All Known SoD Phase 3 New Runes

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The list will be updated with all known SoD Phase 3 new Runes as soon as new information becomes available, whether official or datamined.

All Known SoD Phase 3 New Runes


All the new Runes for all 9 playable classes in Season of Discovery have been discovered. Here are the full lists of all SoD Phase 3 new Runes, their locations, and how to get them all for each class:


Blizzard has announced that SoD Phase 3 will launch in the spring of 2024. An exact date has yet to be revealed. However, judging by the position of SoD Phase 3 in the WoW roadmap 2024 and the recently launched content, it seems the third phase will arrive sooner than we thought.

WoW’s Hardcore Self-Found mode was released on February 29, 2024, followed closely by the Cataclysm Classic Beta on March 8, 2024. Their scheduling positions on the roadmap suggest a hopeful possibility that the release of SoD Phase 3 may be set sometime in March or April, 2024. And even if that’s not the case, then Blizzard previously also stated each Season of Discovery Phase will last at least a month, but no longer than three to four months. So, SoD Phase 3 will roll out in May or June at the latest.

That said, what’s a better time to explore all the known Runes in SoD Phase 3 so far? As for more information about the upcoming Phases, be sure to check out our comprehensive overview here:

SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Druid

The following SoD Phase 3 new Runes for Druid were datamined by Wowhead:



SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Hunter


SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Mage



SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Paladin



SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Priest



SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Rogue


SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Shaman

There has yet to be any information.

SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Warlock



SoD Phase 3 New Runes: Warrior



And that’s a wrap for now. It’s important to note that these leaked SoD Phase 3 Runes are still subject to changes before they officially debut in the game. To stay informed about the most up-to-date announcements or datamined details regarding SoD Phase 3 Runes, consider bookmarking this article for your future reference!

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1952 articles



Everyone but shaman has got their runes, says a lot about that broken class


it’s just am awful vanilla + it’s just all later expansion spells thrown into the original game wake up they are just selling trash nothing is new and exciting


lol yup I think the community destroyed sod bunch of babies most classes aren’t viable now unless your range insta cast or shaman


Paladins are literal wheelchairs in pvp and hard countered by the current phases caster meta


gore is so stupid, lacerate can refresh the cooldown of your mangle ability but both runes takes the same slot lol…