Top 10 best Addons for WoW Classic Fresh! 

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Welcome to our Top 10 best addons for WoW Classic Fresh. Below, you’ll find all the addons to make your Classic experience smoother. 

Classic Era servers are back with the WoW Classic Fresh release. Now’s the excellent time to return to the game if you are a fan of the Classic Era or want to experience it for the first time. Classic Era offered a unique experience for gamers, having a unique for the time social MMO aspect. Many players want to re-experience it. However, many Classic mechanics are old and frustrating to today’s standards. Some of them Blizzard addressed and changed, but many others stayed unchanged. That’s why we made the Top 10 best addons for WoW Classic Fresh! With that in mind, let’s get to our top!


Another addon that we must recommend in our Top 10 best addons for WoW Fresh Classic is Questie. Questie is one of the most popular addons for the Classic Era. It would be a great Fresh WoW Classic quest addon. It provides you with information on quests in particular zones where you complete them. You would be provided with all the info you need, ranging from where items you need to loot drops to NPCs you need to interact with. 

It simply trivializes quests, making your leveling journey much easier and conventional. It even has a Quest Communication function. So you can view your party members’ quest progress directly on their tooltips. This works properly if every party member has Questie, so don’t forget to recommend this addon.


Bagnon does precisely what you think, and it improves bag UI. This is one of the best addons for the WoW Classic Fresh. It combines all your bags into one for easy access. It also has a helpful search tool and various filters for the unified bag. It is also highly customizable, so anyone can adjust it to their liking. As a cherry on top, you can easily clear your inventory with a convenient sort button. You can even search your inventory for a particular item. Bagnon even helps with guild banks and usual banks, making it a great addition to the game. 


Other items in our Top 10 best addons for WoW Fresh Classic are Leatrix Plus and Leatrix Maps. If you are frustrated by the inability to change something in your UI, Leatrix is just for you. Leatrix Plus lets you adjust the interface like a quest log. It also automatically sells your junk, repairs your gear, and even picks quests for you. With that, the functionality of this addon doesn’t end; you can even change your camera’s settings and speed loot mobs. You can adjust all of these options to your liking in Leatrix settings.

And now about Leatrix Maps. Finally, you can move and look at your map with it fully charted. In Classic Era, the map covers the whole screen; with Leatrix on, you can finally decrease the size of this window. Now, you would know if you are being targeted by enemies while browsing your next objective on the map. If you seek for coordinates addon for Fresh WoW Classic, Leatrix Map will also help you. It has a coordinates function implemented in its mapp. All of these make Leatrix Maps one of the most essential addons for Classic Era, including WoW Classic Fresh.


Auctionator is an excellent addon for every Auction user. It lets you quickly buy craft materials, search for price changes, and enable you to damp auctions with your auction lots. 

These selling features only apply to the Auctionator Selling tab, not the Blizzard “Sell” tab. You can post items, undercut with custom prices, and set auction durations. A bag view inside the tab lets you post items without opening your bags. Additional options include keybindings, auction cancellation, and the ability to view price histories and sellers.

The addon’s Shopping tab lets you view the cheapest auctions first while searching for an item. However, the best function of this addon is the search function. You can do a full scan using the Full Scan button in the Auctionator tab. This helps you track an item’s current price no matter where you are. With it, you can easily scan Auction-House for your reagents, crafting recipes, and BOEs. This addon is also highly customizable; if you are an active gold farmer, it would be a must-have addon.


Details! is still one of the best WoW Classic Fresh damage tracker addons. With it, you can view detailed data on your and your party members’ performance in dungeon and raid encounters. This is especially beneficial to see if something is wrong with your damage output. Besides damage, this addon also tracks the Healing dome, Dispells cast, and spell interruption abilities. So if you are having trouble with an encounter, you will see which things you lacked to prevail, boss. Also, this addon will help you to directly compare your different equipment and talent combinations. 


WeaponSwingTimer highlights when your next physical attack will trigger. With this addon, you can easily kite enemies if you are playing Hunter or Melee spec. This addon is primarily beneficial for leveling but can help you even after you have dealt with PvP. It also shows the timings of enemy attacks when you are in melee combat with them. 

For Hunters and Wand users, there are also the shot bars. They monitor the timing of Auto Shot / Shoot and the cast times for Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot. When an Auto Shot or Shoot is fired, the bar turns white. During this time, the player can move and cast without interrupting the next Auto Shot. The player must stand still once the white bar is empty until the Auto Shot or Shoot completes its cast. All of this makes WeaponSwingTimer essential for Classic players.

What’s Training

What’s Training? is an addon for WoW Classic Fresh that shows a list of spells you can learn from trainers. With this addon, you will always know on which level it is worth going to your class trainer. With this knowledge, you would know when going to a trainer for this specific ability is a waste of time and when this particular ability upgrade will boost your damage output.

Spells you already know are moved to the bottom of the list. Hovering over a spell will show its tooltip and the cost to train it. When you hover over a category header, it will display the total cost to train all the spells in that section. This is a simple addon that gets to the point. It also doesn’t cover your whole UI, so its addition to the game will be great for all kinds of players.


WeakAuras is one of the best WoW Classic Fresh ui addons for visible reminders of expiring buffs. It lets you create Auras, which are UI elements that can track cooldowns, buffs, debuffs, and more. These Auras can be grouped into Dynamic Groups to track multiple gameplay aspects. You can customize their appearance and placement or download pre-made Auras from other players’ presets.

WeakAuras is a great tool for tracking important mechanics in raids and dungeons of the Classic Era. It allows you to set triggers and conditions for each Aura, like player level, target type, or current zone. You can also add animations and sound effects to make the Auras stand out. This addon is especially helpful for tracking new class effects and mechanics. 

If you need help setting up an addon, import other players’ WeakAuras presets from Other than that, WeakAuras is a great utility addon for you to use in WoW Classic Fresh.


Even though Classic bosses are objectively easier for raiders of retail versions, DBM is still a crucial player addon. While many bosses offer stat-check challenges, in which players just need to out-damage the boss, some of them have tricky mechanics that you need to follow. This addon works both for Dungeons and Raids, which is why your DBM will be helpful both during leveling in dungeons and in an end game.

With this addon, you can monitor large damage outputs of the bosses if you play healer classes. You can mitigate the damage output using defensive cooldowns or ignore the damage with Ice Block. You will also be notified when you are standing in fire and when the boss gonna use its following abilities. That’s why DBM is still a must-have addon for WoW Classic Fresh.

Threat Plates

Finally, we have Threat Plates for our Top 10 best addons for WoW Fresh Classic. This addon is useful overall. This nameplate addon offers comprehensive features, including customizable health bars, cast bars, and scalable, transparent nameplates. It supports two display modes—Healthbar View and Headline View—and allows for unique styling based on unit names, auras, or casts. It is also crucial for tanks, allowing you to see the threat you generate while completing a dungeon or raid.

The addon also includes automatic spec detection, role assignments, and profile support per spec for easy setup. You can even import other people’s presets for your liking. That makes this one of the most beneficial addons of WoW Classic.

Honorable mentions

All Fresh Classic addons we mentioned before are an absolute must-have for any player. Here, we want to recommend some other specific addons that can still be very useful for some players but are not necessary. These are our honorable mentions.


Clique is an addon that lets you simply cast your spells by moving your cursor above the needed player without having to target it. This feature is especially useful for healers and classes that have buffing abilities.


ClassicSpellActivations is a useful addon that improves reactive abilities navigation. Such abilities as Revenge, Overpower, Execute, Riposte, etc., are called reactive abilities as they require some specific criteria to be used. This addon can be helpful for Warriors, Paladins, Rogues, Hunters, and Warlocks.

Nova World Buffs

Nova World Buffs is an addon that can be helpful for players who don’t want to miss any useful World buffs. This addon will always keep you updated on all World buffs’ timings so you can receive them on time.

Nova Instance Tracker

Nova Instance Tracker is another addon for tracking the remaining time for the instances to reset. This WoW Fresh Classic addon also monitors the remaining cooldowns for all your alts on every server, so you won’t miss the timings of when the instance is reset and can be cleared again.

What’s Training?

What’s Training? is a useful addon for players who are new to the game or some classes. During your leveling, you can check which abilities become available for learning from your trainers. This can be useful as you won’t miss the right time to visit your class trainer for performance improvement during your leveling.


That’s it for the Top 10 best addons for WoW Fresh Classic. We made this helpful list and tried not to overload it with addons. There are many more addons that you can install while browsing CurseForge, so if you wish to expand on this list, feel free to search for your best WoW Classic Fresh addons on the CurseForge website or download their app.

If you have other addons you can recommend for WoW Fresh Classic, please suggest them in the comment section!

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