How to Tame the Hidden Spirit Beast Pet Sul'raka

Dragonflight Patch 10.2 has landed, introducing the Emerald Dream along with a wealth of fresh updates and novel features. For hunters, it heralds a new spirit beast pet hunting season. If you’re curious about how to tame the spirit beast pet Sul’raka, you’re in the right spot. Special thanks to YouTuber Koldstare for his excellent guide and to fellow players for their valuable tips!
How to Get Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Spirit Beast Sul’raka

Similar to the Bloodgullet, Sul’raka is a hidden spirit beast. So, you will have to follow specific steps to add this creature to your collection:
- Look for Heavy Tracks left behind by Sul’raka around the coordinates 63.60, 68.90. They are quite easy to spot. However, if you have trouble spotting these tracks, here’s a helpful tip from garygregory8025: go to your graphics settings and set your ground clutter to zero. This adjustment makes it much easier to see Sul’raka’s tracks.

- Once you’ve found the traces, carefully observe which side the talons are curving towards. This will clearly indicate the direction in which Sul’raka is moving.
- Follow the tracks until there isn’t anything on the ground anymore. That’s when you reach the end of the tracks and the current location of Sul’raka.
- Activate Flare to reveal the hidden spirit beast Sul’raka.
- Quickly use your Hunter’s Mark on the beast, and it’s advisable to trap it. This is essential because once you start taming, Sul’raka won’t attack you and may walk out of the range of your Tame, requiring you to recast it.
- Once the taming process is complete, Sul’raka will become a part of your collection.
Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Hidden Spirit Beast Sul’raka Respawn Time
In the video guide by Koldstare, Sul’raka’s respawn time was mentioned to be around 30 minutes. However, according to a comment by AlatusEditz, the respawn time has become much more frequent, typically around ten to 15 minutes.
We hope this step-by-step guide is able to aid you on your journey of taming WoW’s latest spirit beast. Happy hunting!