Warlock BiS Lists: Season of Discovery Phase 1

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Explore the best BiS lists tailored for DPS Warlocks and Tank Warlocks in Season of Discovery Phase 1.

Phase 1 Season of Discovery: Warlock BiS Lists

Key Takeaways

  • This SoD Warlock BiS Lists cover both DPS Warlock and Tank Warlock.
  • Pre-raid Warlock BiS gear shows the best items for a Warlock before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid.
  • Raid Warlock BiS gear shows the best items for a Warlock that you can get during Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery.
  • Our guide highlights only the optimal gear to maximize your Warlock’s potential. We do not discuss Talents or Runes here. That’s for another day!

In our SoD Warlock BiS lists, you will find both DPS Warlock and Tank Warlock pre-raid and raid BiS gear. These items can be obtained from the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps and by engaging in PvP activities. Detailed information for each item, including slot, name, and exact drop sources, is provided below for your convenience.

Our guide focuses only on showcasing the top gear choices to maximize your Warlock’s potential. Please note that we do not dive into the best talents or runes for these builds.

DPS Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

Best DPS Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

The gear listed here is optimal for both Fire and Shadow Warlock builds. These are the two primary DPS Warlock specializations. While the Fire build excels in damage output, it demands substantial mana and potent gear, which are not abundantly available for the Warlock in the early stages. So, we recommend adopting a Shadow build while you gather the pre-BiS gear. However, it’s crucial not to dismiss Fire BiS items. If you obtain any, keep them. They will prove invaluable when you eventually transition to a Fire specialization later on.

DPS Warlock Pre-Raid BiS Gear in Season of Discovery

This DPS Warlock pre-raid BiS list shows the best gear for a DPS Warlock before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid. The BiS list is optimized for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.

Item SlotItem NameSpecSource
HeadDread Mage HatBothShadowfang Keep: Drops from Wolf Master Nandos 
Shadow Goggles BothEngineering
NeckSpectral Necklace (with Intellect stat)BothWorld Drop
ShouldersSage Mantle of Shadow WrathShadowWorld Drop
Magician’s Mantle BothWorld Drop
Feline Mantle BothShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
BackElder’s CloakShadowWorld Drop
Soft Willow Cape BothHorde only: Je’neu of the Earthen Ring quest in Ashenvale
Elder’s Cloak of Fiery WrathFireWorld Drop
Chest (Enchant Chest – Mana)Watcher’s Robes of Shadow WrathShadowWorld Drop
Black Velvet RobesBothWorld Drop
Robes of ArugalBothShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
Wrists (Enchant Bracer – Lesser Intellect)Durable Bracers of Shadow WrathShadowWorld Drop
Mindthrust BracersBothWorld Drop
Fingerbone BracersBothAlliance only: Drops from Forsaken Dark Stalker in Ashenvale
HandsHands of DarknessShadowTailoring 
Magefist GlovesBothWorld Drop
Silver-thread GlovesBothWorld Drop
WaistBelt of ArugalBothShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
Sage’s Sash of Fiery WrathFireWorld Drop
LegsNight Watch PantaloonsBothAlliance only: Morbent Fel quest in Duskwood
Silver-thread PantsBothWorld Drop
Darkweave BreechesBothWorld Drop
Azure Silk PantsBothTailoring
Feet (Enchant Boots – Minor Stamina)Silver-thread BootsBothWorld Drop
Spidersilk BootsBothTailoring 
RingsLorekeeper’s RingBothAlliance only: Honored with Silverwing Sentinels
Advisor’s RingBothHorde only: Honored with Warsong Outriders
Snake HoopBothWillix the Importer quest in Razorfen Kraul
Lavishly Jeweled RingBothDeadmines: Drops from Gilnid
Seal of WrynnBothAlliance only: The Unsent Letter quest chain
TrinketsRune of PerfectionBothAlliance: Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels
Horde: Friendly with Warsong Outriders  
Weapon (Enchant 2H Weapon – Lesser Intellect)Staff of the ShadeShadowWorld Drop
Staff of Soran’rukBothThe Orb of Soran’ruk Warlock quest
Emberstone StaffBothDeadmines: Drops from Captain Greenskin
Crescent StaffBothHorde only: Leaders of the Fang quest 
WandThunderwoodBothWorld Drop

DPS Warlock Raid BiS in Season of Discovery 

The following DPS Warlock BiS List highlights the best gear options you can achieve in Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery. The majority of items can be acquired through the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps. However, a select few require active participation in PvP activities for acquisition.

Item SlotItem NameSpecSource
HeadTwilight Invoker’s Shawl FireBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Gelihast, Lorgus Jett, Aku’mai and Twilight Lord Kelris
Rakkamar’s Tattered Thinking CapShadowBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Lady Sarevess
NeckJagged Bone NecklaceFireBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
Black Shroud Choker ShadowBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Gelihast
ShouldersMagician’s MantleFireWorld Drop
Sage’s Mantle of Shadow Wrath ShadowWorld Drop
BackElder’s Cloak of Fiery Wrath FireWorld Drop
Elder’s Cloak of Shadow Wrath ShadowWorld Drop
Chest (Enchant Chest – Mana)Twilight Invoker’s Robes FireBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Gelihast, Lorgus Jett, Aku’mai and Twilight Lord Kelris
Watcher’s Robes of Shadow Wrath ShadowWorld Drop
Wrists (Enchant Bracer – Lesser Intellect)Phoenix Bindings FireTailoring
Durable Bracers of Shadow Wrath ShadowWorld Drop
HandsBlack Fingerless Gloves FireBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
Handwraps of Befouled Water ShadowBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Baron Aquanis 
WaistSage’s Sash of Fiery Wrath  FireWorld Drop
Belt of Arugal ShadowShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
LegsSoul Leech PantsBothBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Aku’mai
Feet (Enchant Boots – Minor Stamina)Extraplanar Spidersilk BootsBothTailoring
RingsSignet of the Twilight LordBothBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
Lorekeeper’s RingBothAlliance only: Honored with Silverwing Sentinels
Advisor’s RingBothHorde only: Honored with Warsong Outriders 
TrinketsInvoker’s Void PearlBothBlackfathom Deeps quest: The Heart of the Void
Rune of PerfectionBothAlliance: Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels
Horde: Friendly with Warsong Outriders 
Weapon (Enchant 2H Weapon – Lesser Intellect)Rod of the Ancient SleepwalkerBothBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
WandPhoenix IgnitionBothBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris

Tank Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

Best Tank Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

Tank Warlock Pre-Raid BiS Gear in Season of Discovery

The Tank Warlock pre-raid BiS List shows the best gear you can get for this role before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid. The BiS list is optimized for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.

Item SlotItem NameSource
HeadGreen Tinted GogglesEngineering
NeckSentinel’s MedallionAlliance only: Honored with Silverwing Sentinels
Scout’s MedallionHorde only: Honored with Warsong Outriders 
ShouldersSage’s Mantle of StaminaWorld Drop
Feline MantleShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
Back (Enchant Cloak – Minor Agility)Sentry CloakWorld Drop
Chest (Enchant Chest – Health)Watcher’s Robes of StaminaWorld Drop
Robes of ArugalShadowfang Keep: Drops from Archmage Arugal
Wrists (Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina)Durable Bracers of StaminaWorld Drop
Hands (Enchant Boots – Minor Stamina)Raincaller Mitts of the MonkeyWorld Drop
WaistDurable Belt of the MonkeyWorld Drop
LegsNight Watch PantaloonsAlliance only: Morbent Fel quest in Duskwood
Silver-thread PantsWorld Drop
FeetRaincaller Boots of StaminaWorld Drop
Spidersilk BootsTailoring
RingsPlains RingRazorfen Kraul: Random Drop
Seal of WrynnAlliance only: The Unsent Letter quest chain
Seal of SylvanasHorde only: Arugal Must Die quest in Shadowfang Keep
TrinketsRune of PerfectionAlliance: Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels
Horde: Friendly with Warsong Outriders
Weapon (Enchant Weapon – Minor Striking)Honed Stiletto of the MonkeyWorld Drop
Honed Stiletto of StaminaWorld Drop
Big Bronze KnifeBlacksmithing
Off-handTotem of InflictionAlliance only: The Totem of Infliction quest in Duskwood
Pulsating Hydra HeartDrops from Gesharahan (Rare Elite) in The Barrens
WandThunderwoodWorld Drop

Tank Warlock Raid BiS in Season of Discovery

The Tank Warlock BiS List below showcases the top gear options you can get in Phase 1 of Season of Discovery. Most items can be obtained from the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps. However, a select few require active participation in PvP activities for acquisition.

Item SlotItem NameSource
HeadTwilight Invoker’s ShawlBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Gelihast, Lorgus Jett, Aku’mai and Twilight Lord Kelris
NeckJagged Bone NecklaceBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
ShouldersFrayed Chestnut MantleBlackfathom Deeps quest: Allegiance to the Old Gods
Back (Enchant Cloak – Minor Agility)Sergeant’s Cloak PvP Rank 3
Chest (Enchant Chest – Health)Twilight Invoker’s Robes Blackfathom Deeps: Drops from Gelihast, Lorgus Jett, Aku’mai and Twilight Lord Kelris
Wrists (Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina)Durable Bracers of StaminaWorld Drop
HandsBlack Fingerless GlovesBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
WaistGhamoo-ra’s CinchBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Ghamoo-ra
LegsSoul Leech PantsBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Aku’mai 
Feet (Enchant Boots – Minor Stamina)Extraplanar Spidersilk BootsTailoring
RingsSignet of the Twilight LordBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
Ring of DefenseWorld Drop
TrinketsInvoker’s Void PearlBlackfathom Deeps quest: The Heart of the Void
Rune of PerfectionAlliance: Friendly with Silverwing Sentinels
Horde: Friendly with Warsong Outriders 
Weapon (Enchant Weapon – Minor Striking)Dagger of Willing Sacrifice Blackfathom Deeps: Drops from Aku’mai 
Off-handTome of Shadow Warding Blackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris
WandPhoenix IgnitionBlackfathom Deeps: Drops from Twilight Lord Kelris

Wrapping up our Season of Discovery Warlock Best in Slot Lists, we hope this guide has assisted you in your quest to become the most formidable fel-wielder in the realm of Azeroth. Stay tuned for more Season of Discovery BiS Lists covering other classes coming soon!

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