Brawl Stars new Brawler Juju: skills, Gadgets, Starr Powers!

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Meet the Mythic new Brawler Juju and learn everything about her, including skills, Gadgets, Starr Powers, and other details!

Brawl Stars new Brawler Juju: everything we know

Announced just a few days ago on the latest Brawl Talk, Juju joined the Brawl Stars roster and became the 85 Brawler in the game. Being a Mythic Artillery Brawler, she has a lot of competition. However, her unique abilities definitely make her stand out. Let’s explore what she does.

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New Brawler Juju: overview 

Juju attack: Elemental Energy

Juju throws a voodoo doll that explodes in a small area, with each attack getting a special boost depending on the ground she’s on:

Juju’s attacks shift with her surroundings, using each terrain type to her advantage.

Juju Super: From the Other Side

Juju summons her voodoo doll, Gris-Gris, by tossing a special doll head. Gris-Gris crawls toward the closest enemy, and when it gets close enough, it stops and launches needles from a medium range. Tougher than Juju herself, Gris-Gris can take more hits, making it a persistent threat on the battlefield.

Juju stats

Juju is not the strongest Brawler if it comes to her own damage, with 2000 damage on ground at level 11 Juju herself is doing the same damage as her Mythic artillery counterpart Sprout. Her damage can be increased significantly with Gris-Gris their damage is another 2000, so combined Juju can destroy reckless Brawlers easily.

Also like Sprout Juju has 6000 HP. It seems she is more focused on control. With different attack variants she can help the team by slowing enemies, or applying pressure much further up the map. Like Sprout she would be staying behind the allies to provide support instead of playing aggressively. Gris-Gris also is stronger then Juju herself with 7200 with their damage in mind Gris-Gris acts almost like Another Brawler.

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Juju Gadgets

Voodoo Chile

When Juju activates her Gadget, she fuses the power of all three elements into her next attack. When activated, a glowing Gadget symbol appears above her head, and her attack joystick lights up, showing the Gadget is ready. The cooldown starts once she unleashes the empowered attack. This gadget is not so useful as it may seem at first. You still have to land a shot and artillery shots are one of the easiest to avoid so you can be wasting this gadget a lot.


Juju taps into the environment around her, gaining a 3-second buff based on the terrain she’s on:

This gadget is a much better alternative, allowing Juju to escape difficult situations. Sneak attacks with Juju are not as effective because artillery units have slow attacks, and you can risk getting killed even if the opponent doesn’t expect you.

Juju Star Powers

Numbing Needles

Gris-Gris’ attacks now have an added effect: any enemy struck by its needles is slowed for 1 second, making it easier for Juju and her allies to catch or evade them. This Star Power may be useful but not im most situations. 

Guarded Gris-Gris

When Juju summons Gris-Gris, it appears with a temporary shield that blocks up to 2160 damage. The shield gradually weakens, losing 108 health every 0.5 seconds, making it less effective over time. If an enemy attack deals more damage than the shield’s remaining health, the shield shatters, and Gris-Gris takes the leftover damage. The Shield will provide Gris-Gris with extra survivability making them impact the battle more.

Juju Trait

Juju’s trait is pretty simple; she can just walk on water tiles. 

How to unlock Juju

New Brawler Juju will be added to the game on October 30, and she will be in early access. This means she is only available as part of the bundle for now. The Bundle includes pins, gems, and blings. However, it is highly advised not to buy this bundle even if you think you can afford it because it is not worth the money.

Juju will be available in Starr Road for everyone 7 days after the start of the early access. 

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And this is all the information about New Brawler Juju. What do you think about her? Share your opinion on Juju in the comments below. 

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