MoP Remix Barbershop Location: Exact Spots and Coordinates

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Can’t find MoP Remix Barbershop location? We’ve made a guide with screenshots and even a video to help you find your way!

MoP Remix Barbershop Location: Exact Spots and Coordinates

Key Takeaways

  • Alliance’s MoP Remix Barbershop location: southeast of the Shrine of Seven Stars on the Summer Terrace. Coordinates [85,67].
  • Horde’s MoP Remix Barbershop location: north of the Shrine of Two Moons on the Golden Terrace. Coordinates [64,18].

With a plethora of options to personalize characters, pets, druid forms, and mounts in WoW, the Barbershops have become the close friends of many players. Yet, locating one in MoP Remix presents an adventure in itself. After all, players can’t access the world outside of Pandaria. So, it’s impossible to pay their familiar Barbershops a visit in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. And to add, in the original Mists of Pandaria, the Barbershop feature didn’t even exist.

“Is there even a Barbershop in MoP Remix?” has been the main concern of many gamers. But rest assured, because the answer is yes, there are two Barbershops in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. You just need to know how to find them.

MoP Remix Barbershop Location

MoP Remix Barbershop Location: Exact Spots and Coordinates


The Alliance’s MoP Remix Barbershop location is at the coordinates [85,67] to the southeast of the Shrine of Seven Stars. You’ll find its owner, Mei Steadypaw, on the Summer Terrace, just outside one of the entrances to the building.


The Horde’s MoP Remix Barbershop location is at the coordinates [64,18] to the north of the Shrine of Two Moons. Look for Mei Steadypaw on the Golden Terrace, just outside one of the entrances to the building.

For a more visual approach, you may want to check out our video guide here:

Let us know if you’ve been able to find the Barbershop in the comments, and stay tuned for more WoW news and guides!

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