How to Get Healing and Meditation runes in SoD Phase 5
In this guide, we will show you how to get Healing and Meditation runes in SoD Phase 5 and everything you need to know about them.

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In Phase 5 of the Season of Discovery, Blizzard added only two new runes for rings, which are account-bound and suitable for a wide range of classes: the Rune of Healing Specialization and the Rune of Meditation Specialization.
Although both runes are account-bound, they can only be seen and picked up by the classes they are intended for, so keep that in mind before setting out to find them.
How to Get Healing Specialization Rune in SoD
The Rune of Healing Specialization is available for Paladins, Priests, Shamans, Mages, and Druids.
Healing Specialization: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 26. This effect is not cumulative with other ring runes.
How to get Healing Specialization:
- Head to Arathi Highlands and find Faldir’s Cove at [34, 80]
- To access Faldir’s Cove, travel to the cave located southeast of Stromgarde Keep [21, 75]. Follow the cave path, and you’ll emerge at Faldir’s Cove. On a crate, you’ll find the small black tome containing the Rune of Healing Specialization. You can acquire this rune simply by clicking on the tome.
How to Get Meditation Specialization Rune in SoD
The Rune of Meditation Specialization is available for Paladins, Hunters, Priests, Shamans, Mages, Warlocks, and Druids.
Meditation Specialization: Restores 5 mana per 5 sec. This effect is not cumulative with other ring runes.
How to get Meditation Specialization:
- Head to the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles [80, 77]
- Look for a small goblin house in the area. Inside, you’ll find a small black tome containing the Rune of Meditation. You can acquire this rune simply by clicking on the tome.
We hope this guide has helped you find the runes you need without any hassle. For more rune guides, check out our article here:
You’ll find complete lists for all nine playable classes in SoD. We’re continuously updating our guides to reflect the new, easier methods of obtaining runes from previous phases, so stay tuned!