How to Get Previous Season Passes Rewards in Destiny 2

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Any player in the last couple of years could have encountered one unpleasant problem in Destiny 2 — the lack of time. Our life is too unpredictable. Therefore you can often abandon the passage of the season in the middle of it. Sometimes players can completely forget about Season Pass and not even take the rewards from it. Guardians have been asking Bungie for a long time to add the ability to claim past Destiny 2 season rewards. Regardless, the studio has not allowed this.

Suppose you ever managed to reach a certain level and simply forgot to pick up prizes at the end of the season or on other characters. Here comes the perfect solution to reclaim all your missed rewards. Fans finally found a loophole and a full-fledged way to pick up old loot in Destiny 2, even though in other online games, the Season Pass is usually available for only 3–4 months. You can even do this from your phone, but more details are in this article.

At long last, cosmetics, weapons, currency, and engrams from any season will be yours! Because today, you will learn step-by-step about all the possible ways of how to collect the past season rewards of Destiny 2 that have been waiting for you for so long. We recommend hurrying up because, with the release of The Final Shape, this opportunity of getting old items will likely disappear forever.

UPDATE: 06.23.2024

After Bungie’s website updated with the announcement of Marathon, their new game, rewards from Season of the Lost to Season of the Undying are no longer available. If the situation changes, we’ll update the article.

Rewards from the following seasons and episodes are available right now:

Method for PC

Download the browser add-on for Google Chrome or Firefox. If you have already had it, look for a special Browser Expansion named “Season Pass Pass.” You can thank Josh Hunt for creating it.

If you have never used such extensions before, don’t worry. All you have to do is find a golden ticket in the upper right corner of the browser. You will be required to link your Bungie account by clicking on it. Next, choose any desired season by pressing on the “Change previous season” button, and that’s all. Now with access to all available seasonal items, you can finally collect past season rewards for Destiny 2.

Season Pass Rewards

Took everything that was accessible? Сhange to the next season, refresh the page and continue collecting. In addition, people can often miss some things here. By scrolling down, you will see all the rewards that are still available to get. Don’t forget to always scroll there. Otherwise, you will miss yet another useful material!

Method for Android mobile devices

  1. Find any Android phone
  2. Download the old version of the Destiny 2 Companion app using APKPure
  3. Find the Season Pass category
  4. Claim all possible Destiny 2 previous season rewards

Got problems doing it and returned to the guide? Don’t worry, we understand that there could be problems here.

This method’s complexity is to find and download the relevant version at the time of the season you need. In APKPure, scroll to the Previous Versions bar and click it to open all the public app builds. Fortunately, programmers of the site indicate each version’s release date of the application for convenience. And you can navigate by the dates of the seasons without any problems. It will take a long time to claim old season rewards for Destiny 2, but if there are helpful items that you need now, then it’s definitely worth it.

That’s all we can offer you for now. The PC method is definitely more user-friendly. But if you are more of a phone person, then the mobile app is the way to go. We have described both ways in detail so that you don’t have any problems while collecting desired rewards. We hope that you will share this article with your friends and help them get all the items they skipped out.

Be sure to grab the last season’s rewards in Destiny 2, as there is very little time left before the end of the season. And if you still have problems with farming, then we are ready to solve them with a Season Pass boost. Before Lightfall, Guardians should be fully prepared for new challenges!

Thanks for reading. Owl is flying away!

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Owl Guy
503 articles



it only lets me claim the first reward is there anyway to make it level 100?


how do I find the old version on the android app. I went to apk app management but the only version is the up-to-date version of the app


I’m really just after something old as dirt the iron banner ornaments from season three I was deployed most of the season and only had enough time to grab 2 of the 5 when I got back I only had about ten hours to do it so I missed out I just want the chance to earn them again


bungie still hasnt fixed the issue that u cant get past seasopn of the witch loot from old season passes. fucking lame!!!!


Is there an extension to purchase past seasonal levels? I have the extension where you can aquire the old seasonal rewards. However, I can’t get all of them bc my level isn’t 100. Does anyone know of a method?


is there an extension to purchase these past season levels? I have the extension to aquire the old season rewards but I can’t get all of them bc my level wasn’t at 100. Does anyone know of a method?


Hi! So just to be clear, will this unlock all rewards in a previous season, even though I didn’t finish that previous season?


You do not have permission to claim this reward. (1686) i keep getting this error on the free rewards claiming page. Any ideas?


So I claimed last seasons engrams on my phone and they appeared on screen like I received engrams but I don’t know where to go to open them.

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Jami!

You can open seasonal engrams at H.E.L.M. Season of Defiance at War Table, Season of the Deep at Aquatic Operations, and Season of the Witch at Rite of Culling.


So there is no way to claim rewards from season of the witch? I’m on iPhone and I take it I can’t

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello Merkle!

Unfortunately, there are currently no good ways to collect rewards from your iPhone. You need either a computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android device to download previous versions of the Destiny 2 Companion App.

If you are not receiving your rewards, please check if you are logged into your Bungie account. Sometimes you need to re-login for everything to work correctly.

We hope you will be able to claim the rewards you need quickly!


heya kinda late, so i claimed everything but it didnt appear in my account? any fix for that?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, deyo!

Perhaps the rewards haven’t been collected on your account (it’s worth trying again), or just try to re-enter the game. Be sure to try to check inventory + collection because sometimes items could be given out, but the game didn’t notify you about this. If all else fails, then try to contact Bungie support. They may be able to help you since this does not violate the rules.

I hope this helps!


Mines the same, it just shows 1-100 as blank for any season before season of the risen

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, TimTam and Melt.

Apparently, Bungie broke the collection of rewards before Season of the Risen after updating their site with the Marathon announcement. They can return them, but the possibility is not high. The author of the modification may be able to somehow fix this, but there is a chance that now the rewards of those seasons will no longer be picked up.

I am very sorry that this happened and I hope you got an answer to your question.


So lets say I didn’t buy the season pass for lightfall until this next season. I also didn’t get to level 100 to unlock everything. Could I still buy the season pass and get all the stuff that I would’ve unlocked when I reached level 100?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Emmanuel!

You can buy a Season Pass with the Deluxe Edition of Lightfal even after Season Pass is released. Alas, you won’t be able to level up like in Halo Infinite. There is no system for changing Passes, only the ability to pick up old rewards.


Hi so can I buy the witch queen deluxe well upgrade because I already have witch queen and get access to the seasons to claim


Hey, there I bought beyond light which gave me access to like the next 5 seasons, but I didn’t play then, but I am returning back and I am trying to do the method and it says that I have the 1st level unlocked but whenever I click it it says I do don’t have permission to claim it, am I doing something wrong or did Bungie patch the method?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Alpha!

From personal experience, some seasons with one completed level cannot be picked up for some reason. It gives a similar error, and nothing can be done here. Most likely, this method works more consistently with Witch Queen (there were no problems getting rewards for myself here) and Lightfall due to the lack of Package rewards on the first level. There are simply Exotic weapons.

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello Omega!

Currently, there are no methods for iPhones, which is why we have described only Android phones in the guide. If there is at least some method of getting past rewards on these phones, we’ll definitely let you know!


I could’ve sworn I did this before on iPhone. So did they just remove this feature and make it a PC android exclusive?


This feature is available on the Destiny app for iPhone, but it only goes back to the most recent previous season.


Any way I could buy the season pass for Season of the Lost? I completed the season but never bought the pass, I regret it.

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Hinata!

Sadly, you can’t buy it anymore. Before the release of Lightfall, it was possible to buy the Witch Queen DLC with all seasons, which included Season of the Lost. Now this bundle is removed from stores.

We hope you have time to buy and collect everything this year!


Hi mate,

Can I claim season rewards only If I have maxed out the pass?

Just asking as I purchased the annual pass last time and I missed out on Season Of The Haunted.

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, James!

Yes, you can claim past season rewards even if you were at the first level. If you bought the Season Pass but didn’t log into the game, you can still claim the reward from this tool.

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Brian!

You can claim rewards from Season of the Undying up to Season of the Seraph. The Battle Pass system was first introduced in “Undying” , so the first, second and third seasons cannot be brought out in any way.

Lord Rithsays:

What do you do when it says, “Error
You do not have permission to claim this reward. (1686)”?

Owl Guy
Owl Guysays:

Hello, Lord!

You didn’t purchase the season pass from which you tried to collect the reward, so this error appeared. You can pick up rewards only from passes that you have and only from open levels. You can also find this 1686 error code on Bungie Forums.

I hope this helps!

Lord Rithsays:

That makes a lot of sense. I was able to claim every other season except the season of the Splicer. I’ll have to figure out how to get that season to get those rewards!