Shaman’s Lightning Bolt in Patch 11.1 PTR sparks controversy

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Shaman’s Lightning Bolt in Patch 11.1 PTR is now more sparkly, but resembles a projectile more than ever.

Shaman's Lightning Bolt in Patch 11.1 PTR sparks controversy

Key takeaways

  • The visual update for Shaman’s Lightning Bolt in Patch 11.1 PTR has sparked controversy among players.
  • While the animation is more vibrant, the overall feedback has been negative, with many players feeling it no longer represents lightning.
  • Since the update is still in the PTR stage, there is hope that Blizzard will consider community feedback and make adjustments before the official release.

The War Within Patch 11.1 is still in its PTR stage, but players have already spotted several exciting changes. While the visual update for swirlies has been well-received, the same can’t be said for the Lightning Bolt of Shaman.

As shown by Sweetsour Gamer, the new animation is more vibrant and dazzling, moving away from the simpler design of the past:

Feedback has been mixed, with the overall consensus leaning negative. The main critique is that the animation no longer feels like an accurate representation of lightning. Instead, it resembles a fast-moving projectile, which many think takes away from the elemental essence of the Shaman’s power.

Some players pointed out that this design is reminiscent of the Lightning Bolt animation from WoW Classic, which also had a more projectile-like appearance. For players nostalgic for the older version, this may seem like a glorious return to the past. For others, it comes across as a step in the wrong direction.

Fortunately, this update is still in the PTR stage, meaning it’s not final. Blizzard may take community feedback into account and make adjustments before the patch is officially released.

Shaman’s Lightning Bolt last received a visual glow-up in Legion, which was widely praised. So, there’s hope that Blizzard will make the right decision once again.

What about you? Do you like the new look of Shaman’s Lightning Bolt? What improvements would you suggest? Let us know in the comments!

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