Brawl Stars Bizarre Adventure: Maisie skin JoJo reference

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Supercell announced new skins for the game. Players quickly noticed that Maisie skin is a JoJo reference. Let’s explore more about this JoJo inspired skin.

Brawl Stars JoJo Bizarre Adventure: Maisie skin JoJo reference

During the recent Brawl Talk, Supercell discussed future plans for the game. While November will be focused on the Angels vs. Demons season, in December, players will get a second Starr Toon Studious season. This season will be focused on animation, and the skins clearly show that.

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Maisie skin JoJo reference   

The main skin of the Starr Toon Studios 2 season will be the Brawl Pass Maisie skin called Bizarre Maisie.  The community quickly noticed that the skin is a clear reference to the highly popular anime JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. The skin name is an obvious reference to the name of the Anime, while the skin itself seems to be inspired by multiple JoJo characters, including Jotaro Kujo, Jodio Joestar, and, as some even suspect, Johnathan Joestar.

The Bizarre Maisie skin also has two variations, both of which reference other JoJo characters and seasons. The Requiem Maisie refers to Giorno Giovanna and his stand, Gold Experience Requiem, and Platinum Maisie refers to Jotaro Kujo’s clothes from season 4 and his stand, Star Platinum. The skin animations also reference multiple iconic poses from the series’ characters.

Previous Brawl Stars JoJo reference

The first Toon Studios Season also had a JoJo reference, although a much smaller one. In the animation for the season, there was a quick moment when Colette approached Colt. The drawing style changed to an iconic JoJo style while the scene references a Manga Page where Dio Brando, one of the main antagonists in the series, approaches Jotaro Kujo. This iconic scene was, of course, referenced by many different media over the years, so it wasn’t as shocking as the entire skin.

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Is this the official Brawl Stars JoJo collab?

While some may quickly jump to conclusions and call it a Brawl Stars JoJo collab, it is just skin. Supercell didn’t acquire actual rights for a whole collaboration because if they did, the season would be entirely focused on the JoJo universe. Brawl Stars is full of characters that can be better collab characters, like Bull, Colt, or El Primo. This is not to say that the collab will never happen. Brawl Stars recently collabed with SpongeBob, and developers promised more collabs for the next year in the recent Brawl Stars Roadmap video.

Other references in Brawl Stars Toon Studios 2 season

While many focused on the JoJo reference, the Brawl Stars Toon Studios 2 season referenced other shows, too. Rude Lou skin is an apparent reference to the South Park art style, while Be Less Ash looks too similar to BMO from Adventure Time. In the season based around animations, skins like that make a lot of sense as they reference iconic shows that the majority of the audience will be able to recognize.

As we get closer to the Toon Studios 2 season, we may also learn more about skins referencing other shows.

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What do you think about those skins? Do you find them cool, or would you love a reference to another show? Share your opinion in the comments below.

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