How to play Duelist in MR: Marvel Rivals DPS role guide

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We prepared a comprehensive guide on the DPS role in Marvel Rivals. Read this article to learn more about Duelists and how to play them in the most effective way!

How to play DPS role in Marvel Rivals: MR Duelist guide

Knowing how to play Duelist in Marvel Rivals is essential for gaining an advantage against your enemies and winning games. Duelist is a DPS role in MR that has to provide the team with the main source of damage. Duelists are mostly squishy and lack health, but they can bombard enemies with powerful attacks and abilities. This is why we decided to prepare this Marvel Rivals DPS role guide. Without further ado, let’s dive into all important aspects of how to play Duelists in MR.

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Marvel Rivals Duelists: Flankers and Suppressors


Damage dealers in Marvel Rivals are split into two unofficial types: Flankers and Suppressors

How to play Flanker Duelist in MR

Heroes like Spiderman, Psylocke, and Magik are good Flanking Duelists who have to reach enemies’ backs and try to kill important heroes on the opposite team. These damage dealers have a specific and deadly kit that can quickly destroy a non-tanky enemy’s health bar in just a few seconds. This is why they must flank opponents as much as possible to destroy their team by killing healers and bringing chaos to their rows.

How to play Suppressor Duelist in MR

Conversely, Suppressors are not as good at slaying enemies in a split second but have almost unlimited sources of unending damage. The Punisher, Moon Knight, and Namor are Suppressor Duelists and have to exhaust the enemy team by dealing sustainable high damage, dealing with tanks, and making healers in the opposite team busy. Their suppressing fire is a key to holding a point.

There is no correct answer to the question of whether Flankers or Suppressors are better. Both these types of Marvel Rivals DPS role are helpful. However, Flankers commonly perform better in pushing scenarios, and Suppressors are ideal for the defense. But the most important thing is still to play Duelist in MR, which suits you the best!

Marvel Rivals Duelists with hitscan, projectile, and melee/unique attacks


If you want to learn how to play DPS role in Marvel Rivals, you must understand the difference between hitscan, projectile-based, and melee heroes. The type of attacks your hero has can heavily impact the pattern in which you play it. 

How to play MR Duelists with hitscan attacks

A hitscan type of attack means there is no delay between the moment you shoot and the impact of your shot. Just where you aim is where your shot will land, with no time for the enemy to react or dodge it. Here are all DPS heroes in MR that have a hitscan type of attack:

How to play MR Duelists with projectile attacks

A projectile type of attack behaves just like any shots you would expect in real life. There is a delay with different time gates between the moment you shoot and your shot’s impact. This type of attack can be reacted to and has to be used with some prediction in mind. Here are all DPS heroes in Marvel Rivals that have a projectile type of attack:

How to play Duelists with melee/unique attacks 

There are a type of attack that can not be classified as a hitscan or projectile. Mostly, these are melee-type, drawing, or pursuing attacks. These have a unique style and require time to get used to them. Here is a list of all Marvel Rivals DPS heroes that have melee or other unique type of attack:

Prioritize targets as a Marvel Rivals Duelists


If you want to play DPS role in Marvel Rivals, you have to clearly understand how to prioritize your targets. Here is a short MR Duelist guide on how to navigate through the most important enemies to be slain:


Healers in the enemy team have to be your number one priority, whether you are flanking it or bombarding it with bullets. Healers are the main source of sustain and survivability for any team. Slaying them in the opposite team will very likely result in the enemy team being wiped further.

Low-health targets

Just as important as slaying enemy healers is to finish off low-health targets quickly. Sometimes, there can be good windows between the moment an enemy hero faces a successful headshot and gets healed to full health again. This is when you must try finishing such targets, making the opposite team lose a fighter.


Occasionally, you will face enemy flankers trying to do their job just like you do. Focus on them before they get your team’s healers or DPS heroes. These short and intense duels might be tricky, so do not get too frustrated if you lose some of them.

Tanks or DPS

Enemies’ Tanks and DPS are still good targets to choose from. However, we don’t recommend concentrating on them too much. Here is a simple trick to choose whether you want to focus on enemy Hulk or Scarlet Witch. If the enemy team still has healers up, all the damage you will deal to the Tank will be healed out. On the other hand, enemy DPS heroes are still not tanky, letting you try to quickly kill them if they are out of sight from their healers. However, if the enemy team has lost a healer or two, focusing the Tank will make them lose their frontline, letting you easily slay all remaining and less defensive members.

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Train your aim to become a better Marvel Rivals DPS


No matter how many Marvel Rivals DPS guides you will read, training your aiming will stay one of the most important things to do. Ironically, this is a simple yet hard thing to accomplish. You can always try using different aiming training games or simply warm up in the practice mode. However, mastering your aim is something that will still take time, so don’t get upset if you fail from time to time. 

Combine attacks and abilities on MR DPS role


The best way to play Duelists in MR is to make the most out of your possible damage outcome. Surprisingly, many players forget that their primary attacks have a pattern with spaces between shots. Filling these timings with other abilities of your hero is something that will significantly improve your damage and overall performance. Of course, this takes some mastering and understanding of your character’s kit. However, you should really aim to become better in such combinations, as it will greatly impact your skills in Marvel Rivals as a DPS.

Strafe correctly as a Marvel Rivals Duelists


Strafing is one of the most important aspects of the game. If any hero stands in one place without proper moving, its life is going to be short and unimpactful. Strafing is a type of continuous movement in different directions that makes enemies’ aiming for you harder and less successful. The more chaotic your movement is, the harder it becomes to land a shot on your hero. This skill is essential for any role. However, Duelists in Marvel Rivals are especially reliant on it since they don’t have much health and can’t heal themselves in most cases.

In Marvel Rivals, most characters’ movement has inertia. This means that if you change the direction your character is moving too radically, you will lose some speed. This is what we really want to avoid since becoming slower makes you an easier target. This is why it is important to strafe in a circle-like pattern, adding a less radical change to your movement direction. This way, you can still avoid enemies’ shots and keep your speed at a high level.

Use melee attack indicator for MR DPS heroes


Last but not least, the thing we want to mention in our Marvel Rivals DPS role guide is the melee attack indicator. Many DPS heroes in MR are melee-based, meaning you will often rely on the range between you and a target. Since landing as many hits as possible is so important for Duelists, there is one small yet impactful setting in the game that many players don’t know about. It is located in UI settings and can be chosen for any melee hero.

Last parting words

This is it for our Marvel Rivals Duelists guide. We hope it will help you on your journey of learning how to play DPS role in MR. We tried to mention one of the most important aspects of playing Duelists. However, this is a very complex and multifaceted theme, so this guide is still subjective. We also recommend reading our other articles about Marvel Rivals to learn more about different vital aspects of the game. And if you face any specific difficulties, you can always buy Marvel Rivals boost as an alternative. 

What do you think about some of the above-mentioned recommendations? Which secrets of becoming a better DPS in MR do you know? Let us know in the comments below!

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