TWW Season 2 Operation: Floodgate loot table datamined

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The War Within Season 2 Operation: Floodgate loot table is datamined. Read the article to learn more about all rewards!

Season 2 The War Within Operation: Floodgate loot table datamined

Season 2 is coming soon, and the community is busy datamining all possible information about new content. Finally, we know the entire Operation: Floodgate loot table. This dungeon is a part of the Season 2 Mythic Plus rotation. To learn more about all features and known content from Season 2, read out our 11.1 patch overview. So, without further ado, let’s dive into Operation: Floodgate loot table.

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Operation: Floodgate item levels

Here are Operation Floodgate item levels for all rewards on different difficulties:

Operation: Floodgate loot table

Here is a full Operation Floodgate loot table with rewards from all bosses. To prepare for the Season 2 M+ conquering, read our Gearing guide.

Operation Floodgate loot table: Armor

Waterworks Filtration MaskHeadLeatherDemolition Duo
Mechanized JunkpadsShouldersLeatherBig M.O.M.M.A.
Skystreak’s Hidden MissilesShouldersMailBig M.O.M.M.A.
Saboteur’s Rubber JacketChestClothGeezle Gigazap
Bront’s Singed BlastcoatChestMailDemolition Duo
Muckdiver’s Wading PlateChestPlateSwampface
Disturbed Kelp WrapsWristsLeatherSwampface
Jumpstarter’s Scaffold-ScrapersHandsPlateGeezle Gigazap
Portable Power GeneratorWaistMailGeezle Gigazap
Venture Contractor’s FloodlightWaistPlateDemolition Duo
Razorchoke SlacksLegsClothSwampface
Nonconductive Kill-o-SocksBootsClothBig M.O.M.M.A.

Operation Floodgate loot table: Weapons

Circuit BreakerTwo-handed SwordGeezle Gigazap
Gallytech Turbo-TillerTwo-handed PolearmSwampface
Sonic Ka-BOOM!-erangOne-handed WarglaiveBig M.O.M.M.A.
Geezle’s Coercive Volt-ohmmeterOne-handed DaggerGeezle Gigazap
Keeza’s ‘B.’ B.B.B.F.GRanged GunDemolition Duo

Operation Floodgate loot table: Accessories

Electrician’s Siphoning FilterCloakGeezle Gigazap
Darkfuse MedichopperTrinketBig M.O.M.M.A.
Gigazap’s Zap-CapTrinketGeezle Gigazap
Ringing Ritual MudTrinketSwampface
Improvised Seaforium PacemakerTrinketDemolition Duo

Operation Floodgate loot table: Pets


Last parting words

This is it for the Season 2 Operation: Floodgate loot table. We hope this knowledge helps you on your upcoming adventures in the 11.1 patch. If you want to learn more about M+ dungeons and how to conquer them, read our Mythic Plus guide. If you feel some dungeons are too challenging, buy WoW dungeon boost as an alternative. 

What do you think about these Operation Floodgate rewards? Do you find any specific items strong? Let us know your opinion in the comments!

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