$10 Turns $89, Destiny 2's Price Hike Sparks Outrage

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Recently, Bungie’s monetization practices within Destiny 2 have stirred up a storm of discontent. Outrage consumed the FPS title’s player base as $10 Season Pass items from Season of the Worthy are reintroduced into the game at a spiking price of $89.

The issue of Bungie’s monetization strategy has been a recurring topic of discontentment for a long time. Nevertheless, the recent move by the studio has left a significant portion of the community perplexed. 

In March 2020, Bungie introduced the Season of the Worthy, offering Guardians a Season Pass priced at $10. This pass provided access to 100 levels of in-game items that players could unlock and progress through. These items have returned in Season of the Witch. And so, gamers can get individual Worthy-themed cosmetics from the Eververse store. However, each item now comes with its own price tag. If you want to purchase them all, then brace yourself for the cumulative cost reaching a staggering $89. That’s nearly nine times the original price.

The community’s primary concern isn’t the Silver required. Rather, it’s the excessively high rates of these in-game items. Simply put, if you bought the Season Pass and didn’t get your rewards, you might have to repurchase them. This time, at much higher prices and without any discounts to add. 

Some want Bungie to sell the old Passes separately, like Halo Infinite. This method allows gamers to buy whatever they missed at a fair price. Players are in for an opportunity to progressively level up the items, just like the experience of those who invested in the 2020 Season Pass.

As of now, the exact course of action Bungie will take to address this concern remains uncertain.

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