Destiny 2 rewards and Power Cap changes in Episode Revenant

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Bungie revealed upcoming reward changes in Episode Revenant with an upcoming new Power Cap!

Destiny 2 Rewards and Power Cap changes in Episode Revenant

Today, Bungie published a big TWID about the upcoming changes in Episode Revenant. The article detailed several exciting updates for Titan players, along with other important game modifications. Let’s dive into the key points!

Nightfall focusing and drops increase

In Episode Revenant, players will have an easier time obtaining Nightfall weapons thanks to increased drop rates. For example, if you play on Master difficulty and achieve a Platinum score, you are guaranteed to receive a non-Adept weapon. On a Gold score, there’s a 50% chance. Additionally, Grandmaster difficulty now offers a slightly higher chance of dropping Adept weapons on a Gold score.

Moreover, an interesting update involves Zavala’s Focused Decoding. Non-Adept and Adept weapons from the current week will now move to the Featured category with new pricing. Non-Adept weapons will cost one Vanguard engram and a Nightfall cipher, while Adept versions will retain their current cost.

Lost Sector loot pool update

A significant change is coming to Lost Sectors in Episode Revenant. All new weapons added to the world pool will immediately be available for farming in Lost Sectors instead of being delayed by a season. While Bungie hasn’t revealed the four weapons in the daily rotation yet, here’s what we can look forward to:

Rotation groupWeapon
Group 1Unknown weapon
Yarovit MG4
Ros Arago IV
Group 2Unknown weapon
Ded Gramarye IV 
Adverse Possession IX 
Group 3Unknown weapon
Maahes HC4   
Controlling Vision   
Crux Termination IV
  Group 4Unknown weapon
The Domino

New Power Cap in Revenant

A new Power Cap increase of 10 points is coming, targeting endgame players once again. In Episode Revenant, the Pinnacle cap will rise to 2010, up from 2000. In the third episode, the cap will be raised another 10 points to 2020.

Another Dev Insight article next week

Remember, a few weeks ago, Bungie published a series of articles from developers about the future of Destiny 2? So, next week, specifically on September 25, we’ll have an article about Destiny 2 Frontiers, in which developers will answer lots of questions about it.

Final words

That wraps up the sandbox changes, though Titans are set to receive significant changes in the upcoming Episode Revenant. You can read more about that in another article. Also, stay tuned next week as Bungie will reveal details about an upcoming dungeon and more exciting information!

Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.

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Owl Guy
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