Blizzard Uses Old Skin for Overwatch 2 Anniversary 2023

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The Overwatch 2 Anniversary 2023 event is riling up frustration within the community. For some reason, Blizzard has decided to recycle an existing skin as a reward for completing new challenges. 

The game’s 2023 anniversary marks a noteworthy change. Players can purchase returning skins using the free in-game currency, Overwatch credits. And so, they are in for a chance to expand their cosmetic collections at a more affordable price.

It all sounds amazing, doesn’t it? However, a specific issue has put a damper on fans’ excitement. By completing three challenges during the event, players are rewarded with a free skin. But instead of creating something new, Blizzard has chosen to reuse the ‘Cursed Captain Reaper’ as the ultimate prize.

The ‘Cursed Captain Reaper’ was previously used to compensate gamers during Overwatch 2’s launch.

byu/kSai_ from discussion

It was and still is loved by many. However, the decision by the gaming giant to recycle this old cosmetic as a brand-new event’s reward is undeniably disappointing. And considering that this is an anniversary celebration, it’s simply unacceptable. 

Without a doubt, the community is furious. 

It’s unclear whether Blizzard will address these concerns by introducing additional event rewards. But regardless of their actions, it’s doubtful that they can completely alleviate the situation. The negative sentiment has already taken root within the Overwatch 2 community. And the event’s reception is already at its all-time low.

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