Brawl Stars developers release new Time to Explain

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Brawl Stars developers released a new Time to Explain podcast episode, discussing future plans for the game following the end of the SpongeBob collab.

Brawl Stars developers release new Time to Explain

The New Brawl Talk released by the Brawl Stars developers covers a lot of information. From Trophy League rework to new features, a lot has been discussed and hinted at. We compiled the most important information from this nearly three-hour podcast so you will know what to expect in the future and what developers think about the state of the game.

New Time to Explain topics

Coin shortage

The biggest problem in the community right now is the coin shortage. Many players constantly complain about the lack of coins to purchase everything they need.

The developers have known about this problem for a long time and have already addressed it. Players get more coins; however, most spend them as soon as they get enough to buy a new thing. This constant spending creates the illusion of having nothing, as most of the time, you see low coin numbers.

The Brawl Stars developers said they will not increase the amount of coins given by much and will try to focus on other ways to fix that problem.

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Power Points 

One of the ways to fix the coin shortage problem is to pay with Power Points instead. Power Points is the currency used to upgrade the Brawler level. However, this is everything it is used for, unlike coins needed for different things. Some players have a significant amount of Power Points stacked without using them.

So, the devs will look into new ways to spend power points. It can come with a new Brawler level or a new system after Hypercharges. We will have to wait and see.

Star Drops

Star Drops are random, and although not as random as boxes, they can still be frustrating when you want a specific item to drop. Some players need coins, and others want a new hypercharge or skin. Developers discussed possibilities for more focused drops but insisted on the random part. This is because they think randomness will bring more different types of resources to players, balancing out their progression.

Hypercharges rework

Currently, some Hypercharges are bad, and developers are aware of that. However, their current goal is to give every Brawler a Hypercharge. Only after that can they start nerfing or buffing certain Hypercharges to make the game as balanced as possible. 


Many players also asked questions about broken Gadgets that ruin the game experience. The developers said they are working on ways to nerf those gadgets and make the game more balanced and competitive. They mentioned characters like Lily and Dynamike as examples and said we can expect the changes soon.

Temporary events vs permanent content

One of the biggest parts of this Time to Explain was the question about permanent and temporary content. Devs revealed that the game is more popular than ever due to recent limited events like SpongeBob or Godzilla collabs. However, they think they did too many limited events.

The good news is that the Brawl Stars team is now much bigger than it was before, so they think they can focus on both the permanent features and new limited events at the same time. Satisfying both new and old players. We will have to see how this will affect the game.


Ranked replaced Power League as the competitive mode in Brawl Stars. The main reason Power League was replaced entirely was that most players did not pay attention to it. According to developers, this has changed, as Ranked is now played much more.

The changes are clearly visible on the graph presented by the Brawl Stars developers, where blue is the Power League last season and Yellow is the Ranked current season.

Brawl Stars developers release new Time to Explain

During Power League, the majority of players refused to play the mode and stayed in the first few ranks. Now, with Ranked, the distribution is much more even, although definitely not perfect.

The developers stated that they are still unhappy with the new mode and will work on it in the future, but no clear details have been revealed.

Trophy League rework

The devs announced a change to the trophy system in the next update. Currently, the trophy system is quite outdated. The goal is to allow people to earn more trophies to get competitive faster while reducing matchmaking times for players at the top.

We can also expect some new rewards, including special items for top players to show off their achievements. Although this change affects only 0.01% of the player base, it will be another reason for all players to go pro.

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The developers clearly stated their goals to add more content to clubs and make clubs more rewarding and exciting to players. They are not satisfied with the fact that clubs are mostly ignored, and Mega Pig events, although great, seem repetitive. They also emphasized that new content for the clubs will be done considering that some players want to play alone, so they’ll try to balance things out.

Map Maker rework

The Map Maker rework is another interesting feature discussed at the Time to Ask. Developers were very keen on the idea. However, it is not on their priority list right now. They said that they will do a massive rework of the map maker, but not any time soon. 


And this is all the important information discussed in the new Time to Ask podcast. There are of course, more topics that the developers didn’t dive deep into. Stuff like observer mode rework, ability to change music in the main lobby, and many more were talked about, but this is not a priority for the developers, so don’t expect that soon.

What do you think about the developers’ plans? Are you satisfied with the answers, or do you think they missed something? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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