Destiny 2 exotic armor changes in Episode Revenant
Get ready for massive exotic armor changes in Destiny 2, which is coming with Episode Revenant!

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Today, we got one of the biggest TWIDs ever released. There’s lots of new info, such as reworked weapons from Garden of Salvation and unique new loot for Iron Banner, but that’s not all. Bungie revealed exotic armor changes, showcasing some nerfs and buffs to existing armor pieces for your favorite classes. So, without further ado, let’s check them out!
Titan exotic armor changes
The Icefall Mantle has undergone almost a complete rework, which can’t be explained in just a few words. In short, activating your Class Ability will now give you Frost Armor, which, besides its inherent properties, will also heal you. The full description for those interested is below:

Other exotics received less drastic but still very pleasant changes:
- The Cadmus Ridge Lancecap trait no longer requires a Stasis weapon to use, and direct hits on powerful combatants with Diamond Lance will create three stasis crystals.
- Ursa Furiosa and Spirit of the Bear will now grant 20% Super Energy for entirely blocking damage with Unbreakable Aspect.
- Cuirass of the Falling Star will grant Super Energy for melee final blows while amplified. Additionally, the Overshield has been replaced with Damage Resistance (50% in PvE and 10% in PvP).
- Peacekeepers will now function similarly to Lucky Pants, increasing SMG damage by 2% per hit for one second, up to a maximum of 100%.
- Mask of the Quiet One will assist Titans with poor survivability, as rapid final blows and final blows while at critical health will now grant the Devour buff (only with equipped Void Super).
- Spirit of the Horn, Lupi, and Hoarfrost now work with Thruster.
Hunter exotic armor changes
Unfortunately for many, Bungie finally drew attention to Lucky Pants, but they didn’t just nerf them. Although the maximum damage will be 450% instead of 600%, the buff will be much easier to achieve. For example, the Out of Luck cooldown will only trigger if you reach seven stacks of PvE damage, and you will no longer need to equip a Hand Cannon that matches your Super. Additionally, it will now be used in PvP, as you will gain airborne effectiveness and movement bonuses when a Hand Cannon is equipped.
Fans of Young Ahamkara’s Spine can rejoice because the nerf was reversed. You will once again gain 33% grenade energy in PvE from Tripmine Grenade hits, though, in PvP, this bonus will be just 8%. Blight Ranger was also changed, but it simply received the Exotic Trait from Raiju’s Harness, and instead of generating Orbs of Power, it refunds Super energy when reflecting projectiles with Arc Staff.
Speaking of Raiju’s Harness, this Exotic was reworked entirely. Now, casting Gathering Storm will apply Jolt to nearby enemies and Amplify to nearby allies. Furthermore, defeating Arc-debuffed targets will grant Super Energy. Lastly, the Exotic Class Item had its damage with Spirit of the Synthoceps nerfed when the Stylish Executioner buff is active.
Warlock exotic armor changes
Warlocks received the fewest changes. Ballidorse Wrathweavers will now grant Super Energy for applying Frost Armor to your allies, and Skull of Dire Ahamkara will grant Super Energy for weapon final blows while Devour is active. Sanguine Alchemy received an interesting change, allowing you to mark targets by dealing damage from within a Rift, granting 10% bonus damage against them. Verity’s Brow with Spirit of Verity will now be more useful at lower stacks, while Osmiomancy Gloves and Speaker’s Sight were nerfed for Crucible.
General changes
In addition to the above, Bungie specifically addressed Spirit of the Star Eater, which will now have reduced bonuses for Nova Bomb and Thundercrash to 50%, and for Twilight Arsenal to 25%.
Final words
So, there you go! What do you think of these changes? Are you sad about some of the nerfs, or do the buffs outweigh everything in a positive direction? Let us know in the comments! If you’re interested, we also recommend checking out the Episode Revenant overview, where all the known information about the upcoming season is discussed.
Thanks for reading! Owl is flying away.