Wrath Classic: Longest Server Queues in History

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The launch of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion was successful for Blizzard. Hundreds of thousands of players from all over the world went to conquer the cold Northrend lands. Not the Arthas became the main enemy but the longest server queues in history.

WoW Classic Server Queue Times

The problem appeared at the beginning of September when the pre-patch was launched. Even then, the WoW Classic server queue time to enter the game world was from 20 minutes to 8 hours. It got progressively worse when the full-fledged expansion was started.

Blizzard has been very familiar with this problem since 2019. The head of WoW Classic, Brian Birmingham, commented on the situation on his Twitter account:

“Adding new layers doesn’t really solve the problem. They unfold dynamically as needed. They solve the problem of player density in a particular location. The limit on the maximum number of players is set separately for reasons unrelated to player density in a particular location.

This is a software and a design problem; the hardware is sufficient. The software problem is that you get rid of one vulnerability and another will immediately follow. WoW is an extremely complex service that consists of many separate things, each with its own vulnerabilities that will have to be fixed”

The community decided to tease the Blizzard developers and filled Reddit with memes:

“If everyone queueing right now on GROBULLUS ALONE transferred to Old Blanchy, that had been a healthy realm pop by itself”

“Just a 4-and-a-half-hour wait to log in, working as intended”

“Wrath of the Lich King secret raid boss”

The problem persisted even a few weeks after the release of the WotLK expansion. Players continue waiting for hours at a time.

WotLK Classic Server Status

The easiest and safest option to check the WotLK Classic server status is Realm checking on the worldofwarcraft.com website. There you can sort the realms by PvP or PvE type, and find out a population, timezone, status, and locale.

Wrath Server Population

If you want to know more precise data about each realm, including the Horde or Alliance hero outnumber, you should refer to ironforge.pro. This site provides data on the Wrath server population, the number of Horde and Alliance, as well as language and type.

Marked Locked” means that the realm is closed for character creation and/or transfers. “FCM” shows that players create and move characters in safety, and the load does not limit gameplay in any way and is not reflected in the number of lags.

The site also provides access to detailed information. There are charts with statistics by class as a percentage for each realm.

Most Populated WotLK Servers

Most of the game worlds are occupied by the Horde and Alliance, which means it is impossible to raid and complete content for the opposite faction on them. The most populated WotLK servers for:

These realms will be the best choice if you plan to start your journey in Northrend now.

How to play WotLK Classic without queues?

Unfortunately, there is no legal way to play Wrath Classic without queues. There are a few options that will allow you to enter the game at any time and not worry about lost hours in the queues:

1. Creating a character on a realm with a low population — method has worked for several years, but closer to the middle of the expansion users encounter another problem. There are not enough players to complete the content. In this case, only a paid transfer can help your character;

2. Play at night/When others are at work — it is almost impossible to get into the world in prime time. Not everyone has this opportunity, but if you can, it is better to use it. Be smarter;

3. Try Fresh realms — the load is not as much there, and the queues are much smaller. There are Skyfury, Angerforge, and Maladath — NA; Thekal, Jin’do, and Giantstalker — EU. The only disadvantage — it is a new one where all characters start from level 1.

In any case, the excitement about WotLK will subside in 1–2 months, and everyone will forget about the queues. Another factor that will take the load out of Lich King — is the WoW Dragonflight expansion release. When all heroes go to Dragon Isles, you can happily start your journey in Northrend.

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Hald Twinpack
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