WoWCast: Season of Discovery and Its Future
In a recent WoWCast episode, Blizzard unveiled the future of Season of Discovery (SoD) in WoW Classic.

Senior Game Producer Josh Greenfield, Lead Software Engineer Nora Valletta, and host Bethany Stout unveiled what lies ahead for SoD. The highlights include the introduction of a new raid, Gnomeregan, and a two-handed Rune for Enhancement Shaman. There is also information about other runes and abilities, the Blackfathom Deeps raid, zone-wide PvP events, and more. For your convenience, below is a summary of the video. However, if you prefer a firsthand experience, you can watch the full episode here:
- Season of Discovery is a new twist on WoW Classic. It emphasizes exploration and fostering a deeper connection with Azeroth. It encourages players to discover and share these experiences with other players.
- Given SoD’s seasonal nature, the developers have a unique chance to take bold risks and introduce unconventional ideas. Imagine healers as Mages or tanks as Rogues or Warlocks. It offers a fresh perspective on the original WoW experience.
- For new characters in Season of Discovery, the initial experience mirrors creating a character in the original WoW. However, at level 2, things will start to differ. Players embark on a quest to unlock their first impactful Rune ability, marking the beginning of SoD’s unique discoveries. The game then encourages independent exploration. Players will rediscover the original world of WoW without explicit guidance.
- Runes are the abilities found in the open world. They come in sets of 12 per class in the 1-25 level range, with more will come in higher brackets. With various Rune engraving slots, players can creatively mix and match these abilities for unique gameplay.
- At BlizzCon 2023, developers discussed Blackfathom Deeps. In this WoWCast episode, they expressed excitement for players to experience the entire raid. They’ve carefully considered player feedback and made a lot of adjustments. The tuned Blackfathom Deeps promises to be a challenging and rewarding dungeon.

- There isn’t a right way to level up in SoD. Players can do what they usually do in the original WoW. They can progress through quests, defeat monsters, and explore dungeons and raids. However, players might find that leveling in the open world proves more rewarding with the chance of discovering valuable Runes. Some Runes encourage collaboration, as players have to team up to solve puzzles.
- The developers try to keep what the players are going to find on their class a secret.
- There won’t be a public beta or PTR, ensuring a simultaneous and fresh experience for all players.
- Ashenvale hosts a zone-wide PvP event, with plans for similar events in other zones, possibly starting with Stranglethorn Vale. The aim is to ensure an even playing field for all participants.
- The developers try to maintain some amount of faction balance on SoD servers. They’ll keep an eye on the situation and figure out what kind of balance feels appropriate.
- As for class tuning, the developers will monitor abilities, PvP scenarios, and raids to ensure nothing is overly imbalanced. They prioritize fun over perfect balance. They embrace a sense of wildness in the game, aligning with Season of Discovery’s experimental mindset.
- The next level band will be level 25-40. Players will be able to get their 31-point talent.
- Gnomeregan will be the next raid at 40. Horde players can embark on a quest to obtain a teleporter from Stranglethorn Vale to Gnomeregan.
- After SoD, the developers aim to preserve players’ characters, though concrete plans are yet to be revealed. The goal is for characters to continue their journey in a natural and exciting way, leading them to a cool location other than Era.
- They also teased a new two-handed Enhancement Shaman rune.
- For more interesting behind-the-scenes, check out the full video!