Patch 10.2.7: Draenei and Troll Heritage Armor Datamined
Wowhead has uncovered the appearance of the Draenei and Troll Heritage armor.

Patch 10.2.7 brings a wealth of exciting features and updates. Take the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, for example. Who could have thought Blizzard would bring a whole old expansion to Dragonflight in an accelerated format? Yet, this isn’t the sole highlight of the patch. You can expect the arrival of Draenei and Troll Heritage armor sets.
Though Blizzard has yet to officially reveal their appearance, Wowhead dataminers have dug up both the Draenei and Troll heritage armor sets. That said, let’s take a look!
Draenei Heritage Armor
- Two tints: Purple and maroon, blue and purple
- Number of pieces: 8

Troll Heritage Armor
- Two tints: Orange and red
- Number of pieces: 9

What do you think about the Draenei and Troll heritage armor? Let us know in the comments!
its quite accurate but i dont know why i expected more of the draenei armor….. TROLLS are really nice though