How to check missing WoW MoP Remix rewards

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The new mode wraps up on August 19, 2024, and if you’re wondering how to check missing WoW MoP Remix rewards, here’s a handy tool to help you out!

How to check missing WoW MoP Remix rewards

Recently, a Reddit user, CloudyBastien, created a website called that quickly shows you which rewards you are missing from the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. You can check for mounts, toys, achievements, and most transmog sets. It will also summarize how much Bronze you’ve spent and what you still need to pay to complete everything.

(Source: Reddit)

To see your collected rewards and the ones you’re missing, select your region and server from the drop-down menu, then enter your character name on the website. You’ll get a detailed list of what you’ve already earned and what you still need. Note that CloudyBastien is still working on adding the missing transmog weapons and pets, so some items might not be available yet.

That’s it for our how to check missing WoW MoP Remix rewards article. If you want to share feedback, suggest new features, or report bugs, feel free to contact the developer in the comments of the original Reddit post. But if you lack Bronze to buy all the missing rewards, our professional and friendly boosters are here to assist you anytime!

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