World of Warcraft TBC Phases Overview
WoW The Burning Crusade Classic – Exploring the Revamped Fun Phase by Phase
Are you excited to explore the classic vintage environments of the Burning Crusade revamped with up-to-date visuals and new content additions? We know we are. Players from veterans to newcomers have been expecting to get their hands on the Burning Crusade Classic raids for some time now, but many still don’t know what exactly they will see in this legendary remaster. For everybody short on information, WowVendor is here to highlight all major announcements and updates.
Thus, we already know that the BC Classic will be introduced in phases. There will be five phases of Burning Crusade Classic, each adding to the game exclusive raids and subsequent Arena seasons. However, first, everything is to be kicked off with phase 0, which will be introduced on May 18th and Patch 2.4.3. will be fully enabled along with level 58 boost and the leveling up ability for Blood Elf and Draenei characters.
As for the TBC Classic Phase 1 release, its global launch is scheduled for June 1st, and we are to receive three exclusive raids. Let’s take a look at the stuff we’ll see in phase 1 in more detail.
TBC Classic Phase 1 Raids
The first three TBC Classic phase 1 raids to start you off include the following tier 4 raids for 10-25 players that you may have already heard of:
- Karazhan
- Gruul’s Lair
- Magtheridon’s Lair
Each raid brings in its respective dose of challenge, with mysterious locations and treacherous environments as well as frightening bosses and exclusive rewards. Let’s take a closer look at all three raids.
Karazhan Raid Overview
Dwelling silently in the Deadwind Pass, Karazhan is a mysterious desolate tower built in ancient times. Long ago, it was isolated from the sights of keen travelers and warriors after the death of Medivh – the notorious resident of the tower. The treacherous interiors of the tower were recently set in motion once again by Prince Malchezaar, who raised a small army of demons and evil spirits to challenge you on your way through the raid.
Karazhan is a 10-player raid where your brave party will have to encounter and defeat 12 bosses, acquire Tier 4 helm and glove tokens, and get a unique mount – Fiery Warhorse’s Reins. The raid is a part of the attunement questline, which starts in the Deadwind Pass with the Archmage Alturus. On top of that, there is also the Nightbane questline, the Down to the Violet Path questline, and the questline that lets you acquire the Violet Badge.
Resetting weekly, Karazhan in TBC Classic is certainly a sight for a sore eye when it comes to veteran players and a cool haunted location to discover and explore for everybody visiting it for the first time ever.
Karazhan bosses
The 12 bosses you are to encounter inside the dank halls of Karazhan include the following characters, creatures, and atrocities:
- Attumen the Huntsman – one of the initial Karazhan bosses riding a fiery horse named Midnight that, among standard loot, drops:
- Fiery Warhorse’s Reins;
- Steelhawk Crossbow;
- the schematic for Stabilized Eternium Scope.
- Moroes – the undead Tower Steward that fights you alongside 4 randomly selected elite level-70 “dinner guests” mobs, and drops such excellent items as:
- Emerald Ripper;
- Moroe’s Lucky Pocket Watch;
- Mongoose weapon enchantment formula.
- Maiden of Virtue – the Guest Chambers colossus-type boss that attacks you with the Holy Ground and Holy Fire abilities.
- Three randomly selected Opera House bosses – after defeating Moroes, you can talk to the Stage Manager Barnes who will set off one of three Opera shows with respective foes:
- Red Riding Hood with the Big Bad Wolf;
- The Wizard of Oz with the nasty Crone;
- Romulo and Julianne with the two respective bosses.
- The Curator – the Karazhan’s Menagerie’s Arcane Guardian that fights you with the Arcane Infusion and drops Tier 4 gloves tokens.
- Terestian Illhoof – dwelling in the Karazhan’s Library’s Repository wing, Illhoof is a Satyr that attacks you along with his trusty minion Kil’rek and smaller imps and whom you can optionally defeat in order to get the Lightning Capacitor, among other things.
- Shade of Aran – Medivh’s father’s spirit with magical powers such as the Flame Wreath in his arms.
- Netherspite – the formidable dragon of nether that uses treacherous portals in order to trick and defeat you.
- Warchief Blackhand or King Llane in the Chess Event – during this life-size chess match, you will have to play against Medivh, defeating one of his chess bosses.
- Prince Malchezaar – formally the final boss of Karazhan and the initiator of all the Karazhan Tower commotion that drops tokens for the creation of the Tier 4 head piece.
- Nightbane – this one is an optional undead dragon boss that you can summon using the Blackened Urn, which you get in the course of the dedicated questline.
How to get to Karazhan in TBC Classic?
In order to gain access to the dank tower of Karazhan in the first place, you need to complete the related attunement questline. This includes setting off the questline by taking the first task from the Archmage Alturus, contacting a bunch of other archmages, obtaining key fragments, and forging the Master’s Key which opens the doors of the tower. You can reach Karazhan in the following ways:
- Path for Alliance – Darkshire -> Duskwood -> Deadwind Pass in the East;
- Path for Horde – Stonard -> Swamp of Sorrows -> Deadwind Pass in the West.
You can also use the portal to Karazhan if you possess Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, which surely makes one’s life easier.
Gruul’s Lair Raid Overview
Beware Gruul the Dragonkiller – the infamous gronn overlord that the ogres dwelling in the Blade’s Edge Mountains consider their master. With his small yet no least threatening army of ogres, this is certainly an enemy to reckon with.
Gruul’s Lair TBC raid is a 25-player 65+ level raid that is free from attunement hassles and can be accessed right from the Blade’s Edge Mountains without any additional effort required. What to expect in the Gruul’s Lair raid in terms of the combat challenge? As opposed to the previous boss-rich raid, this one sets you against two bosses:
- High King Maulgar – the ogre council’s head that fights you alongside his mini-boss council companions, including:
- Blindeye the Seer;
- Krosh Firehand;
- Olm the Summoner;
- and Kiggler the Crazed.
- Gruul the Dragonkiller – a notorious gronn giant that has the abilities such as Shatter, Fel Energy Beam, Cave In, and Growth to use against your raid party.
Each boss drops Tier 4 tokens for shoulder and leggings as well as the quest item Earthen Signet (dropped by Gruul) that allows you to progress on your attunement journey to the Tempest Keep.
As for other notable drops, High King Maulgar may also give you:
- Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero;
- Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion;
- Pauldrons of the Fallen Defender;
- Hammer of the Naaru.
While Gruul also drops:
- Leggings of the Fallen Hero;
- Leggings of the Fallen Champion;
- Leggings of the Fallen Defender;
- Aldori Legacy Defender;
- Aze of the Gronn Lords;
- Tier 4 leg tokens.
This raid should keep your party excited to get over engaging challenges and collecting tons of the precious raid-exclusive loot.
Magtheridon’s Lair Raid Overview
Back in the days of yore, Illidan Stormrage threw Magtheridon – then the Outland’s supreme ruler – to the Hellfire Citadel’s dank prison chambers. TBC Classic Magtheridon’s Lair raid allows you to visit the Outland ruler’s place of restraining and defeat the Hellfire Channeler to free Magtheridon from his magic shackles and face him in combat.
Magtheridon’s Lair is a 25-player raid that can be accessed by traveling to the Hellfire Peninsula and getting to the menacing Hellfire Citadel. Going through waves of Hellfire Warder’s mobs and defeating the Hellfire Channeler, you reach the battle with the one and only ultimate boss of the raid:
- Magtheridon – a humungous warrior giant wielding the devastating Blast Nova ability, the power of which you will have to reduce by clicking Mantricon Cubes.
Keep in mind that the fight against Magtheridon is 3-phased – on top of beating the Hellfire Channeler first, when you battle Magtheridon and his health reaches 30%, the final phase is initiated with the Lair walls collapsing to make the battle more inconvenient for your party.
The ultimate rewards you get for going through this are Tier 4 chests and Pit Lord’s Satchel.
Other Phase 1 Activities
On top of all that quest/item/boss galore, the first phase also brings us some minor yet no less exciting additions, including:
- Cooking and Fishing daily activities along with Haris Pilton quests;
- Doom Lord Kazzak and Doomwalker – two new world bosses introduced June 14th;
- Start of the first PvP Arena Season on June 14th.
What to Expect from Further Phases?
As though all the raiding fun brought on by Phase 1 is not enough to excite us, subsequently introduced phases 2-5 have much more where that came from. In particular, here’s what the following phases will bring us:
Phase 2
- Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep Tier-5 raids;
- 2nd PvP Arena season kick-off.
Phase 3
- Black Temple and Battle for Mount Hyjal Tier-6 raids;
- 3rd PvP Arena season kick-off.
Phase 4
- Zul’aman raid;
- Continued PvP Arena season 3.
Phase 5
- Sunwell Plateau raid;
- 4th PvP Arean season kick-off;
- Magister’s Terrace dungeon;
- The Isle of Quel’danas questlines hub;
- Craftable Epic Engineering Goggles
We are sure that we’ll get more additions as the season goes. And for now, are you excited about all these major updates and additions coming to your server as much as we are? Then keep in tune with the news and updates gathered by WowVendor. We will be highlighting all major and minor changes and additions throughout all the phases.