WoW Fan Created SoD Armory with 3D Character Viewer
Recently, a dedicated WoW fan created a SoD Armory with a 3D character viewer and shared it on Reddit.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery will enter its second phase on February 8. And yet, Redditor lowpoly_nomad noticed that there wasn’t a functional armory dedicated to SoD. So, they decided to take it into their own hands and constructed one for all to use.

The SoD Armory has 3D animation. It allows users to locate any player on any SoD server to inspect their gear and stats, including Talent builds and Runes. You can also see information on players’ PvP takedowns, factions, guilds, and servers. If a player is in a guild, you can even view the entire guild roster. You can try it out here:
Despite the impressive functionalities of the Armory, lowpoly_nomad pointed out a limitation. It seems that the WoW Classic API offered by Blizzard doesn’t currently support fetching character appearance options such as hair color, hairstyle, and skin color. Consequently, these details cannot be accurately displayed for characters at the moment:
lowpoly_nomad remains open to user suggestions and feedback. If you’ve had the chance to explore their creation and wish to share your insights, don’t hesitate to provide feedback on their Reddit post. Your input will definitely contribute to further enhancements and refinements to this SoD armory.