Cataclysm Classic Beta Is Live: Known Issues
Cataclysm Classic Beta is live. Finally, it’s time to test out what the next WoW Classic expansion has in store!
Spring has come, and so has the closed Beta of Cataclysm Classic. Although delayed, the testing phase for the next chapter in WoW Classic is now officially underway, starting March 8, 2024. Are you interested in participating? There’s still time to sign up:
“Players can tackle this milestone expansion again with new quality-of-life changes, including a faster content cadence, improved leveling experience, expanded Collections UI, and more!”
— Blizzard Entertainment
Although Cataclysm Classic Beta is live, please note that the following content is not available for testing:
- Reforging
- Archaeology
- Goblins and Worgen Races
- Transmogrification
- Guild system updates
- Leveling past 80
- Endgame dungeons
- Dungeon Journal
- Tol Barad
- Character info screen updates
There are, of course, many bugs waiting to be discovered. At the moment, only the following issues are known to Blizzard:
- Testers may receive a Lua error relating to Blizzard_SettingsDefinitions_Frame_Classic.toc when logging into the game.
- The World map has some selection and highlight issues.
- There may be a LUA error when opening the Collections UI or selecting a new pet or mount.
- Minimaps are not working inside a majority of the indoor environments.
- The Mastery Passive and Armor Specialization can’t be learned from your trainer.
- Leveling up shows “Congratulations, you have reached [Level 0]” in the chat.
- Some questgivers in Southern Barrens aren’t spawning in properly.
- Some quest NPCs in Redridge Mountains are not spawning in properly.