Cataclysm Classic Inscription guide 1–525: Level up fast
Table of Contents
Welcome, heroes of Azeroth, to your most efficient Cataclysm Classic Inscription guide from level 1 to 525. If you want to find a list of in-depth guides for each primary profession in Cataclysm Classic, be sure to check out this article here:
Why you should choose Inscription as your Profession
Inscription is a versatile and valuable profession in World of Warcraft for both PvE and PvP content. Practitioners of Inscription can also turn herbs into pigments through Milling and create Glyphs, shoulder enchants, offhands, Darkmoon Cards, Enchanting Vellums, and various other useful items.
In Cataclysm Classic, each profession offers its owner a unique, significant boost. For those who choose Inscription, you are in for the following shoulder enchants:
- Felfire Inscription — Intellect & Haste
- Inscription of the Earth Prince — Stamina & Dodge
- Lionsmane Inscription — Strength & Crit
- Swiftsteel Inscription — Agility & Mastery
What is the best combo with Inscription in WoW?
The best combo with Inscription in WoW is Herbalism. Herbalism provides Inscription with a direct and consistent source of herbs needed for milling into pigments, essential for crafting glyphs and other valuable items. This synergy reduces material costs and ensures a steady supply, enabling Inscription practitioners to maintain high production levels and meet market demands effectively.
Approximate herbs required for Milling
Below, you will find an estimate of the herbs required to level up your Inscription profession from level 1 to 525.
- 120× Earthroot, Peacebloom, Silverleaf for Alabaster Pigment
- 120× Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Mageroyal, Stranglekelp, Swiftthistle for Dusky Pigment and Verdant Pigment
- 180× Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot, Wild Steelbloom for Golden Pigment and Burnt Pigment
- 180× Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar’s Whisker, Dragon’s Teeth for Emerald Pigment and Indigo Pigment
- 240× Arthas’ Tears, Blindweed, Firebloom, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood, Purple Lotus, Sungrass for Violet Pigment and Ruby Pigment
- 120 x Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Icecap, Mountain Silversage, Sorrowmoss for Silvery Pigment and Sapphire Pigment
- 180× Felweed, Ragveil, Terocone, Ancient Lichen, Nightmare Vine, Netherbloom, Mana Thistle, Dreaming Glory for Nether Pigment and Ebon Pigment
- 500× Icethorn, Lichbloom, Fire Leaf, Fire Seed, Tiger Lily, Adder’s Tongue, Deadnettle, Goldclover, Talandra’s Rose for Azure Pigment and Icy Pigment
- 150× Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil, Heartblossom, Twilight Jasmine, Whiptail for Ashen Pigment and Burning Embers
Inscription trainers
In Cataclysm, you no longer need to visit multiple trainers to learn different ranks of Inscription. You can find trainers in any major city, and they can teach you all ranks. It’s important to note that trainers for the Horde and Alliance factions differ, so we have categorized them accordingly for your convenience.
Cataclysm Classic Inscription trainers: Major cities
Horde trainers
- Nerog in Orgrimmar
- Poshken Hardbinder in Thunder Bluff
- Margaux Parchley in Undercity
- Zantasia in Silvermoon
Alliance trainers
- Catarina Stanford in Stormwind
- Elise Brightletter in Ironforge
- Feyden Darkin in Darnassus
- Thoth in Exodar
Cataclysm Classic Inscription trainers: Starting zone
Horde trainers
- KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe in The Lost Isles
- Runda in Durotar
- Lalum Darkmane in Mulgore
- Therisa Sallow in Tirisfal Glades
- Saren in Eversong Woods
Alliance trainers
- Jack All-Trades Derrington in Gilneas
- Lien Farner in Elwynn Forest
- Wembil Taskwidget in Dun Morogh
- Iranis Shadebloom in Teldrassil
- Valn in Azuremyst Isle
Leveling Inscription
Apprentice Inscription
- 1-18: 17x Ivory Ink – 17 Alabaster Pigment
- 18-35: 17x Scroll of Stamina – 17 Ivory Ink, 17 Light Parchment
- 35-53: 22x Moonglow Ink – 44 Alabaster Pigment
- 53-75: 22x Armor Vellum – 22 Moonglow Ink, 44 Light Parchment
Journeyman Inscription
Once you reach level 10, learn Inscription Journeyman. Many Glyphs and Scrolls are available across different skill levels. So, if you see Glyph of…, you can choose between more recipes that are orange to you and require the same amount of materials.
- 75-80: 21x Midnight Ink – 42 Dusky Pigment
- 80-101: 7x any Orange Glyph – 21 Midnight Ink
- 101-105: 42x Lion’s Ink – 84 Golden Pigment
- 105-126: 7x any Orange Glyph – 21 Lion’s Ink
Expert Inscription
Learn Inscription Expert once you reach level 20.
- 125-129: Stop making this recipe at 129 as it won’t provide the benefits of multiple skill-ups if you pass 129. Turn your Burnt Pigment into Dawnstar Ink. If you didn’t mill your herbs and you don’t have Burnt Pigment, you can make any Glyph that is orange to you.
- 129-147: 6x any Orange Glyph – 18 Lion’s Ink
- 147-150: 3x Strange Tarot – 6x Dawnstar Ink and 3× Common Parchment.
- 150-155: 42x Jadefire Ink – 90 Emerald Pigment
- 155-197: 14x any Orange Glyph of – 42 Jadefire Ink. Turn all your Indigo Pigment into Royal Ink at 175 if you have any.
- 197-200: Make Arcane Tarot until you reach 200. Make any Glyph that is yellow to you if you don’t have Royal Ink. There won’t be any orange Glyps for this part.
Artisan Inscription
Learn Inscription Artisan. (Requires level 35)
- 200-205: 55x Celestial Ink – 110 Violet Pigment
- 205-247: 14x Orange Glyph – 42 Celestial Ink. Turn all your Ruby Pigment into Fiery Ink at 225.
- 24-250: Make one Book of Stars if you have enough Fiery Ink. Otherwise, make any Glyph that is yellow to you.
- 250-255: 20-35x Shimmering Ink – 40-70 Silvery PigmentIf you mill your herbs, you will probably need fewer Inks because you will make a few Ink of the Sky from your rare pigments between 275 – 295.
- 255-260: 5x Scroll of Spirit V – 5 Shimmering Ink, 10 Heavy Parchment
- 260-275: 5x Glyph of … – 15 Shimmering InkMake Glyphs until they turn yellow, then learn new ones.
- 275-290: 15x Ink of the Sky – 15 Sapphire Pigment. Make more orange Glyphs if you didn’t mill your herbs or if you don’t have 15 Sapphire Pigments.
Once you reach level 50, visit your trainer and learn Master Inscription.
Master Inscription
- 290-305: 45x Ethereal Ink – 90 Nether Pigment
- 305-350: 15x Orange Glyph – 45 Ethereal Ink.
Grandmaster Inscription
Once you reach level 65, visit your trainer and learn Grand Master Inscription.
- 350-355: 90x Ink of the Sea – 180 Azure Pigment
- 355-360: 5x Scroll of Spirit VII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 360-365: 5x Scroll of Intellect VII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 365-370: 5x Scroll of Strength VII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 370-375: 5x Scroll of Agility VII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 375-379: Snowfall Ink – Icy Pigment. Use all the rare pigments available. Keep the extra Snowfall Ink for Northrend Inscription Research. You will need to research to learn most “Northrend” glyphs. Stop making this recipe at 379! This way, you will still gain multiple skill points for at least one Glyph.
- 379-385: 1x Glyph of… – 3 Ink of the Sea
- 382-385: 5x Glyph of… – 15 Ink of the Sea. There won’t be any orange Glyphs for this part, meaning you will make yellow Glyphs.
- 385-386: 1x Northrend Inscription Research – 3 Ink of the Sea, 5 Resilient Parchment, Snowfall Ink
- 386-400: 15x Any Discovered Major Glyph – 45 Ink of the Sea
- 400-405: 5x Scroll of Stamina VIII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 405-410: 5x Scroll of Spirit VIII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 410-415: 5x Scroll of Intellect VIII– 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 415-420: 5x Scroll of Strength VIII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
- 420-425: 5x Scroll of Agility VIII – 5 Ink of the Sea, 10 Resilient Parchment
Cataclysm Classic Inscription
Once you reach level 75, visit your trainer and learn the new Cataclysm Classic Inscription skill.
- 425-445: 30x Blackfallow Ink – 60 Ashen Pigment
- 445-450: 5x Scroll of Intellect IX – 5 Blackfallow Ink
- 450-460: 10x Mysterious Fortune Card – 10 Blackfallow Ink
- 460-465: 5x Scroll of Stamina IX – 5 Blackfallow Ink
- 465-471: 2x Glyph of Colossus Smash – 6 Blackfallow Ink
- 471-475: 4x Scroll of Agility IX – 4 Blackfallow Ink
- 475-482: Turn all your Burning Embers into Inferno Ink. If you don’t have any Burning Ember, skip this part and start making the next recipe.
- 482-490: Go to Vashj’ir – Kelp’thar Forest. Kill any mobs there until you get Technique: Origami Slime (zone drop). The drop rate is pretty high; don’t get confused by wowhead data. The recipe will be green but only requires Resilient Parchment, which you can buy from Inscription supply vendors. Before you go farming, check if it is not already lying around in your bank or bag. You might have put it away because your inscription skill was not high enough and subsequently forgot about it. It will not drop again if you already have it in your bag or bank. The same goes for the next two recipes. You can make the recipe below if you don’t want to farm the technique: 15x Dust of Disappearance – 15 Blackfallow Ink
- 490-500: Go to Deepholm and kill Twilight Bloodsmith mobs until you get Technique: Origami Rock. The recipe is a zone drop, so other mobs can drop it too. Learn the recipe and make it until you reach 500.
- 500-510: Head to Uldum and just kill everything that moves until you get Technique: Origami Beetle (zone drop). Learn the recipe and make it until you reach 510.
- 510-520: The cheapest method would be to make Forged Documents up to 520 or 525. It has a 24-hour cooldown (it always resets at 0:00), but the materials are cheap compared to the other items you can craft at this skill level. This way, it will take around 15 days to level Inscription.If you want to reach 525 as fast as possible, make 4 Divine Companion, Battle Tome, or Dungeoneering Guide.
Darkmoon Faire: free +5 Profession skill
Check your Calendar in-game to see if the Darkmoon Faire is open. The event is available every two weeks. It starts on Sunday and lasts for a week. During the event, you can complete quests for each profession and gain +5 skill points for each.
- 520 – 525: Make one from one of these:
- 1x Notched Jawbone – 12x Inferno Ink, 36x Volatile Life, 12x Volatile Earth, 1x Bleached Jawbone
- 1x Silver Inlaid Leaf – 12x Inferno Ink, 36x Volatile Life, 12x Volatile Air, 1x Silver Charm Bracelet
- 1x Tattooed Eyeball – 12x Inferno Ink, 36x Volatile Life, 12x Volatile Water, 1x Preserved Ogre Eye
And so, congratulations on successfully reaching the pinnacle of Inscription! We hope that this Cataclysm Classic Inscription guide 1–525 has been able to aid you. Special thanks to WoW-professions for providing such a valuable resource. May your Inscription adventures continue to bring you great joy in your WoW journey.