Warlock BiS Lists: Season of Discovery Phase 1
Explore the best BiS lists tailored for DPS Warlocks and Tank Warlocks in Season of Discovery Phase 1.

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways
- This SoD Warlock BiS Lists cover both DPS Warlock and Tank Warlock.
- Pre-raid Warlock BiS gear shows the best items for a Warlock before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid.
- Raid Warlock BiS gear shows the best items for a Warlock that you can get during Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery.
- Our guide highlights only the optimal gear to maximize your Warlock’s potential. We do not discuss Talents or Runes here. That’s for another day!
In our SoD Warlock BiS lists, you will find both DPS Warlock and Tank Warlock pre-raid and raid BiS gear. These items can be obtained from the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps and by engaging in PvP activities. Detailed information for each item, including slot, name, and exact drop sources, is provided below for your convenience.
Our guide focuses only on showcasing the top gear choices to maximize your Warlock’s potential. Please note that we do not dive into the best talents or runes for these builds.
DPS Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

The gear listed here is optimal for both Fire and Shadow Warlock builds. These are the two primary DPS Warlock specializations. While the Fire build excels in damage output, it demands substantial mana and potent gear, which are not abundantly available for the Warlock in the early stages. So, we recommend adopting a Shadow build while you gather the pre-BiS gear. However, it’s crucial not to dismiss Fire BiS items. If you obtain any, keep them. They will prove invaluable when you eventually transition to a Fire specialization later on.
DPS Warlock Pre-Raid BiS Gear in Season of Discovery
This DPS Warlock pre-raid BiS list shows the best gear for a DPS Warlock before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid. The BiS list is optimized for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.
DPS Warlock Raid BiS in Season of Discovery
The following DPS Warlock BiS List highlights the best gear options you can achieve in Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery. The majority of items can be acquired through the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps. However, a select few require active participation in PvP activities for acquisition.
Tank Warlock BiS Lists in Season of Discovery Phase 1

Tank Warlock Pre-Raid BiS Gear in Season of Discovery
The Tank Warlock pre-raid BiS List shows the best gear you can get for this role before going into the Blackfathom Deeps raid. The BiS list is optimized for Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.
Tank Warlock Raid BiS in Season of Discovery
The Tank Warlock BiS List below showcases the top gear options you can get in Phase 1 of Season of Discovery. Most items can be obtained from the 10-man raid Blackfathom Deeps. However, a select few require active participation in PvP activities for acquisition.
Wrapping up our Season of Discovery Warlock Best in Slot Lists, we hope this guide has assisted you in your quest to become the most formidable fel-wielder in the realm of Azeroth. Stay tuned for more Season of Discovery BiS Lists covering other classes coming soon!