SoD Phase 2 Shaman Rune: How to Get Fire Nova
A quick and easy guide on how to get Fire Nova Rune for Shaman in SoD Phase 2.

Obtaining Fire Nova is a challenging task for Shaman players in SoD Phase 2. Even now, the WoW community remains divided on the correct method to obtain it. And so, here, we’ll cover the essential aspects of acquiring this Rune, including its locations and requirements. For further guidance on getting all Shaman Runes in SoD, you will definitely want to explore our comprehensive guide here:
There, you can find all Shaman Runes in SoD from both Phase 1 and Phase 2. The list will be updated as soon as a new Phase is out. So make sure to bookmark it for future reference!
And now, let’s uncover how to obtain the Fire Nova Rune in SoD.
How to Get Fire Nova Rune in SoD
Fire Nova Rune: Your Fire Nova Totem spell is replaced with Fire Nova, which causes your current Fire totem to emit damage at its location.
How to get Fire Nova:
- Go to the hut outside Thunderaxe Fortress in Desolace [57, 21] and defeat a level 35 Elite Orc named Flameseer Dubelen to loot a Corrupted Fire Totem.
- Travel to Orgrimmar and speak to Zor Lonetree in the Valley of Wisdom [39, 38].
- Go into the Maraudon entrance in Desolas. Here you must loot two separate Tear of Theradras, which appear as large blue crystals (in our guide, we will recommend the corpse running trick for obtaining tears to avoid unnecessary encounters):
- Purple Wing [27, 58]:
- Die around [28, 7] (outside).
- Corpse run to [28, 57] (indoor) on the purple side and resurrect at the brazier.
- Jump straight down, land behind the leftmost purple crystal, and push yourself into the wall. You can reach the tear from there.
- Orange Wing [39, 57]:
- Die around [35, 60] (outside).
- Corpse run to [39, 57] (indoor), ressurect, and get the tear.
- Purple Wing [27, 58]:
- Return to Zor Lonetree, who will send you to speak with Arch Shaman Hamuul Runetotem on the Elder Rise in Thunder Bluff, [78, 28]. He’ll send you to speak with the Flight Master Tal [46, 50] in Thunder Bluff to fly to Moonglade.
- Speak with Keeper Remulos at the Shrine of Remulos in Moonglade at [36, 41].
- Next, interact with the box at [55, 65], you’ll get a Vial of Crystal Water.
- Use Vial of Crystal Water to turn it into Elemental Salve.
- Use Elemental Salve to cleanse Corrupted Fire Totem, and you’ll get the Rune.