WoW Fresh Classic Cooking guide 1–300: All trainers and recipes for leveling

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Welcome to our efficient and comprehensive WoW Fresh Classic Cooking leveling guide! This guide will cover the best ways to level your Cooking skills from 1 to 300 in the Classic Era. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced player, this guide will help you level up quickly and economically.

For a complete guide on professions in Fresh WoW Classic, including a tier list of the most useful ones, be sure to check out our article here:

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Why choose Cooking in WoW Fresh Classic?

Cooking in WoW Classic is an excellent profession for those who want to provide valuable buffs for themselves and their allies and those looking to make gold. It allows you to prepare food that enhances stats, boosts health, and offers various buffs. 

Cooking can be paired with Fishing for even more significant benefits, especially if you want to maximize efficiency. All the reagents you get from Fishing will save you a lot of gold. Besides, Cooking will allow you to sell your fish reagents at better prices or utilize them in food. For example, you can fish for winter squid and then transform it into grilled squid by cooking it! Skinning is also useful, as you most likely will hunt for meat at some point leveling Cooking.

And the primary benefactor of this profession is that it doesn’t take up your primary profession slot. You can level up in Cooking in any profession you like. This all makes Cooking a significant boost to your character overall.

Cooking trainers in WoW Fresh Classic

You’ll need to find a Cooking trainer to begin your Cooking journey. You can learn the basics of Cooking once you reach level 5. Depending on your faction, here’s where you can find your Cooking trainer:

FactionTrainer nameLocationCoordinates
AllianceAlegornDarnassus/way 50, 36
AllianceCook GhilmDun Morogh/way 75, 52
AllianceCrystal BoughmanRedridge Mountains/way 22, 40
AllianceDaryl RiknussunIronforge/way 60, 36
AllianceGremlock PilsnorDun Morogh/way 54, 50
AllianceStephen RybackStormwind City/way 77, 53
AllianceTomasGoldshire, Elwynn Forest/way 44.2, 66
AllianceZarrinDolanaar, Teldrassil/way 57, 61.2
HordeAska MistrunnerThunder Bluff/way 51, 52
HordeEunice BurchThe Undercity/way 62, 44
HordeMuddukStranglethorn Vale/way 37, 49
HordePyall SilentstrideMulgore/way 45, 57
HordeSlaggArathi Highlands/way 69, 34
HordeZamjaOrgrimmar/way 57, 53

Fresh WoW Classic Cooking leveling 1–50

At the start of your Cooking profession, you’ll be crafting simple recipes to build up your skill. For efficient leveling, aim to craft around 55 items at this stage.

Recipes and Materials:

Horde-Only Alternatives:

Alliance-Only Alternative:

50–100: Journeyman Cooking

Once you reach level 10, you can visit your Cooking trainer to learn Journeyman Cooking. You’ll need Cooking skill 50 and character level 10 to train for this stage.


100–175: Expert Cooking

To move on to Expert Cooking, you’ll need to achieve Cooking skill 125 and reach level 20. Once you do, buy the Expert Cookbook from Wulan in Desolace (Horde) or Shandrina in Ashenvale (Alliance).


For 130 — 175, you should aim to craft 50 Curiously Tasty Omelets from Raptor Eggs, which are sold by Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind City. The omelet recipe is a great and cost-efficient choice here.

175–225: Artisan Cooking

To become an Artisan Cook, you’ll need Cooking skill 225 and must complete the Clamlette Surprise questline. The quest requires materials such as Giant Eggs, Zesty Clam Meat, and Alterac Swiss Cheese.

Roast Raptor: 50x Raptor Flesh (Keena in Arathi Highlands)

Once you have your Artisan Cooking skills, visit Dirge Quikcleave in Tanaris to complete the final steps in your cooking mastery.

225–300: Advanced Artisan Recipes

To finish your Cooking journey to 300, you’ll be crafting higher-level recipes such as Poached Sunscale Salmon and Nightfin Soup. Gikkix sells these recipes in Tanaris and requires materials like Raw Sunscale Salmon and Raw Nightfin Snapper.

Final Recipes:


Congratulations! You have now reached Cooking Skill 300 in WoW Fresh Classic!


Leveling Cooking in WoW Fresh Classic is both rewarding and profitable. By following this guide, you’ll be able to efficiently level up your Cooking profession, earn buffs for your character, and make gold along the way. Whether you’re a casual player or aiming for the best in-game food, this guide will help you achieve your culinary goals. Happy Cooking, and enjoy your journey in the Classic Era!

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