WowVendor – Professioneller Valorant Carry Service

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Get Valorant Boost Services at the Best Prices at WowVendor

Valorant is one of the freshest, top exciting installments in the niche of competitive FPS online games. This free-to-play first-person shooter with vivid heroes, awesome weapons, and a variety of competition modes and activities. More technically speaking, it is a tactical 5 vs 5 shooter where you play skillful agents, each with their own unique abilities (of which there are four in total plus the ultimate ability). The competitive space that opens with these opportunities is truly vast and variable. This means that there are at least a million ways to pawn your enemies in all the different ways, achieving the ultimate satisfaction of the battle won.

Valorant was fully released quite recently, only in 2020. But it has already gained a huge audience of keen players, pawning each other day and night in fierce 5-on-5 deathmatches. However, such popularity along with the free-to-play format of the game results in a pretty dense community, as well. This means higher rates of competition. Players are out there grinding to grab the highest ranks and exclusive rewards that go along with them day in, day out. The question arises – do you have enough time to beat them and grab those ranks first?

Unfortunately, the game sometimes requires unreasonable amounts of time, effort, and skill if you want to unlock higher ranks. This is where the Valorant boosting service you can get at WowVendor comes in more than handy.

For a reasonable payment, you can hire experienced Valorant carry specialists that will help you achieve the top rewards without going far and spending much. All you have to do is visit the site, grab the boost option you need, and watch the magic happen.

Pick from the widest range of VLRNT boosting options at WowVendor

WowVendor is an established provider of online gaming boosts with a huge community of satisfied customers, a unique pool of seasoned professional carries, and vast customizable boosting options to please just about everybody.

We provide only manual boosts and never resort to cheats or game engine tricks. All boosting processes are fully transparent – you can freely watch your hired carry’s performance via a private Twitch streaming channel. Hiring a carry is a sure way to get a headstart or an extra push in the midst of the fierce Valorant competition without going broke on in-game micro-transactions.

Browse through Valorant carry services at WowVendor and pick your boost to get a proper push for your Valorant ranks.

The ultimate fun of Valorant

Have you already picked your character and weapon of choice to defeat enemies, survive, and strive in the dangerous lands of Valorant? Making this choice is especial fun, as there are whole 15 agents to pick from:

  • Astra
  • Breach
  • Brimstone
  • Cypher
  • Jett
  • Killjoy
  • Omen
  • Phoenix
  • Raze
  • Reyna
  • Sage
  • Skye
  • Sova
  • Viper
  • Yoru

The choice is definitely difficult, wouldn’t you agree? But it’s great that you can try ‘em all and pick the favorites. Whatever agent you pick, you may as well learn how to master it from our carries in the process of boosting your game.

Fly through ranks with a proper boost

There are 8 Act ranks in Valorant in all:

  • Iron
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Immortal
  • Radiant

These ranks work in pretty unique ways – creators are keeping the exact ranking algorithm in secret in order to avoid game balance tweaks by players. One thing is for sure – you need to win A LOT of placement matches in order to advance through them. Initially, you need to win 5 placement matches to achieve the first rank. And the higher the rank, the cooler are the rewards. A proper Valorant boost can help you achieve the highest rank without wasting tons of time and nerves on endless deathmatches with unpredictable results. 

Professional VLRNT boosting with the high-quality service guarantee is here to help you keep sane while making huge progress leaps in the game. 

How to get a boost at WowVendor?

Purchasing boosting services VLRNT takes no more than five minutes and results in far-going game-boosting outcomes for you. All you need to do to get a proper boost in Valorant fast is:

  1. Go to the WowVednor website;
  2. Pick from a range of cheap VLRNT services in the Valorant boosts category;
  3. Purchase the boost right away using the online payment system you prefer;
  4. Once you complete the purchase, we contact you shortly to assign an individual carry;
  5. Our VLRNT boosters are your trusty assistants in fierce deathmatches – they possess just enough game mechanics knowledge and pro player skills to absolutely destroy all your enemies;
  6. The assigned carry can either assist you in battle in the party or take over your character and boosts your ranks manually;
  7. You can watch the whole process through a dedicated protected streaming channel;
  8. This is where all the magic happens and you get your guaranteed results;
  9. If a carry fails to complete the task for some reason, we guarantee extra boost time free of charge until everything is accomplished.

You may remain absolutely anonymous and use our services via a VPN-protected connection. We have a pool of savvy VLRNT carries waiting to get their hands on all of your enemies right now. 

What our customers say

Alles sehen

Super Lauf Super Gruppe

Super Lauf Super Gruppe


Perfect. Quick. Nice


Super,Support ist immer freundlich und verfübar und der Boost war schneller als erwartet.

Alles perfekt gelaufen

Alles perfekt gelaufen! Zuverlässig, kompetent und freundlich

Völlig unkompliziert

Völlig unkompliziert, was angeboten wurde,wurde auch eingehalten. Gerne werde ich weiterhin Angebote annehmen.

Schnell und professionell

Schnell und professionell. Außerdem nicht zu teuer, gerne wieder!

Alles top!!!

Alles top!!!

fast and good

zum 2ten mal was geholt und wieder alles perfekt abgelaufen

Es lief alles Problemlos und schnell ab.

Es lief alles Problemlos und schnell ab.


Perfekt, schnell, zuverlässig! Gerne wieder!!

good customer service team!

good customer service team!

wie immer alles top

seit langer zeit bei wow vendor auch im neuen addon alles top wie immer


Hat alles super geklappt und wurde schnell erledigt. Absolute Empfehlung!

Zuverlässig und schnell

Zuverlässig und schnell. Gerne wieder!

Sehr schnell

Sehr schnell


Schneller, einfacher Boosting Service. Nette Kollegen. Immer wieder gern.

Sehr hilfreich

Sehr hilfreich

Schnell und TOP

Schnell und TOP

Hallo immer wieder schön zu sehen zu…

Hallo immer wieder schön zu sehen zu was mein Warlock fähig ist. Danke

Sie haben schnell den Auftrag erledigt…

Sie haben schnell den Auftrag erledigt und der war 2 raid Waffen in rot zu holen

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