Season of Discovery: Waylaid Supplies and Rewards

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Waylaid Supplies, what are they? And are there any notable rewards for turning them in? Let’s find out!

Key Takeaways

  • Waylaid Supplies are new quest items dropping from level 6 mobs and above in SoD. It’s a new way of farming reputation with the Durotar Supply and Logistics (Horde) and Azeroth Commerce Authority (Alliance).
  • Turn in the Waylaid Supplies to the Supply Officers with blue question marks outside the faction Auction Houses.
  • Waylaid Supplies Rewards: silver, experience, and reputation. Reaching Honored will let you buy a new Rune for your class.

What Are Waylaid Supplies in Season of Discovery

Waylaid Supplies are the quest items that drop from level 6 mobs and above. It’s a new way of farming reputation with the Durotar Supply and Logistics (DS&L) or the Azeroth Commerce Authority (ACA) in Season of Discovery. As the war between the Horde and the Alliance rages on, both sides must find a way to supply their troops. Unfortunately, delivering these goodies is often hindered for many reasons. As a result, many supplies have gone missing.

Returning the Waylaid Supplies will eventually lead to obtaining an additional Rune for your class.

Where to Turn in the Waylaid Supplies

Where to Turn in the Waylaid Supplies
(Source: Xyeine’s YouTube video)

You can return the Waylaid Supplies to the DS&L if you belong to the Horde. As for the Alliance, you can bring the goodies to the ACA. Below are the lists of all Supply Officers in Season of Discovery. They are easy to spot as a blue question mark is above their heads:

Alliance Supply Officers and Locations:

Horde Supply Officers and Locations:

Waylaid Supplies Rewards

Season of Discovery: Waylaid Supplies and Rewards

The missing shipments rarely have their goodies intact. And so, you have two choices:

  1. Give the supplies back as they are and get a reward.
  2. Add your own resources to make up for the missing supplies and earn a greater reward. The resources can be gathering and profession items.

Below are all of what you can get from returning Waylaid Supplies:

By farming Reputation with the DS&L and ACA and reaching the Friendly status with Elaine Compton in Stormwind and Jornah in Orgrimmar, or the Honored threshold with the rest of the Supply Officers, you will be able to purchase the following Runes:

Among them, Rogues may want to pay extra attention to the Rune of Teasing, as it’s the key to open the Tanking route for your class.

It’s important to note that level 10 Waylaid Supplies won’t give you any additional Reputation once you reach the Friendly status. So, to get to Honored, make sure to up your game with the level 25 Supplies.

If you are looking to find all the Runes for your class in Season of Discovery, check out our lists of Runes, their locations, and how to get them here:

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