Check your mail to get Plunderstorm Heroic Nerubar piece reward

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Players can now receive an extra Heroic Nerubar piece as a Plunderstorm reward. Read the article to learn more!

Check your mail to get Heroic Nerubar piece Plunderstorm reward

Key takeaways:

  • Accumulate 5,000 Plunder to get Storm-Singed Plunder via in-game mail.
  • There is a known bug when players don’t receive their mail with the reward.

Blizzard has released a blue post announcing that players can now receive a new Plunderstorm reward. Players who have accumulated 5,000 Plunder during the Plunderstorm event or will reach this mark soon have to check their TWW in-game mail to obtain Storm-Singed Plunder. This item contains 1x Keg-Leg’s Silver Spoils and 2x Keg-Leg’s Bronze Spoils that can be exchanged by Da’kash Grimledger in Dornogal /way 57.16 61.54. Here are items you can purchase from this Plunderstorm vendor:

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How some players face Plunderstorm mail bug

Even though Blizzard mentioned that this reward was supposed to be received by players earlier and was absent due to a bug, players still face issues getting their rewards. Some people reported a Plunderstorm bug ruining their Storm-Singed Plunder deliverance. For example, liberatedhusks, an OldReddit user, was one of the first to comment on this problem. Many players in the comments confirm the same issue with not getting their Plunderstorm mail.

Plunderstorm heroic piece reward oldreddit post
(Source: OldReddit)

Final  thoughts

If you had plenty of time enjoying the Plunderstorm event and reached the 5,000 Plunder mark, make sure to check your in-game mail to take your new Plunderstorm reward before it expires! If you face a similar bug with the mail not being delivered to your account, contact Blizzard support or wait for Blizzard to fix the bug. And if you are still on your way to becoming a Plunder magnate, read our other Plunderstorm 2025 guide to have the best experience during your matches.

What do you think about this new Plunderstorm reward? Do you have any issues with the mail? Let us know in the comments!

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Same here. Cheked over the weekend regularly across all my alts. Did the plunder for my wife also, 7k gathered fresh, zilch. Waiting for fix, if ever. I feel for the people at Blizzard who are trying to correct bugs and offer support, but the company is just not what it used to be, I feel sad for the employees.