Account-Wide Reputation Limited to The War Within Factions

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Fans are disappointed that the account-wide reputation coming this Patch 11.0 is limited to The War Within’s factions only.

According to the WoW Roadmap 2024, The War Within will arrive in the Summer of 2024. The first chapter of the World Soul saga promises to bring along a wealth of exciting features that you can explore here:

Among them is the highly-anticipated account-wide reputation. However, before you get too carried away, here’s the scoop: this feature will be exclusive to The War Within factions initially.

Contrary to what many expected, the account-wide reputation won’t apply to all in-game factions. Blizzard is introducing this feature specifically for the ones in The War Within when the expansion launches. Needless to say, fans are beyond disappointed:

However, the game developer assures players that the account-wide convenience will later extend to legacy reputations from previous expansions. Their first stops will be Dragonflight and Shadowlands Renown. Unfortunately, at the moment of writing, there has yet to be a specified timeline for this implementation.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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