Less than a Month In, Season of Discovery Is Empty

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Only almost three weeks in, and the Season of Discovery is empty. But it’s not what you think.

Key Takeaways

  • Season of Discovery is empty despite it’s only less than three weeks since its launch.
  • The emptiness is not because of waning appeal. It’s because of how Blizzard addresses the layering issues.
  • The WoW community is divided. Some prefer the current state of SoD. Others yearn for a livelier gaming environment.

WoW Season of Discovery (SoD) has been a great success for Blizzard. The developers are quick to address any concerns that bug players. Gamers are more than content with how Blizzard is handling SoD so far. Yet, if you were to enter SoD now, you will find the realms void of players.

On Reddit, many even describe their experience as if they were in a ghost town. According to Redditor tomato-bug, the population is scarce even on a Friday evening.


While some enjoy the solitude for quest completion and resource farming, others feel like the world is dead. They yearn for a livelier gaming environment where they can encounter other players more frequently. Redditor Jazzur is even ready to sit in a 30-minute queue over playing in an empty world:


However, the current emptiness in SoD doesn’t stem from any waning appeal of the mode. Blizzard’s recent poll on the most played WoW versions indicates that Classic SoD holds the second spot at 33.9%, while WoW Retail claims the lead at 52.3%.


The actual reason lies in Blizzard’s solution to the surge in player population during the first few days. Back then, they even had to introduce a new server, Chaos Bolt, as the existing ones couldn’t handle the demand.

Over time, the developers have also been addressing layering issues to balance the factions for PvP activities. Many players believe that the development team has achieved a reasonable balance, particularly in the questing zones. They can farm whatever they need, and they can still collaborate for group activities if required.


However, others think that having too many layers is affecting the game.


This, coupled with a reduced population, creates the illusion of an empty SoD, even though the servers remain as active as ever.

Blizzard is still working on the layering issues. They are also paying close attention to players’ feedback. With their ongoing efforts, it’s possible that this issue will be resolved in the near future.

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