some adds will appear in these players’ locations. This means that marked people must move into melee to quickly Crowd Control (CC) and kill adds. On Heroic difficulty, they will also erupt and deal AoE damage to anyone close. So be careful not to overlap with your raid mates. 

Rasha’nan will sometimes fly away to a different part of the arena and start casting Acidic Eruption. Be sure to follow him and interrupt it. Otherwise, the raid will be wiped.

During this fight, Rasha’nan will perform a Tank Combo. He will use Savage Assault twice. Each Tank can only handle one cast. So make sure you taunt swap after every Savage Assault. As always, don’t hesitate to use defensives, as DoTs from this spell are very heavy.

On Heroic difficulty, Rasha’nan will pull players towards her with Web Reave. The pull strength is divided by all targets affected by this ability. So, make sure the raid is sharing it. If three or fewer people soak Web Reave — they will get pulled off the edge of the arena and surely die.

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Ovi’nax Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Ovi’nax fight has no extra phases, and the fight against him is primarily concentrated on single target damage, but you need to pay a lot of attention to adds. You can use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. 

Ovi’nax’s Arena has three sections. Each section has its own dominating type of eggs that will hatch during the fight. At the start of the fight, Ovi’nax will use Ingest Black Blood and activate the closest section. After this, Sanguine Overflow starts to spread from edges of the Arena. It will make eggs actively hatch and mutate. During Sanguine Overflow hatching process, the raid will receive very serious damage, so it is important not to let this Black Blood spread on unhatched eggs. Once one section is fully covered with Sanguine Overflow, the next closest one starts to fill up, hatch, and mutate. For a better fight, we recommend moving from the section with Colossal Eggs to the Squirming Eggs section and reaching Clusters section afterward. 

Let’s discuss the types of eggs and the enemies that hatch from them. Colossal Eggs will hatch into Colossal Spiders, and tanks must keep their agro. Colossal Spiders use Vicious Bite. Vicious Bite damage increases by 25% after every cast. So be sure to kill these adds ASAP. Otherwise, they can kill your Tank with one bite. Once Mutation: Necrotic impacts them — they gain more health and reduce your Tank healing.

Squirming Eggs hatch into Voracious Worms. They try to cast Poison Burst which deals strong AoE damage to the whole raid. Be sure to interrupt them before they wipe you. Once Mutation: Ravenous impacts them — they gain more health and start casting Poison Burst much faster.

Egg Clusters hatch into four Blood Parasites that Fixate upon random players. As soon as they get close to their prey, they Infest the player and summon two more Blood Parasites. Targeted players should kite these parasites while other raid members handle them. Once Mutation: Accelerated impacts them — they gain more health and receive a stacking movement speed buff. So, it is very important to CC and kill them before they become an unending disaster. 

Now, let’s move to the main hatching mechanic. Ovi’nax will sometimes cast Experimental Dosage onto two (four in Heroic difficulty) players. Purple circles will accrue and make any eggs hatch. Players have to bring these areas to unhatched eggs close to the Sanguine Overflow zones so that they don’t erupt. But be careful not to bring this area to other players, as it will absorb an incredible amount of healing in the future.

During the fight, Ovi’nax will perform a special Tank Combo. She will cast Volatile Concoction on the Tank, making it a ticking bomb. Once Volatile Concoction expires, the whole raid will be damaged depending on Tank’s current health. The less health Tank has, the more lethal the explosion will be. So, make sure to use defensives and concentrate on keeping the target’s health as high as possible. We recommend swapping Ovi’nax’s agro after every Volatile Concoction cast.

On Heroic difficulty, Ovi’nax will also cast Sticky Web on random players. It incredibly slows them and should be dispelled. But upon dispelling, Web Eruption roots everyone in a circle area. So move out of the group before asking for a dispel.

Ky’veza Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Ky’veza fight is concentrated on single target damage. Use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. Ky’veza has two phases:

First phase

Ky’veza enters this phase when she reaches 0 Energy. During the first phase, she uses the following abilities: Assassination, Nether Rift, Twilight Massacre. Boss also has Queensbane mechanic on Heroic difficulty. Always move away from the group after being hit by Assassination or Twilight Massacre so that Dark Viscera orbs from Queensbane take longer to reach your teammates.

When Ky’veza uses Assassination, marked players need to spread around the Arena so that Nether Phantomsntoms, which appear after Ky’veza’s strikes, are correctly standing near the different corners of the room. Each new first phase will bring more Assassinations.

Next, Ky’veza casts Nether Rift. The boss and Nether Phantomsntoms start pulling players towards them. If you handled Assassination attack correctly, and Nether Phantomsntoms are evenly spread across corners of the Arena, the pulling effect will neutralize itself.

Ky’veza will also cast Twilight Massacre. Each Nether Phantom will charge to a randomly picked player. Before Nether Phantomsntoms perform their charge, their direction will be shown by lines. If you are targeted by Nether Phantom, the line will be red. Players should direct their Nether Phantomsntoms outwards the Arena so that they are evenly spread once again (just like after Assassination mechanic). Once charges are performed, Ky’veza will cast Nether Rift again

Second phase

When Ky’veza reaches 100 Energy, she will enter the second phase. During this phase she wil start using Starless Night ability. She will lift into the air and start damaging the raid with pulses of darkness. Know that third Starless Night never ends and will eventually wipe your raid.

Soon, you will witness Regicide. During this, Nether Phantoms will strike by the shown telegraphs and deal damage to anyone on their way. Be sure to move telegraphs the way raid will suffer less.

On Heroic difficulty, Eclipse will be performed by the boss. The room is divided into six sections, and two sections will light up every few seconds. Move out of these sections before they explode and kill you. Each new second phase will bring more Eclipses.

Keep in mind that during both phases, Ky’veza will execute any player whose health drops below the 10% mark. Always be sure to stay above this limit. 

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Silken Court Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

Silken Court fight is one of the longest and most rich in mechanics. It has three phases and two challenging intermissions between them. You will need to create web pairs and carefully maintain a three-step dispel order. You can use Heroism/Bloodlust just from the start of the fight. 

First phase

During the first phase, Takazj will use Web Bombs, and  Anub’arash will perform Reckless Charge. During Web Bomb part of the fight, web-traps will start falling to the ground. Two players must step onto these traps in order to get tethered with Binding Webs. Be careful not to move away from your tethered partner further than 30 yards, or it will break.

When Anub’arash starts performing Reckless Charge, pairs with Binding Webs need to place their web on his way. This will stop his charge and prevent you from an inevitable wipe. Keep in mind that on Heroic difficulty, two Binding Webs are needed to stop Reckless Charge.

After some time, the Void Ascension will start. This is the first of two intermissions in this fight. Takazj will teleport to the middle of the Arena and use Shatter Existence shielding herself. The Arena will be divided into eight sections. Pairs of sections will start lighting up in a random order. Once the order is fully shown, sections will start to explode in the same pattern, killing anyone in them. Be sure to stand near the first two sections, wait for them to explode, and run inside. This will be your safe zone for this order. Repeat the same technique until the shield is destroyed and this intermission ends.

Second phase

Once Takazj’s shield is removed, Silken Court will enter the second phase. During this phase, Takazj will cast Web Vortex, pulling everyone closer to her and tethering players with Binding Webs. Be sure to run out from the following AoE and detach from your tethered partner before it’s too late.

Anub’arash, during the second phase, will cast Stinging Swarm upon three random players. This debuff will switch to another closest player, or Takazj if she is close enough. In order to avoid a wipe from Cataclysmic Entropy, Takazj will start casting, players need to transfer all three Stinging Swarms onto her. This will trigger Stinging Delirium on Takazj, and you will be saved. Be careful when dispelling the second stack, as Takazj will teleport to the middle, and you might miss your target. We recommend you wait for this teleportation and only then transfer Stinging Swarm once again.

After some time, the Raging Fury will start. This will be the second and last intermission in this fight. Anub’arash will teleport to the middle of the Arena and use Spike Storm shielding himself. During this state, he will spam-cast Spike Eruption and Seismic Upheaval. Players should avoid these sones not to get stunned. If someone gets hit by these abilities — make sure you destroy the spikes they are impaled on. Otherwise, they will surely die.

Third phase

Once the shield on Anub’arash is destroyed, the Silken Court will enter the third phase. During this phase, all previously used abilities from the first and second phases will remain at the bosses’ pull (except Web Bomb). Remember everything we told you about the mechanics of these spells, and continue your fight until Cilken Court is defeated. The only thing you have to change is to save one (two on Heroic difficulty) Binding Webs from Web Vortex to stop Anub’arash when he uses Reckless Charge.

Ansurek Nerub’ar Palace raid guide

This final fight has three phases and is primarily concentrated on single target damage but requires players to operate well against adds during the second and third phases. During this fight raid has to be split into two groups, and people who will execute the Froth popping mechanic must be chosen. We recommend you use Heroism/Bloodlust at the last and most challenging third phase.

First phase

During the first phase, Ansurek will use Reactive Toxin, Venom Nova, and Silken Tomb and has an important Tank Combo consisting of Liquefy and Feast spells.

When Ansurek uses Reactive Toxin, players with this debuff must move to the edge to drop Reactive Froth. Once the boss uses Venom Nova, move away not to die and group near Reactive Froth. Once Venom Nova is close, one player must trigger Reactive Froth to Reactive Froth to launch the group into the air. This way, you will dodge the deadly ring and survive. Keep in mind that any remaining Reactive Froth will wipe your raid if Venom Nova gets to them, so be sure to ”pop” all of them. Be sure to switch people who will trigger Reactive Froth, as Frothy Toxin will surely kill them if they ”pop” another one.

Ansurek will sometimes cast Silken Tomb, rooting players. Be sure to destroy these tombs ASAP, and always try to spread during this phase, as tombs deal AoE damage to anyone close to them. 

From time to time, Ansurek will perform her Tank Combo. She will cast Liquefy and Feast on the active Tank. We recommend you taunt swapping just after Liquefy cast. Be sure to tank the boss near the edge and rotate her after every acid zone from Acid Explosion.

After some time, Ansurek will start Shield Break intermission. She will use Predation shielding herself and will periodically start pulling players toward her with Wrest. Any player that gets too close to her will instantly be Devoured and killed. During this intermission, you will get slower due to Paralyzing Venom. This section is a pure DPS check. You just have to get through fast enough.

Second phase

Once the Predation shield is gone, Ansurek enters the second phase. She becomes immune to damage, ascents to the higher platform, and starts casting Acidic Apocalypse. Ansurek will sometimes pull the raid with Wrest, so move to the opposite side once she does it. Players must now follow her by splitting into two groups and working their way up the side platforms, facing adds on their path. During your ascendence, you will face different sources of knockbacks, so be sure not to stay near the edges. 

Devoted Worshippers need to be killed first, as they cast Cosmic Apocalypse and apply Gloom Touch debuff that must be dispelled. Chamber Guardians will knock back Tanks, and Chamber Expellers will fire an Expulsion Beam that knocks back anyone who is hit. On Heroic difficulty, Caustic Skitterers will apply stacking debuff on Tanks, so be sure to cleave them as well. Ascended Voidspeakers need to be killed last, as they cause Gloom Eruption upon death that knocks back players. Use it to get to the next platform. Be sure to interrupt Shadowblast which Ascended Voidspeakers will cast. Otherwise, the raid will be wiped. It is also important to get up to Ansurek before she finishes Acidic Apocalypse cast. If you don’t make it in time and interrupt her — the raid will wipe.

Third phase

Once both groups successfully ascend, the third and last phase will start. Ansurek will cast Abyssal Infusion upon two players. One player has to bring the following Abyssal Conduit near the boss, and the second player has to drop its Abyssal Conduit farther away. 

Sometimes, Ansurek will summon Summoned Acolytes that need to be killed ASAP. The raid has to break through Summoned Acolytes‘ shields in order to interrupt Null Detonation casts. On Heroic difficulty, Summoned Acolytes drop Acolyte’s Essence upon death. We will need this during the next mechanic.

When Ansurek uses Frothing Gluttony, the deadly ring will start closing on her position. Players must use Abyssal Conduit to escape death. On Heroic difficulty, Abyssal Conduits will deal almost wiping damage to the raid if they are not closed after using. Here is where we need Acolyte’s Essence from the adds. The person who picks Acolyte’s Essence has to use Abyssal Conduit last. This will close Abyssal Conduits and save you from wiping. Don’t forget to swap players that will get Acolyte’s Essence. Otherwise, Essence Scarred debuff will kill them. 

Sometimes, Ansurek casts a Royal Condemnation on a few players. Marked people must run away from the raid and each other so that massive damage is reduced as much as possible. On Heroic difficulty, these players will also be shackled by Royal Shackles, which will stun anyone they touch, so be careful not to include any people during your run-out.

During this phase, Ansurek will also perform a Tank Combo consisting of Infest and Gorge spells. The Tank that soaks Infest cast has to run away from the boss. So, the second Tank has to be taunt swapped right after the Infest cast. Gloom Hatchlings will soon spawn at Infested Tank location. These adds need to be killed by the raid before they reach the boss. Don’t hesitate to use your defensives, as it is very important to get as little damage as possible after Gorge cast. Always rotate the boss after every Gloom Splatter appearance. Once the first Tank is back, it should taunt swap again, as the Gorge, the other tank soaked, increases all physical damage taken and mirrors it towards the whole raid.


Hopefully, this Nerub’ar Palace raid guide for every boss will help you on your adventure to conquer this new content. We tried to mention only the most important mechanics so that you could easily navigate through them. Best of luck to you on your next tries in the Nerub’ar Palace raid, and let the knowledge guide you!

What do you think about the new Nerub’ar Palace raid? Do you like any boss’s mechanics? Let us know your opinion in the comments below!

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