World First Level 60 WoW Fresh Classic Hardcore by zeroji

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Streamer zeroji became the first player to hit level 60 on Classic Fresh Hardcore. The community congratulates him on this achievement.

World First Level 60 WoW Fresh Classic Hardcore by zeroji

Streamer zeroji is a well-known Hunter player who constantly pushed the limits of this class in WoW Fresh Classic Hardcore. He is a part of Only Fangs streamers guild and was among the most successful players during the World First Level 60 WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore race. He consistently held the second place after another steamer, Ahmpy. But on November 25, Ahmpy lost his 54 Undead Mage due to a disconnect. zeroji was level 52 Troll Hunter by that time. Such an unexpected and miserable death of Ahmpy let zeroji win the World First Level 60 Classic Fresh WoW Hardcore race. Let’s take a look at a few clips from WoW Fresh Classic Hardcore race. Leaderboard at the moment of zeroji hitting level 60.

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Boost your WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore levels—1-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45-60, 1-60, and more! Keep all gold and loot. If your character dies, we’ll level a new one to your desired level for free!

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Clip of World First Level 60 WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore

Here is a clip of zeroji getting World First Level 60 WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore. His last quest to achieve this level was repeatable cloth donation to Orgrimmar.

Clip of Ahmpy’s death during World First Level 60 WoW Fresh Classic Hardcore race

Here is a clip of Ahmpy’s death during the Fresh Classic WoW Hardcore race. He was Undead Mage level 54 and got an unlucky disconnect during his farm. His game froze, and World of Warcraft.exe stopped working. He tried to reconnect ASAP by immediately opening new windows of the game. But his tries were unsuccessful, leading to the death of his Hardcore character. 

Last thoughts

We congratulate zeroji on the achievement of World First Level 60 in Hardcore Fresh Classic WoW and wish his character a long life. Hopefully, many other players will soon reach level 60 and start to conquer end-game content together. We also want to cheer Ahmpy up, as his journey was impressive. Press F to all disconnect victims.

What do you think about this race to first level 60? How is your progress? Let us know in the comments!

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John Petersonsays:

Pretty easy when you get to play 2 hours before everyone else. While we’re all fighting for mob tags and spawns. Not much of an achievement to be honest.