How to get Jani’s Trashpile mount in War Within patch 11.0.7

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The Jani’s Trashpile mount is now available in Patch 11.0.7 as a reward for completing the A Farewell to Arms meta-achievement. Here’s our guide on how to get Jani’s Trashpile mount in War Within patch 11.0.7.

Table of Contents

  1. Jani’s Trashpile Mount
  2. BFA meta achievement
  3. Easy: Raid and Dungeons achievements
    1. Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Hero
    2. BfA expansion raids
    3. Battle of Dazar’alor raid
    4. Crucible of Storms
    5. The Eternal Palace
    6. Ny’alotha, the Waking City
  4. Easy: Dressed to Kill: Battle for Azeroth
    1. Easiest Way: PvP Sets
    2. Alternative: PvE Sets
  5. Easy: All the Squirrels I Set Sail to See
    1. Coordinates for Critters
    2. How to Complete the Achievement:
  6. Easy: War Stories
  7. Medium: Maximum Effort
    1. War is Hell
    2. War for the Shore
    3. Strike Fast
    4. Night Moves
    5. Leader of Troops
    6. Recruitment Officer
    7. Tour of War
    8. Deforester
    9. The Dirty Five
    10. Azeroth at War: The Barrens
      1. Alliance Barrens Missions:
      2. Horde Barrens Missions:
    11. Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron
      1. Alliance Lordaeron Missions:
      2. Horde Lordaeron Missions:
    12. Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire
      1. Alliance Kalimdor Missions:
      2. Horde Kalimdor Missions:
    13. Frontline Warrior
      1. Alliance Faction Assault Quests:
      2. Horde Faction Assault Quests:
  8. Medium: Expedition Leader
    1. Island Conqueror
    2. Azerite Admiral
    3. Give Me The Energy
    4. Tell Me A Tale
    5. Metal Detector
    6. I’m Here for the Pets
    7. Helping Hand
    8. Expert Expeditioner
    9. Team Deathmatch
      1. Horde NPC Teams:
      2. Alliance NPC Teams:
  9. Hard: I’m On Island Time
  10. Hard: Undersea Usurper
    1. Tour of the Depths
    2. Nazjatarget Eliminated
    3. I Thought You Said They’d Be Rare?
    4. Aqua Team Murder Force
    5. Trove Tracker
    6. A Fistful of Manapearls
    7. Terror of the Tadpoles
    8. Periodic Destruction
    9. Nothing To Scry About
    10. Mrrl’s Secret Stash
    11. Back to the Depths!
    12. Puzzle Performer
    13. Explore Nazjatar
  11. Hard: Mecha-Done
    1. The Mechagonian Threat
    2. Rest in Pistons Achievement
    3. Mechagon Rares Table
    4. Outside Influences
      1. Visitor Quests and Notes:
    5. Junkyard Architect
      1. Sources for Patterns:
    6. Junkyard Apprentice
    7. Junkyard Machinist
    8. Available in Eight Colors
      1. Paint Vial Sources:
    9. Junkyard Melomaniac
    10. Making the Mount
    11. Quest List:
    12. Armed for Action
  12. Hard: Full Heart, Can’t Lose
    1. Sub-Achievements Overview
    2. Have a Heart
    3. The Heart Forge
    4. Power Is Beautiful
    5. My Heart Container is Full
    6. Leveling Your Heart of Azeroth
  13. Conclusion

The reward for the Battle for Azeroth achievement, Jani’s Trashpile, has finally been added in the latest Patch 11.0.7. This mount is the reward for completing the A Farewell to Arms meta-achievement, which requires players to finish several tasks related to Battle for Azeroth content.

There are even more unique mounts to collect. You can check what 11.0.7 mounts were added to the game here:

A Farewell to Arms achievement boost

Unlock the Meta Achievement and Jani’s Trashpile Mount.
Get even more mounts, cosmetic transmogs,
fully leveled reputation, and achievements starting today!
Select the full bundle or specific parts you want done.

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Jani’s Trashpile Mount

Jani’s Trashpile is a unique transformation mount, allowing players to turn into Jani, a small scavenger character. When you transform into Jani, you will hear his signature soundbite, “HEK HEK HEK,” and the /mountspecial animation will trigger a simple raptor roar.

One special feature of this mount is that you continue to hold your weapons while transformed into Jani, which is a fun touch given his role as the Loa of Scavengers. Whether you’re holding Thunderfury or Shadowmourne, Jani will hold them for you.

Jani's Trashpile mount model. Source: Wowhead
(Jani’s Trashpile mount model. Source: Wowhead)

Jani is larger as a mount than he was as an NPC in Battle for Azeroth. While still somewhat small compared to other mounts, he is much bigger than his in-game appearance. If you’re working toward the A Farewell to Arms meta-achievement, now is the time to start completing the necessary Battle for Azeroth achievements to earn Jani’s Trashpile.

Note that Blizzard may nerf some achievements making them much quicker to complete.

BFA meta achievement

A Farewell to Arms is a meta-achievement in Battle for Azeroth, requiring players to complete a series of achievements across various content from the expansion. To unlock Jani’s Trashpile mount, players must finish achievements from raids like Uldir and Ny’alotha, and complete tasks such as Azerothian Diplomat and Maximum Effort. This achievement marks the completion of the Battle for Azeroth expansion’s most significant content, offering a unique and fun mount as the final reward.

The A Farewell to Arms meta-achievement in Battle for Azeroth requires completing the following individual achievements:

Some of these achievements take a lot of time, and some can be done in one hour. We will list achievements from the least time-consuming and hard to more complex ones.

While doing these achievements, you will unlock even more rewards like Honeyback Hivemother mount. And now let’s finally begin our Jani’s Trashpile mount in War Within patch 11.0.7 guide.

Easy: Raid and Dungeons achievements

The easiest and fastest category is Raid and Dungeons achievement. The only problem you may encounter with these achievements is probably getting to Nazjatar. We will focus on such nuances if there are such.

Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Hero

To complete the Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Hero achievement, you simply need to complete eight initial dungeons of BfA expansion on heroic difficulty or higher. The dungeons and coordinates for this achievement are:

The UnderrotNazmir[51.92, 65.82]
Kings’ RestZuldazar[37.74, 39.48]
The MOTHERLODE!! – AllianceZuldazar[39.80, 71.90]
The MOTHERLODE!! – HordeZuldazar[56.18, 59.98]
Shrine of the StormStormsong Valley[77.95, 24.15]
Temple of SethralissVol’dun[51.93, 25.16]
Waycrest ManorDrustvar[33.89, 13.14]
Tol DagorTiragarde Sound[99.01, 47.30]
FreeholdTiragarde Sound[84.60, 78.83]

BfA expansion raids

To complete these achievements you need to simply complete raids of BfA expansion on any difficulties. In War Within with all of the new equipment and scaling you won’t have trouble completing these raids even on Mythic difficulties.

The coordinates for these raids are:

Order of ReleaseDungeonZoneCoordinates
1UldirNazmir[54.0, 62.9]
2HBattle of Dazar’alorZuldazar[38.8, 2.4]
2ABattle of Dazar’alorBoralus[74.5, 28.4]
3Crucible of StormsStormsong Valley[83.9, 46.8]
4The Eternal PalaceNazjatar[50,0, 11.9]
5.1Ny’alotha, the Waking CityUldum[33,44]
5.2Ny’alotha, the Waking CityVale of Eternal Blossoms[56, 48]

This table includes the dungeons with their corresponding zones and coordinates. However, the Battle of Dazar’alor, The Eternal Palace, and Ny’alotha, the Waking City can be tricky to start. We will describe how to get to them in all detail.

Alternatively, you can join LFG groups for these raids if you didn’t unlock specific zones. Many players assemble transmog run groups for these raids. However, with this method you won’t get access to N’Zoth nightmares and Nazjatar zone.

Battle of Dazar’alor raid

The battle of the Dazar’alor raid is an interesting case, as it has separate entrances for different factions. If you are playing Horde then you need to go to Zuldazar [38.8, 2.4]. And Alliance players need to go to Boralus [74.5, 28.4]. The progress however counts both towards Horde and Alliance.

Crucible of Storms

Crucible of Storms is a mini-raid located in Stormsong Valley [83.9, 46.8]. It only has 2 bosses so you won’t have trouble with it.

The Eternal Palace

The Eternal Palace is located in Nazjatar [50,0, 11.9]. The thing about it is that you need to unlock Nazjatar to enter it. To unlock Nazjatar for your character follow these steps (If you have no BfA progress at all):

  1. Talk to the Hero’s Herald: First, make your way to the Hero’s Call Board in the Trade District of Stormwind. Speak with the Hero’s Herald to begin the quest titled Tides of War.
  2. Complete Initial Quests: Follow the series of introductory quests to set the stage for the arrival of the ship’s captain, Cyrus. These quests will help you understand the context of the battle unfolding.
  3. Obtain the Ferry Pass: As part of your preparations, you will be given a ferry pass. This item allows you to travel to the next important location in your adventure.
  4. Open the Portal to Stormwind: After acquiring the ferry pass, proceed to open the portal to Stormwind. This will unlock your access to the ship and further quests.
  5. Inspect the Map: Upon entering the ship, you will be tasked with inspecting a map, which reveals crucial information about the next phase of your mission.
  6. Board the Ship with Genn: Once you’ve inspected the map, you will meet King Genn Greymane. Work with him to prepare the fleet and set sail for your destination.
  7. Unlock Nazjatar: With the ship ready and your objectives clear, you will set sail to Nazjatar, a key location in the ongoing battle.

This sequence will guide you through the essential steps to unlock the Nazjatar questline in Battle for Azeroth. Once you are in Nazjatar you can simply do the raid and be done with this achievement.

Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Ny’alotha follows the same pattern as The Eternal Palace. The hardest part is not the raid, but how to get to it. After unlocking Nazjatar it would be best to do its questline until you unlock World Quests in Nazjatar. 

If you already did the Harnessing the Power and unlocked Nazjatar up until A Way Home, you would be eligible for the start of 8.3 questlines like Return of the Black Prince for Horde and An Unwelcome Advisor for Alliance. Do these quests up until you get to Network Diagnostics quest.

After that, an envelope with a note will spawn in Zandalar [58.5, 62.6], or if you Alliance player in Boralus [68.1, 22.4]. After getting the note Ny’alotha, the Waking City raid will be unlocked.

It still can bug after that, in this case, you should find Zidormi NPC in Uldum [56, 32.2] or Vale of Eternal Blossoms [80.4, 32], depending on which location N’zoth Assaults happen. After this completing the raid won’t be a trouble.

Easy: Dressed to Kill: Battle for Azeroth

The Dressed to Kill: Battle for Azeroth achievement requires players to complete at least four of the Battle for Azeroth appearance achievements. These achievements focus on completing full armor sets from various Battle for Azeroth content, including raids, PvP, and Warfronts.

To complete this achievement, you need to obtain armor sets from the following sources:

Easiest Way: PvP Sets

The fastest way to complete this achievement is by focusing on the PvP sets. All of the PvP armor sets can be purchased with Mark of Honor, which is earned by participating in PvP activities. Each ensemble costs 12 Mark of Honor, so to complete the achievement with PvP sets, you will need a total of 48 Mark of Honor to purchase four sets.

For PvP sets, Alliance and Horde players can purchase the necessary ensembles from specific NPCs:

The sets you need to buy for PvP credit are:

Alternative: PvE Sets

If you prefer to take the PvE route, you will need to complete various raids and instances to obtain full sets of armor. This process is now much easier with the Warbands system as you can run through dungeons with several characters and collect the gear for sets.

This achievement can be completed by either PvE or PvP methods, but the fastest way is undoubtedly to focus on PvP sets, which are straightforward to acquire once you have enough Mark of Honor. Whether you go the raid route or grind out the PvP ensembles, Dressed to Kill: Battle for Azeroth is a rewarding challenge for players seeking to show off their Battle for Azeroth-themed armor.

Easy: All the Squirrels I Set Sail to See

To All the Squirrels I Set Sail to See achievement requires you to use the /love emote on several critters in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. It’s a simple achievement — just find the critters and /love them. Please note that Battle Pet versions do not count; you may need to kill them to allow the critter versions to spawn.

Below are some coordinates for where you can find these critters. These are just a few of the many possible locations.

Coordinates for Critters

CritterLocation Coordinates
Tiragarde Gull/way #895 77.72, 47.90
Fluttering Softwing/way #895 84.76, 77.74
Bramble Hare/way #896 59.81, 21.85
Drustbat/way #896 53.09, 30.50
Honey Bee/way #942 45.87, 62.73
Olivewing/way #942 25.83, 70.26
Crested Gekkota/way #862 67.11, 41.89
Jungle Gulper/way #862 62.72, 16.52
Temple Beetle/way #1165 43.53, 36.77
Bloodfever Tarantula/way #863 30.30, 66.91
Nazmani Weevil/way #863 48.01, 69.10
Vale Flutterby/way #864 52.75, 83.73

How to Complete the Achievement:

  1. Locate the critters: Use the coordinates above to find the critters in the world.
  2. Use the /love emote: Approach the critter and use the /love emote on it.
  3. Avoid Battle Pets: Only the critter versions count. You may need to eliminate any Battle Pet versions first to allow the critter to spawn.

Once you’ve /loved all the critters listed above, you’ll complete the achievement To All the Squirrels I Set Sail to See!

Easy: War Stories

The War Stories achievement celebrates the unique story of the Battle for Azeroth (BfA) War Campaign. This storyline starts in patch 8.0 and ends in patch 8.2.5. The good news? This achievement is straightforward. While playing BfA content, you’ll see the War Campaign icon guiding you through the quests. The challenge? You’ll need to finish the War Campaign for both Horde and Alliance characters to complete it.

There’s no way to skip quests in this campaign. The best approach is to follow the story step by step. Instead of looking for shortcuts, enjoy the journey and experience the full storyline. But if you are anxious about not completing all BfA expansion Campaigns, be sure to download the BtWQuests addon with its Battle for Azeroth module from Curse.

Medium: Maximum Effort

Maximum Effort requires completing several Achievements related to Warfronts and the Battle for Azeroth mission table. Same as with the expedition achievements, you can’t do it solo. Be sure to look for a group. 

War is Hell

War is Hell requires you to win a Battle for Stromgarde.

War for the Shore

War for the Shore achievement requires you to win a Battle for Darkshore/Battle for Darkshore.

Strike Fast

Strike Fast achievement requires you to capture every location in the Battle for Stromgarde.

Night Moves

Night Moves achievement requires you to capture every location in the Battle for Darkshore/Battle for Darkshore.

Leader of Troops

Leader of Troops achievement requires you to recruit one of every type of troop in the Battle for Stromgarde.

Troop TypeCost (Iron)Requirement
Horde Grunt / Alliance Footman20None
Horde Axe Thrower / Alliance Rifleman30None
Horde Shaman / Alliance Priest50Circle of Elements captured
Horde Raider / Alliance Knight50Newstead captured
Summon Demolisher / Siege Engine80Workshop built (Max 3 active)

Recruitment Officer

Recruitment Officer achievement requires you to recruit one of every type of troop in the Battle for Darkshore/Battle for Darkshore.

Troop TypeCost (Wood)Requirement
Forsaken Deathguard / Kaldorei Sentinel20None
Forsaken Deadshot / Kaldorei Archer30None
Forsaken Alchemist / Druid of the Branch50Gloomtide Strand captured
Forsaken Lancer / Kaldorei Hunter50Ashwood Depot captured
Summon Catapult / Glaive Thrower80Glaiveworks/Plagueworks captured (Max 3 active)

Tour of War

Tour of War achievement requires you to defeat all enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde.


Deforester achievement requires you to embody every Alliance or Horde hero in the Battle for Darkshore/Battle for Darkshore.

The Dirty Five

The Dirty Five achievement requires you to raise 5 Mission Table Champions to Epic level.

Azeroth at War: The Barrens

zeroth at War: The Barrens achievement requires you to complete 6 missions related to The Barrens on the Mission Table.

Alliance Barrens Missions:

Horde Barrens Missions:

Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron

Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron achievement requires you to complete 6 missions related to Lordaeron on the Mission Table.

Alliance Lordaeron Missions:

Mission Name
Lordamere Lake
Undead Rising
Shadowfang Plague
Alterac Scouting
Damming Them All
Destroying the Keep
Dalaran Ritual
Dancing with the Dark Rangers
Exorcising Dun Garok
Hillsbrad Mine
Silverpine Reinforcements
Deep Elem Mine
Southshore Sabotage

Horde Lordaeron Missions:

Mission Name
Gilnean Assault
Wall Them Off
Lordamere Lake
Mounted Resistance
Shadowfang Plague
Rebuilding Alterac
Dancing with Dark Rangers
Dalaran Ritual
Exorcising Dun Garok
Azurelode Mine
Silverpine Reinforcements
Deep Elem Mine
Southshore Sabotage

Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire

Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire achievement requires you to complete 6 missions related to Kalimdor on the Mission Table.

Alliance Kalimdor Missions:

Mission Name
Bilgewater Sabotage
Siege of Astranaar
Teldrassil Evacuation
Ashenvale Pass
Shreds of Warsong
Out of Our Depth
Deeps Scouting
Darkshore Drilling
Stardust Spire Counterattack
Ancient Defenses
Posting Reinforcements
Recapture Silverwind Refuge
Return to Auberdine

Horde Kalimdor Missions:

Mission Name
Shreds of Warsong
Ashenvale Pass
Siege of Astranaar
Teldrassil Evacuation
Bilgewater Sabotage
Out of your Depth
Investigate Stardust Spire
Return to Auberdine
Deeps Scouting
Darkshore Drilling
Posting Reinforcements
Recapture Silverwind Refuge
Ancient Defenses

Frontline Warrior

Frontline Warrior achievement requires you to complete every Horde or Alliance Assault.

involves completing 4 Assault World Quests and then the final Assault quest.

Alliance Faction Assault Quests:

Quest Name
Ritual Rampage
March on the Marsh
Many Fine Heroes
A Sound Defense
A Drust Cause
Storm’s Rage

Horde Faction Assault Quests:

Quest Name
Breaching Boralus
In Every Dark Corner
Horde of Heroes
Shores of Zuldazar
Romp in the Swamp
Isolated Victory

Medium: Expedition Leader

To earn Expedition Leader achievement, you need to complete several Achievements related to Island Expeditions. This achievement is impossible to do solo. We recommend joining big WoW discord servers like Highmaul Coliseum, where people cooperate to help complete achievements.

Island Conqueror

Island Conqueror achievement requires you to complete every Island Expedition on Mythic difficulty.

Azerite Admiral

Azerite Admiral requires you to collect 1,000,000 Azerite from Island Expeditions.

Give Me The Energy

Give Me The Energy achievement requires you to collect 30 globes of Azerite energy from Island Expeditions.

Tell Me A Tale

Tell Me A Tale achievement requires you to complete 10 Island Expedition quests.

Metal Detector

Metal Detector achievement requires you to loot 100 Seafarer’s Dubloons.

I’m Here for the Pets

I’m Here for the Pets achievement requires you to learn 15 pets that drop from Island Expeditions.

Helping Hand

Helping Hand achievement requires you to rescue 15 explorers from Island Expeditions.

Expert Expeditioner

Expert Expeditioner achievement requires you to win 50 Island Expeditions on Mythic difficulty.

Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch achievement requires you to kill 15 champions from the opposite faction during Island Expeditions. You only need to do this for one faction.

Horde NPC Teams:

Phoenix Mage RyleiaSunbringer FirasiPhoenix Mage Rhydras
Rune Scribe LusarisMoonscythe PelaniAstralite Visara
GazloweSkaggitLady Sena
Sneaky PeteDorpCaptain Greenbelly
Sunwalker OrdelSpiritwalker QuuraMahna Flamewhisper
Witch Doctor UnbuguShadow Hunter Ju’loaBerserker Zar’ri
Nagtar WolfsbaneRanah SaberclawCharg “The Boisterous”

Alliance NPC Teams:

Dizzy DinaRazak IronsidesTally Zapnabber
Shadeweaver ZarraRiftblade KelainDuskrunner Lorinas
Varigg“Stabby” LottieBriona the Bloodthirsty
Squallshaper BrysonSquallshaper AuranFrostfencer Seraphi
Raul the TenaciousGunnolf the FerociousFenrae the Cunning
Vindicator BaatulArchmage TamuuraAnchorite Lanna
Airyn SwiftfeetLady TamakeenBrother Bruen

Hard: I’m On Island Time

I’m On Island Time is a huge achievement that requires the completion of several open-world and zone achievements across all six Battle for Azeroth zones. You’ll need to complete zone quests and explore both Horde and Alliance content to unlock it. Some tasks are faction-specific, so be sure to check the details for each achievement. 

The reward for this achievement is a Honeyback Hivemother mount. This achievement deserves a separate guide on its own, so be sure to read our I’m On Island Time achievement guide:

A Farewell to Arms achievement boost

Unlock the Meta Achievement and Jani’s Trashpile Mount.
Get even more mounts, cosmetic transmogs,
fully leveled reputation, and achievements starting today!
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Hard: Undersea Usurper

This is a meta-achievement that rotates around Nazjatar. You will be doing quests revolving Nazjatar story, defeating rares, and 

The reward for this achievement is Snapback Scuttler mount

Tour of the Depths

The Tour of the Depths achievement requires players to complete a series of objectives in Nazjatar. These tasks include completing an Emissary Quest, defeating a World Boss, learning about the Scrying Stones, and engaging in various quests across the zone.

Key Tasks:

  1. Complete an Emissary Quest: Wait for the Waveblade Ankoan or Unshackled emissary to be available in your Battle for Azeroth quests. Once active, complete 4 World Quests in Nazjatar to earn credit.
  2. Defeat a World Boss: Each week, one of two World Bosses, The Soulbinder or Terror of the Depths, will be active. Defeat one to fulfill this requirement.
  3. Learn About the Scrying Stones: This task is unlocked through the Nazjatar introduction and completing the quest Scrying Stones in Mezzamere or Newhome.
  4. Defeat an Azshara Champion: Several elite mobs in the zone, like the Starseeker of the Shirakess, are targeted for World Quests. Completing one of these quests will count for this objective.
  5. Level a Nazjatar Ally to Level 5: Choose a bodyguard during the Nazjatar questline and complete daily World Quests to earn experience for your Nazjatar follower. You need to do this for 5 days to complete this task.
  6. Defeat Mardivas’ Laboratory Creation: You must discover The Laboratory of Mardivas and defeat one of his creations to complete this task.
  7. Find and Assist Mrrl: Complete the questline related to A Safer Place after encountering Mrrl, the trader Murloc.

This achievement requires you to complete a wide range of activities in Nazjatar, so expect to spend time each day working on different objectives.

Nazjatarget Eliminated

The Nazjatarget Eliminated achievement tasks you with hunting down all of Azshara’s champions in Nazjatar. These elite mobs are featured in World Quests and will only spawn when their respective World Quests are active.

How to Complete:

This achievement can be time-consuming due to the rotating nature of the champions, and some mobs may not appear every day.

I Thought You Said They’d Be Rare?

For the I Thought You Said They’d Be Rare? achievement, you must defeat every rare mob in Nazjatar. While this may seem simple, some of these rares are hard to spawn, like Banescale the Packfather and Sandcastle.

Important Notes:

This achievement will take persistence as some rare mobs can be elusive.

Aqua Team Murder Force

The Aqua Team Murder Force achievement requires players to raise all their Nazjatar Bodyguards to rank 30. Since you can only earn one rank per day by completing daily quests, expect this achievement to take around 90 days.

Speeding Up Progress: You can use special items to boost your bodyguard’s experience. These include:

These items can be obtained through various in-game activities and help reduce the time needed to complete the achievement.

Trove Tracker

The Trove Tracker achievement requires you to find and solve the puzzles inside Arcane Trunks and Glowing Arcane Trunks scattered throughout Nazjatar. Each chest has a unique puzzle that must be solved to earn credit.

How to Complete:

This achievement will take time and patience as you explore the zone for all the chests.

A Fistful of Manapearls

The A Fistful of Manapearls achievement requires players to collect 1,000 Prismatic Manapearls. These are the primary currency in Nazjatar and can be obtained through various activities such as completing World Quests, defeating rare mobs, and opening chests.

How to Complete:

Terror of the Tadpoles

For the Terror of the Tadpoles achievement, you must shoo away 100 Bloodfin Tadpoles in the Bloodfin Village area of Nazjatar.

How to Complete:

Periodic Destruction

The Periodic Destruction achievement tasks you with defeating all creatures created in Mardivas’ Laboratory. You can create a new creature each week by collecting specific reagents and combining them in one of the lab’s crystal clusters.

How to Complete:

This is a long-term commitment, requiring patience to create and defeat each of the 13 possible creatures.

Nothing To Scry About

The Nothing To Scry About achievement requires you to use Scrying Stones to find and open 100 Glimmering Chests in Nazjatar.

How to Complete:

Mrrl’s Secret Stash

To unlock the Mrrl’s Secret Stash achievement, you must purchase the Crimson Tidestallion mount from Mrrl, a trader Murloc in Nazjatar.

How to Complete:

This achievement requires frequent visits to Mrrl and a bit of luck, as the mount only appears occasionally in his wares.

Back to the Depths!

The Back to the Depths! achievement requires you to complete the Summons from the Depths event 10 times in Nazjatar.

How to Complete:

This achievement is easy to complete over time, especially since the event happens regularly.

Puzzle Performer

To earn the Puzzle Performer achievement, you must complete every puzzle World Quest in Nazjatar.

How to Complete:

Use the provided macro to track active puzzles, ensuring you don’t miss any. Completing every type of puzzle will reward you with the achievement.

Explore Nazjatar

The Explore Nazjatar achievement requires you to uncover all the hidden areas of the zone, revealing every corner of the map.

Hard: Mecha-Done

The Mecha-Done meta-achievement requires completing a variety of achievements in Mechagon. This guide provides info on each of the achievements, including strategies, visitor schedules, and key details.

The Mechagonian Threat

The Mechagonian Threat requires you to complete Mechagon storyline. No skipping, just like with BfA storylines, you have to complete all quests connected to this location.

Rest in Pistons Achievement

The “Rest in Pistons” achievement involves hunting down and defeating all rare spawns in Mechagon. The rares are categorized by their spawning mechanics:

Many rares have unique mechanics or requirements to trigger their spawns. Additionally, some offer blueprints, pets, mounts, or toys as notable rewards.

Mechagon Rares Table

IDRare NameCoordinatesConditionsNotable Drops
1Mechagonian Nullifier[56.94, 53.31]Requires Remote Circuit BypasserBlueprint: Protocol Transference Device
2Mecharantula[87.08, 21.65]Always availableArachnoid Skitterbot (pet)
3Paol Pondwader[22.46, 68.73]Always availableNone
4Arachnoid Harvester[52.23, 40.45]Always availableRusty Mechanocrawler (mount)
5Fungarian Furor[48.70, 47.59]Requires Aid from Nordrassil daily questPaint Vial: Overload Orange, Snowsoft Nibbler (pet)
6Deepwater Maw[36.29, 43.52]Complete Danielle Anglers fishing questsBlueprint: Canned Minnows
7Bonepicker[66.04, 24.50]Always availableBonebiter (pet)
8Uncle T’Rogg[57.41, 21.13]Always availableForceful Refined Logic Board
9Sparkqueen P’Emp[78.77, 31.83]Requires Bugs, Lots of ‘Em! daily questNone
10Malfunctioning Beastbot[61.58, 39.58]Craft Beastbot Powerpack to summonLost Robogrip (pet)
11Earthbreaker Gulroc[63.53, 25.00]Requires Drill Rig DR-TR35Blueprint: Scrap Trap
12Gemicide[59.61, 67.36]Requires Drill Rig DR-JD99None
13Boilburn[50.80, 50.80]Requires Drill Rig DR-JD41Blueprint: Scrap Trap
14Steel Singer Freza[26.25, 78.06]Always availableBlueprint: Rustbolt Gramophone
15Mr. Fixthis[61.03, 61.45]Always availableBlueprint: BAWLD-371
16Enforcer KX-T57[53.99, 63.64]Always availableBlueprint: Rustbolt Pocket Turret
17Gorged Gear-Cruncher[69.18, 53.45]Requires Drill Rig DR-CC61Blueprint: Mechano-Treat
18The Doppel Gang[80.95, 20.17]Requires 3 Pressure Relief ValvesNone
19The Scrap King[72.15, 50.20]Always availableRemote Circuit Bypasser
20Jawbreaker[76.86, 44.23]Always availableNone
21Rumblerocks[39.64, 52.92]In cave (entrance on the sea side)Paint Vial: Big-ol Bronze
22Killsaw[41.32, 35.07]Always availableMechagonian Sawblades (toy)
23Foul Manifestation[66.02, 51.50]Activate pylons at 67.42, 55.41Blueprint: G99.99 Landshark
24OOX-Avenger/MG[56.77, 39.89]Requires Oglethorpe Obnoticus and OOX killBlueprint: Emergency Rocket Chicken
25Boggac Skullbash[54.20, 30.89]Always availableNone
26Seaspit[19.12, 79.75]Always availableBlueprint: Rustbolt Kegerator
27Rustfeather[64.86, 77.60]Always availableRusted Keys to the Junkheap Drifter (mount)
28Crazed Trogg[82.00, 21.36]Paint at 63.39, 41.64 to make hostileBlueprint: Orange/Green/Blue Spraybot
29Ol’ Big Tusk[56.15, 36.32]Requires Drill Rig DR-TR28None
30Oxidized Leachbeast[57.16, 62.58]Activate Weather Alteration MachineNone
31The Kleptoboss[68.86, 54.35]Requires Drill Rig DR-CC88Spraybot 0D (pet)
32Gear Checker Cogstar[66.51, 51.82]Kill mobs in Junkwatt Depot/The HeapsNone
33Armored Vaultbot[57.56, 48.01]Kite to Bolten Springspark (63.23, 38.78)Blueprint: Vaultbot Key, Armored Vaultbot
34The Rusty Prince[57.21, 58.38]Available in The Other Place (time shift)None
35Caustic Mechaslime[69.18, 53.45]Requires Drill Rig DR-CC73None
36Scrapclaw[82.67, 77.41]Always availableBlueprint: Personal Time Displacer

Outside Influences

Complete 15 visitor quests in Mechagon. Visitors rotate daily, offering unique quests.

Visitor Quests and Notes:

Grumbol GrimhammerOff-the-Books Brawlin’PvP objectives not required for completion.
Penny ClobberbottomAbduction Reduction
Rocket-Chief FuselageToys for DestructionBattle TestedRequires 2 days to complete both quests.
ChromieThe Other PlaceAdapt, Improve, OvercomeThe Final ActRequires Personal Time Displacer crafted from junkyard tinkering.
Future MechagonBe Kind, RewindAccessed via Personal Time Displacer.
Walton CogfrenzyCogfrenzy’s Construction FrenzyIdeal day for working on Junkyard Machinist.
MyluneAid from NordrassilSpawns Fungarian Furor for Rest in Pistons.
Razak IronsidesBugs, Lots of ‘Em!Rico’s RescueSpawns Sparkqueen P’Emp.
Archivist BitbyteDiscs of NorgannonSpawns elites with lootable data discs and blueprints.
Elise StarseekerClues Abound (and variations)Choose quest type based on relic looted. Can complete all in one day.
Pedram MechanotraxAim HighNot counted as a visitor but spawns alongside others.


Junkyard Architect

Learn 30 Junkyard Tinkering patterns.

Sources for Patterns:

SourceExample Drops
Rare spawnsRustbolt Armory Blueprint
Visitor questsPersonal Time Displacer Blueprint
Reclamation Rig (Hard Mode)Specialized Blueprints


Junkyard Apprentice

Craft 250 Junkyard Tinkering items.

Best Crafting Options:

ItemMaterials RequiredNotes
Emergency Repair Kit50 Spare PartsCheapest option for rapid crafting.
Emergency Powerpack5 Energy CellsUse surplus energy cells.


Junkyard Machinist

Complete 100 construction projects in Mechagon.

Construction Strategies:

Automated Flame Turret100 Spare PartsSpawn quickly and are the most efficient to build.

Flame Turret Spawn Locations:


Available in Eight Colors

Collect all color vials for the Mechanocat Laser Pointer mount.

Paint Vial Sources:

Big-ol BronzeRumblerocks (rare)
Mechagon GoldArmored Vaultbot
Lemonade SteelOxidized Leachbeast
Overload OrangeFungarian FurorCrazed Trogg
Fel Mint GreenCrazed Trogg
Fireball RedMechanized Chests
Copper TrimRecycling Requisitions


Junkyard Melomaniac

Find all musical tracks for the Rustbolt Gramophone.

Track Sources:

Ode to TinkertownAutomatically learned upon crafting.
Gnomeregan ForeverMechagonian Nullifier, Boggac Skullbash
Mimiron’s BrainstormRecycling Requisitions
Battle of GnomereganData Anomalies (visitor quest)
Depths of UlduarDrill Rig events
Triumph of GnomereganHard-mode Reclamation Rig

Prioritize events like Drill Rigs and Reclamation Rig for multiple tracks. Steel Singer Freza can drop all tracks but is not reliable.

Making the Mount

Complete the questline for the Scrapforged Mechaspider mount.

Quest List:

  1. Shop Project
  2. Right Bot for the Job
  3. Ready to Rumble
  4. Knock ‘Em Out the Box
  5. A Little Leg Work
  6. The Nuts and Bolts of It
  7. Factory Refurbished
  8. Grease the Wheels
  9. Emission Free
  10. Test Drive
  11. Knock His Bot Off
  12. Drive It Away Today

Final Quest Requirements:


Armed for Action

Construct all weapons from Rocket-Chief Fuselage’s daily quest, Toys for Destruction.

Weapon Checklist:


Since weapons rotate randomly, expect to repeat the quest until all are completed. Check visitor rotation daily.

Hard: Full Heart, Can’t Lose

The Full Heart, Can’t Lose achievement requires completing several sub-achievements related to the Heart of Azeroth artifact necklace from Battle for Azeroth. Below is a detailed guide to help you complete each component of this meta-achievement.

Sub-Achievements Overview

Have a HeartObtain the Heart of Azeroth.
The Heart ForgeUnlock the Azerite Essences system.
My Heart Container is FullSlot Rank 3 or Rank 4 Essences in every slot.
Power Is BeautifulObtain a Rank 4 Azerite Essence.

Have a Heart

Objective: Obtain the Heart of Azeroth.

  1. Questline: Begin the quest “A Dying World” by speaking to the Earthen Guardian in Dazar’alor (Horde) or Boralus (Alliance).
    • Questline Steps:
      • Complete “A Dying World.”
      • Proceed to Silithus and interact with Magni Bronzebeard.
    • Reward: Heart of Azeroth necklace.

Note: Ensure you are not on “The War Within” introduction questline to avoid phasing issues in Silithus and the Chamber of Heart.

The Heart Forge

Objective: Unlock the Azerite Essences system by completing the Heart Forge questline.

  1. Nazjatar Introduction: Progress through the Nazjatar questline until “Welcome to Nazjatar” (Sunken Ambitions/Unfathomable).
    • Magni will appear and offer the quest “Essential Empowerment.”
  2. Questline Steps:
Quest NameDescription
Essential EmpowermentBegin the process to unlock the Heart Forge.
MOTHER Knows BestInteract with MOTHER to progress the storyline.
A Disturbance Beneath the EarthInvestigate Azerite disturbances.
Take My HandEnter the Chamber of Heart.
Calming the SpineDefeat enemies in the Chamber.
Dominating the IndomitableOvercome a major challenge.
A Friendly FaceContinue interactions with allies.
The Heart ForgeUnlock the Heart Forge.
Harnessing the PowerComplete the Azerite Essence tutorial.

Reward: The Crucible of Flame Essence (Rank 1).

Power Is Beautiful

Objective: Obtain a Rank 4 Azerite Essence.

Rank 1Complete “MOTHER Knows Best” during The Heart Forge questline.
Rank 2Level Heart of Azeroth to 54 and complete “In Darkness, I Dream.”
Rank 3Level Heart of Azeroth to 60 and complete “Investigating the Highlands.”
Rank 4Level Heart of Azeroth to 70 and complete “A Bolt from the Blue.”

Tip: While completing “A Bolt from the Blue,” set your flight mode to Steady Flight to avoid obstacles.

Note: Rank 4 Essences are cosmetic and no longer obtainable for most Essences after Battle for Azeroth.

My Heart Container is Full

Objective: Slot Rank 3 or Rank 4 Azerite Essences in every slot of the Heart of Azeroth.

  1. Requirements: Unlock four Rank 3 Essences.
  2. Essence Suggestions: These are the easiest Rank 3 Essences to unlock:
EssenceUnlock Requirement
Breath of the DyingPurchase from Uldum Accord quartermaster at Revered.
The Unbound ForcePurchase from Waveblade Ankoan/The Unshackled quartermaster at Revered.
Purification ProtocolPurchase from Rustbolt Resistance quartermaster at Revered.

How to Slot Essences:

Tip: You will unlock The Crucible of Flame (Rank 3) naturally while leveling the Heart of Azeroth, leaving only three additional Essences to obtain.

Leveling Your Heart of Azeroth

Objective: Level your Heart of Azeroth to 70 by earning Azerite.

  1. Content to Complete:
    • Battle for Azeroth questlines and campaigns.
    • World Quests, Island Expeditions, and Warfronts.
    • Battle for Azeroth raids (provide significant Azerite rewards).
  2. Tips: Completing the meta-achievement components will naturally provide substantial Azerite gains.

Completing these steps will earn you the Full Heart, Can’t Lose achievement. Good luck on your journey to mastering the Heart of Azeroth!


Jani’s Trashpile mount if not one of the hardest meta-achievements in War Within, is definitely one of the most time-consuming. Yet this achievement shows us all sides of the BfA expansion: the good, the bad, and the ugly. We can only wish you patience and luck with getting Jani’s Trashpile mount.

Don’t be ashamed to buy Jani’s boost service to benefit your timetable, as this meta-achievement is definitely not for everyone’s taste.

How much progress did you have in Farewell to Arms achievement? Share your progress in the comment section!

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