Fast Plunder farm guide: 10 tips to get Plunder quick and easy
Welcome to your fastest Plunder farm guide! Here are 10 tips to help you gather Plunder quickly, from the best abilities to time-saving strategies. Love Plunderstorm, hate Plunderstorm, these tips will maximize your Plunder haul either way!

Table of Contents
- Best abilities to farm Plunder
- Play duos for extra Plunder
- Choose your landing spot
- Farm Elites and hostile NPCs for high-quality rewards
- Loot Golden chests
- Avoid other players
- Complete daily quests and match objectives
- Switch to aggressive play after completing quests
- Requeue and repeat: Don’t be afraid of dying
- Honorable mention: Win matches for a Plunder bonus
- Conclusion
Plunder is the main currency in Plunderstorm Patch 11.0.7. You need Plunder to buy event-exclusive items in the Plunderstore, which range from rare mounts and pets to the highly sought-after Plunderlord’s Stormridden transmog set and more. To unlock every item, you’ll need a total of 68,750 Plunder: 32,250 for returning items and 34,500 for new ones.
Farming Plunder, however, is not always the fastest or most enjoyable activity in WoW. If you struggle to maximize your Plunder earnings during the limited 10-15 minute Plunderstorm matches, yet the amount you collect is still not enough to get what you want, then this guide is for you. Here, you’ll find the most effective tips and strategies to farm Plunder quickly and easily!
Best abilities to farm Plunder
To maximize your Plunder farming efficiency in Plunderstorm Patch 11.0.7, focus on clearing mobs quickly instead of engaging other players. Equip offensive AoE abilities like Fire Whirl, Storm Archon, Earthbreaker, and Celestial Barrage to wipe out groups of enemies. After that, you’ll be left with piles of Plunder to collect.
Don’t forget to pick up one of these best utility spells for Plunder farming:
- Faeform: Boost your mobility, allowing you to cover more ground and gather Plunder faster.
- Fade to Shadow, Steel Traps, and Windstorm: Provide extra defense and help you avoid danger.
Play duos for extra Plunder
Playing in Duos mode is a great option for Plunder farming. In this mode, you team up with another player, increasing your chances of survival and your overall Plunder intake. Playing with a partner gives you more opportunities to farm Plunder while staying safe. You can support each other, take on tougher opponents, and clear out NPCs faster.
Choose your landing spot

Your decision of where to land will set the tone for the rest of the match. As the player count reaches 60, a map will pop up, letting you select the area where you’ll spawn. The zones are color-coded to indicate the level of danger:
- Green Zones: Safe, low-risk areas ideal for gathering resources without heavy opposition.
- Yellow Zones: Moderate danger; a bit more risky but often offer better rewards.
- Red Zones: The most dangerous areas, teeming with high-level enemies and maybe even aggressive players. After all, these risk-seeking players intentionally choose the red zones.
Landing directly in the center of your preferred zone may be tempting. However, we recommend you not land directly over the zone but rather land near it. This allows you to access resources while avoiding the risks of having to face other players early on, which can lead to increased competition for resources or force you into unpredictable PvP encounters. Also, use your bird to land directly on an Elite enemy—more on this in the next section.
Farm Elites and hostile NPCs for high-quality rewards
When it comes to farming Plunder quickly, NPC kills are your best bet. Elite NPCs are a goldmine for Plunder farming. These tough enemies also drop high-quality Plunderstorm abilities and provide substantial XP. Facing them may be risky, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Aim to land directly on an Elite NPC. Your bird can one-shot the elite, earning you immediate Plunder and an ability right at the start of the match.
Other mobs often surround elite NPCs, making them great targets for AoE farming abilities. This means you can defeat several enemies at once, saving you time and increasing your Plunder haul. The more NPCs down, the richer you’ll become.
Loot Golden chests
Golden chests are your ticket for obtaining more Plunder than regular chests, so prioritize opening them to speed up your progress. There are three sizes of Golden chests, with larger chests dropping more Plunder but taking longer to open. Check for nearby players to avoid being attacked while unlocking them.
Avoid other players
In Plunderstorm, there are players who farm Plunder, and there are players who farm other players. If your main goal is to farm as much Plunder as possible, it’s not worth getting into a fight, and it’s faster to use your utility spell to get away and focus on collecting resources.
Complete daily quests and match objectives
Daily quests and match objectives are a great way to earn extra Plunder. Completing these tasks ensures you’re making progress while farming. Here are two major sources of Plunder:
- Captain’s Orders Daily Quest: Completing this quest will reward you with 800 Plunder.
- Match Objectives: Each match has specific objectives, and completing them will reward you with 250 Plunder.
Switch to aggressive play after completing quests
Once you’ve completed your daily quests and match objectives, it’s time to turn up the heat and start pushing the pace of the match. Engage other players, defeat them, and take their Plunder.
Requeue and repeat: Don’t be afraid of dying

When you’ve cleared a zone and can’t find more easy Plunder sources, it may be time to intentionally die. You can do this by running into mobs, entering the storm, or, if a player is nearby, letting them defeat you. Alternatively, you can start playing aggressively like we’ve mentioned above and reap more Plunder from eliminated players until you die, but it’ll take longer than if you just run into the storm.
Either way, this strategy lets you respawn in the same spot, allowing you to continue farming without wasting time searching for new zones. Requeue and repeat until you have enough Plunder to get what you want from the Plunderstore.
Honorable mention: Win matches for a Plunder bonus
If you love being the victor, you can always aim to win the match. Being the last player or duo standing rewards you with an additional 500 Plunder. While this is a more challenging goal, it can boost your Plunder haul, and the satisfaction of winning is always rewarding. However, since this guide is about fast Plunder farming, striving for victory might not be the quickest route, hence this is just an honorable mention. You may want to take that into consideration when deciding whether to prioritize speed or success.
In conclusion, to farm Plunder fast, invite a friend to duo with you, avoid unnecessary PvP, equip AoE and utility spells, and land directly upon an Elite NPC to kickstart your run. Prioritize quests, objectives, Golden chests, and NPC farming. When you’ve exhausted these methods, switch to aggressive play to gain extra Plunder from other players, end the match early to requeue, and start fresh. By following these tips, you’ll save time, collect Plunder faster, and make the most out of your Plunderstorm experience. Happy farming!
We understand that Plunderstorm is a fun activity for many players, but to others, it may feel like a chore. As fellow adventurers of Azeroth, we understand your pain. So if you’re not a fan of Plunderstorm and just want the rewards, a Plunderstorm boost can be your solution since we both know it’s the fastest way to get Plunder. It’s quick, reliable, and you don’t have to depend on luck or waste time running around collecting. Plus, by supporting us, you’ll help us continue creating valuable WoW guides in the future, and we truly appreciate it!