SoD Phase 5 updated: All Druid Runes and locations guide

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Here, you will find detailed information about all Druid Runes and locations available, with new Rune guide updates for SoD Phase 5.

SoD Phase 4 Updated: All Druid Runes and Locations

Key Takeaways

Runes offer additional spells and abilities to alter your character’s class playstyle. They can be found in the open world through various sources. Most Runes are accessible to characters of any race or faction, except those tied to specific quests or faction-friendly mobs.

This guide has been updated with all the Runes from Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, and Phase 5 of Season of Discovery.

Runes are a new gameplay mechanic in SoD. It offers additional spells and abilities, allowing you to transform the playstyle of your character’s class. These Runes are scattered throughout the open world, obtainable through various sources. Most Runes are accessible to characters of any race or faction, except those tied to specific quests or faction-friendly mobs.

There are 12 Runes for each class in Phase 1, 6 to 7 Runes in Phase 2, 6 to 7 Runes in Phase 3, additional 3 Runes in Phase 4. At the moment of writing, there are 2 new Runes in Phase 5. Previously, we have discussed all SoD Warrior Runes and their locations. You can check it out here:

And now, it’s Druid’s time! Below is the complete list of Druid Runes in Season of Discovery, how to get them, their locations, and even coordinates for your convenience. 

Special thanks to the WoW community, and especially our readers at WowVendor, for the invaluable contribution in uncovering the Runes and generously sharing the methods of acquiring them with the whole gaming community.

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SoD Phase 5: Simplified Rune discovery

Previously, some runes could be hard to unlock due to high requirements or needed content being outdated, making it hard to find fellow travelers. But now, with the release of new Phase 5, Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay also makes bind-on-account tokens available for characters who have finished certain shared discoveries, such as the Dark Riders, Wild Gods, Ley Lines, or Illari Duskfeather. Simply purchase the relevant emblem and mail it to an alt character to redeem at a special Rune Broker in Stormwind and Orgrimmar for their appropriate class rune. Here are emblems that can be used by Druids:

SoD Phase 5: 2 new Druid Ring Runes

In SoD Phase 5, there are 2 New Druid Runes to obtain: Healing Specialization and Meditation Specialization. These Ring Runes are universal for multiple classes and are earned the same way. Both Runes are account-bind and can be transferred to other characters. To find out more about how to get them — check our:

All Druid Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 4

In Season of Discovery Phase 4, Druids had three new Runes to strengthen their power. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all Druid Runes and their locations. Detailed instructions on acquiring these Runes are also provided for your convenience.

SoD Phase 4 all Druid Runes and locations: Cloak slot

How to get Starfall in SoD

Starfall: You summon a flurry of stars from the sky over 10 sec, striking targets within 30 yards of your location, each dealing 68.612 to 80.544 Arcane damage to its target and 11.932 Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Maximum 20 stars. Shapeshifting or mounting cancels the effect. Any effect which causes you to lose control of your character will suppress the Starfall effect. Benefits from and triggers most talents and effects that trigger or benefit from Moonfire.

How to get Starfall:

  1. Travel to Winterspring and find an elite owlbear named Arcterris at [63.8, 17.0]
  2. Defeat it and loot the Rune of the Falling Star.

How to get Tree of Life in SoD

Tree of Life: Shapeshift into the Tree of Life. While in this form you increase healing received by 10% for all party members within 45 yards, Wild Growth healing is increased by 60%, your heal over time spells cost 20% less, you gain 25% increased Spirit, you gain 200% increased armor, and you cannot cast harmful spells. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.

How to get Tree of Life:

  1. Travel to Felwood and talk to the Vengeful Wisp at [46, 19] to get it to follow you.
  2. Assist the Wisp in seeking revenge by defeating 52-level Satyrs in the nearby Jadefire Run, up the hill to the north.
  3. Continue defeating Satyrs until you see a Shimmering Light buff in the upper-right corner of your screen.
  4. Speak to the Wisp once more and collect the Gift of the Wisp item.
  5. Loot your Rune of the World Tree from the Gift

How to get Improved Swipe in SoD

Improved Swipe: While in Cat Form, your Swipe ability becomes Swipe (Cat), and while in Bear Form, your Swipe ability strikes up to 7 additional enemies.

How to get Improved Swipe:

  1. Head to Un’goro Crater, where the Venomhide Ravasaur can be found.
  2. Afterward, start defeating Venomhide Ravasaurs until you loot their bodies and acquire the Idol of the Huntress.
  3. Once obtained, equip this item.
  4. Then, generate 5 combo points in your Cat Form, Hibernate the target when its health is between 5-10%, return to Cat Form, and use Ferocious Bite.
  5. Repeat this process 5 times to unlock the Idol’s power and learn the Rune.

SoD Phase 3 all Druid Runes and locations: Head slot

How to get Gale Winds Rune in SoD

SoD Phase 3 All Druid Runes and Locations: How to Get Gale Winds Rune in SoD

Gale Winds Rune: Increases the damage done by your Hurricane by 100%, it no longer has a cooldown, and its mana cost is reduced by 20%.

How to get Gale Winds:

  1. Travel to Feralas and find Grimtotem Compound that you can locate using the following macro: /way 66.8 38.6
  2. You might notice a narrow pathway leading up to the hills as you make your way through the compound.
  3. Follow the path and defeat Namida Grimtotem to obtain the Rune of the Windstorm.

How to get Gore Rune in SoD

SoD Phase 3 All Druid Runes and Locations: How to Get Gore Rune in SoD

Gore Rune: Striking a target with Lacerate, Swipe, or Maul has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle (Bear) and grant 10 Rage. Striking a target with Mangle (Cat) or Shred has a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Tiger’s Fury.

How to get Gore:

  1. First, obtaining the rune requires Friendly reputation with the Emerald Wardens faction.
  2. Once you are Friendly, purchase the Rune of Bloodshed from one of the following Quartermasters:

How to get Improved Barkskin Rune in SoD

SoD Phase 3 All Druid Runes and Locations: How to Get Improved Barkskin Rune in SoD

Improved Barkskin Rune: Your Barkskin can now be cast on allies, no longer penalizes melee combat speed or spellcasting time, and can be cast while shapeshifted.

How to get Improved Barkskin:

  1. Head to Tanaris and attack Thistleshrub Dew Collectors and Thistleshrub Rootshapers until you obtain the Idol of the Raging Shambler.
  2. Equip the item and defeat enemies with Nature Damage. Make sure to activate Barkskin before doing so.
  3. Afterward, click on the Idol of the Raging Shambler again to receive the Improved Barkskin Rune.

SoD Phase 3 all Druid Runes and locations: Wrists slot

How to get Efflorescence Rune in SoD

SoD Phase 3 All Druid Runes and Locations: How to Get Efflorescence Rune in SoD

Efflorescence Rune: Your Swiftmend now also causes Efflorescence, healing all party members within 15 yards of the Swiftmend target’s location for 109 every 1 sec for 15 sec.

How to get Efflorescence:

  1. Once you have reached level 45, go to Feralas and find one of the towers you can locate using the following macro: /way 57.2 69.0.
  2. You must speak to Tyrisius to start the Wisdom of the Guardians quest.
  3. Afterward, present yourself to the Guardians of the Hinterlands, Azshara, and Feralas:
  1. Visit the Shrine of the Warden in Feralas and interact with it to receive a Duty of the Warden buff.
  2. Attack a Gordunni Warlock to shrink yourself, then use Remove Curse to remove the debuff.
  3. Get poisoned by a Zukk’ash Wasp and use Abolish Poison to remove the debuff.
  4. Once you have finished all the necessary actions, you will receive the Mark of the Warden buff.
  5. Return to the Shrine of the Warden and triumph over Blightbark, Guardian of Feralas.
  1. Visit the Shrine of the Beast in Azshara and interact with it.
  2. Find a white stag named Child of Apa’ro that drops the Sacred Stag Heart item. Ensure you can triumph over it by using only physical damage.
  3. Go back to the Shrine of the Beast and offer the heart to it to spawn the Hippogryph Avatar.
  4. Speak with the avatar to continue the quest chain.
  1. Visit the Shrine of the Moon in the Hinterlands and use Tranquility and Hurricane on it.
  2. This action will summon Sagefeather, Guardian of the Hinterlands, whom you must defeat.

4. Return to Tyrisius, turn in the quest and collect the Rune of Efflorescence.

How to get Elune’s Fires Rune in SoD

SoD Phase 3 All Druid Runes and Locations: How to Get Elune's Fires Rune in SoD

Elune’s Fires Rune: Some of your spells and abilities extend the duration of your damage and healing over time effects on their target: Starfire extends Moonfire by 6 sec. Wrath extends Sunfire by 3 sec. Regrowth extends Rejuvenation by 6 sec. Shred extends Rip by 2 sec. Each effect can only be extended up to 3 times.

How to get Elune’s Fires:

  1. Go to Azshara and loot the Traveller’s Knapsack inside the temple to find Keldara’s Log and a Mortar and Pestle.
  2. Gather 3x Satyrweed Sample from around the temple, use your Mortar and Pestle to Brew Tincture and acquire a Satyrweed Tincture.
  3. Then, find a Thunderhead Hippogryph that is under Satyr Corruption.
  4. Use Hibernate and the Satyrweed Tincture on it to dispel the debuff.
  5. After curing the creature, you will automatically receive the Rune of the Moon Goddess.

How to get Improved Frenzied Regeneration Rune in SoD

Improved Frenzied Regeneration Rune: Your Frenzied Regeneration can now be used in all forms or while not shapeshifted. It now converts your active resource into health every second for 10 sec. Up to 10 Rage, 10 Energy, or 5% base Mana is converted per second into up to 10% health.

How to get Improved Frenzied Regeneration:

  1. Head to Felwood and receive a quest called The Wild Gods from a Shadowtooth Emissary.
  2. Go to Jinth’Alor, which is in the Hinterlands, and defeat some elite trolls to acquire a Wildwhisper Draught item.
  3. Afterward, reach the Razorfen Downs zone and defeat Amnennar the Coldbringer.
  4. Use the Wildwhisper Draught item on the ledge so the Spirit of Agamaggan can spawn. Turn in the current quest to him and receive another one called The Wild Gods. Additionally, you will get an Agamaggan’s Roar item.
  5. Your next step is to collect 3x Wild Offering in Zul’Farrak, Maraudon, or Blackrock Depths. You can save time and run the same dungeon up to 3 times. 


  1. First, find and defeat 2 or 3 bosses to make a Ghostly Spider spawn. If you have done everything alright, you will see the phrase “You feel a shadowed presence” in the chat.
  2.  Then, use the Agamaggan’s Roar item close to the Ghostly Spider. This action will spawn a Delirious Ancient.
  3.  Defeat the boss and obtain your precious Wild Offering.


  1. After entering the dungeon, find and triumph over Princess Theradras. This action will make a Ghostly Raptor spawn in the water on the upper level near the turtles.
  2.  Employ the Agamaggan’s Roar item close to the Ghostly Raptor, making another Delirious Ancient pop up.
  3.  Defeat the boss and receive the Wild Offering as a reward.

Blackrock Depths

  1. Defeat Houndmaster Grebmar, High Interrogator Gerstahn, and the Ring of Law. Afterward, a Ghostly Basilisk spawns on the Dark Iron Highway that leads to Bael’gar. If you see the phrase “You feel a shadowed presence,” you have done everything alright.
  2.  Then, use the Agamaggan’s Roar item near the Ghostly Basilisk to summon a Delirious Ancient.
  3.  Defeat the boss and get the Wild Offering item.

Once you have completed all the steps, head to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood and receive a Hyjal’s Wisdom item. It lets you learn the Rune of Primal Energy.

All Druid Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 2

SoD Phase 2 all Druid Runes and locations: Waist slot

How to get Berserk Rune in SoD

All Druid Runes: How to Get Berserk Rune in SoD

Berserk Rune: When activated, this ability causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets and have no cooldown, and reduces the energy cost of all your Cat Form abilities by 50%.  Lasts 15 sec. Requires Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form to activate.

Clears the effect of Fear and makes you immune to Fear for the duration.

How to get Berserk:

Requirements and recommendations before obtaining this Rune: To get this Rune, you will need to be at least level 28 and have the Challenging Roar ability trained.

How to get Eclipse Rune in SoD

All Druid Runes: How to Get Eclipse Rune in SoD

Eclipse Rune: Starfire increases the critical strike chance of your next two Wraths by 30%, and Wrath reduces the cast time of your next Starfire by 1.0 sec, both effects stacking up to 4 charges. Both spells also gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you take damage.

How to get Eclipse:

Desolace: Accept the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at an Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard [47, 54].

How to get Nourish Rune in SoD

All Druid Runes: How to Get Nourish Rune in SoD

Nourish Rune: Heals a friendly target for (161 / 100 *) to (189 / 100 *). Heals for an additional 20% if you have a Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, or Wild Growth effect active on the target. This spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Healing Touch.

How to get Nourish:

Requirements and recommendations before obtaining this Rune: Unlock as many flight points as possible between Alterac Mountains and Stranglethorn Vale, as well as between Ratchet and Moonglade.

SoD Phase 2 all Druid Runes and locations: Feet slot

How to get Dreamstate Rune in SoD

All Druid Runes: How to Get Dreamstate Rune in SoD

Dreamstate Rune: Your damaging spell critical strikes grant you 50% of your mana regeneration while casting for 8 sec and increase Nature damage dealt to the target by 20% for 12 sec.

How to get Dreamstate:

How to get Survival Instincts Rune in SoD

All Druid Runes: How to Get Survival Instincts Rune in SoD

Survival Instincts Rune: When activated, this grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost. Useable in any form.

In addition, you regenerate 5 rage every time you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, 10 energy while in Cat Form, or 1% of your maximum mana while in any other form.

How to get Survival Instincts:

How to get King of the Jungle Rune in SoD

All SoD Druid Runes: How to Get King of the Jungle Rune in SoD

King of the Jungle Rune: Tiger’s Fury now increases all physical damage you deal by 15% instead of by a flat value, and instantly grants you 60 Energy. It is no longer on the global cooldown, but it now has its own 30 sec cooldown.

How to get King of the Jungle:

All Druid Runes in Season of Discovery Phase 1

All SoD Druid Runes: Chest slot

Living Seed Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Living Seed Rune

Living Seed Rune: When you critically heal your target with any healing spell you plant a Living Seed on the target for 30% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts 15 sec.

How to get Living Seed:

Tauren: Loot 3 Prairie Flowers around Mulgore and combine them into a Prairie Crown. Find the Wooden Effigy mob (located at [37.7, 49.5]) and use the Crown on it. A Level 7 Elite mob, Unleashed Nature Spirit, will spawn.

Night Elf: Loot 3 Glade Flowers around Teldrassil and combine them into a Glade Crown. Find the Wooden Effigy mob (located at [66.9, 57.5]) and use the crown on it. A Level 7 Elite mob, Unleashed Nature Spirit, will spawn.

Defeating those elites grants the Rune.

Wild Strikes Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Wild Strikes Rune

Wild Strikes Rune: While you are in Cat Form, Bear Form, or Dire Bear Form, party members within 20 yards gain increased combat ferocity. Each melee hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker an extra attack with 20% additional Attack Power. No effect if the party member is already benefitting from Windfury Totem.

How to get Wild Strikes:

Alliance and Horde: Drops from level 14-15 Grimtotem Tauren NPCs, such as Grimtotem Ruffian and Grimtotem Sorcerer at the south eastern entrance of Stonetalon Mountains, around [80, 88].

Fury of Stormrage Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Fury of Stormrage Rune

Fury of Stormrage Rune: Reduces the mana cost of Wrath by 100% and each time you deal damage with Wrath you have a 12% chance for your next cast of Healing Touch within 15 sec to be instant.

How to get Fury of Stormrage

Survival of the Fittest Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Survival of the Fittest Rune

Survival of the Fittest Rune: Reduces the chance you’ll be critically hit by melee attacks by 6% and reduces all damage taken by 10%. Damage taken reduced by an additional 10% while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form.

How to get Survival of the Fittest: This Rune is purchasable for 4 gold and 50 silver when you reach Honored with the new Supply Factions, Durotar Supply and Logistics for Horde players and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players. For more information, check out our article here:

All SoD Druid Runes: Legs slot

Starsurge Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Starsurge Rune

Starsurge Rune: Launch surging stellar energies that causes (135 / 100 *) to (165 / 100 *) Arcane damage. Starsurge benefits from and triggers most talents and effects that trigger or benefit from Wrath or Starfire.

How to get Starsurge:

Alliance and Horde: A Dwarf inside a cave at around [35, 14] in the Wetlands gives players a Marshroom, which will allow players to speak to a Frog sitting on a stump in a pond at [31, 18] who will then give them the Rune.

Lifebloom Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Lifebloom Rune

Lifebloom Rune: Heals the target for (4 / 100 * 7 *) over 7 sec. When Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, the target instantly heals for (57 / 100 *) and the Druid regains half the cost of the spell. This effect can stack up to 3 times on the same target.

How to get Lifebloom:

Savage Roar Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Savage Roar Rune

Savage Roar Rune: Finishing move that increases physical damage done by 30% while in Cat Form. Lasts longer per combo point:

How to get Savage Roar:

Skull Bash Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Skull Bash Rune

Skull Bash Rune: Charge to a target within 13 yards and bash the target’s skull, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec. Shares a cooldown with Feral Charge.

How to get Skull Bash: This Rune is purchasable for 4 gold and 50 silver when you reach Honored with the new Supply Factions, Durotar Supply and Logistics for Horde players and Azeroth Commerce Authority for Alliance players. For more information, check out our article here:

All SoD Druid Runes: Gloves slot

Sunfire Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Sunfire Rune

Sunfire Rune: Burns the enemy for (130 */ 100) to (152 */ 100) Nature damage and then an additional (65 * 4 */ 100) Nature damage over 12 sec.

How to get Sunfire:

Lacerate Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Lacerate Rune

Lacerate Rune: Lacerates the enemy target, making them bleed for (* 20 / 100 * 5) damage over 15 sec plus 20% weapon damage per existing application of Lacerate on the target. Causes a high amount of threat. This effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target.

How to get Lacerate:

Wild Growth Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Wild Growth Rune

Wild Growth Rune: Heals all of target player’s party members within 40 yards of target player for (34 / 100 * 7 *) over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as Wild Growth reaches its full duration.

How to get Wild Growth:

Alliance and Horde: Three Owl Symbols are required to unlock this Rune.  Symbol of the First Owl can be found in Northeast Ashenvale at around [89, 41], where you have to defeat three waves of level 25 enemies, with two enemies in each wave. 

Symbol of the Second Owl can be found in Duskwood. Head to the Northeast part of The Twilight Grove at around [50, 35] to pick up the buff. 

Continue East of the grove to the Worgen area and look for a level 25 boar named Agon. Finally,  Symbol of the Third Owl can be found in Hillsbrad, and requires you to swim between two islands at around [36, 76)] and [54, 82] in less than 2 minutes using your aquatic form (click each statue). 

When all three Owl Symbols have been obtained, return to the Druid trainer in Moonglade and hand in the quest to get Wild Growth.

Mangle Rune

All SoD Druid Runes: Mangle Rune

Mangle Rune: Gain the Mangle (Bear) ability and replace your Claw ability with Mangle (Cat). This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Claw and Maul.

Mangle (Bear): Mangle the target for 160% normal damage and cause the target to take 30% additional damage from Bleed effects and Shred for 1 min. This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Claw and Maul.

Mangle (Cat): Mangle the target for 300% normal damage and cause the target to take 30% additional damage from Bleed effects and Shred for 1 min. Awards 1 combo point. This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Claw and Maul.

How to get Mangle:

That concludes the guide to all Druid Runes in Season of Discovery. If you are interested in more guides on Runes, check out our guide for all SoD Hunter Runes below:

Or you can find every single Rune for all nine playable classes in our comprehensive guide on all 5 Phases of Season of Discovery here:

We hope that the guides have been able to aid you on your journey. Happy gaming!

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