The First Descendant copies Destiny 2 icons and weapons

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Players have noticed a very strange resemblance between The First Descendant icons and those from Destiny 2.

The First Descendant copies Destiny 2 icons and weapons

It’s been almost a week since the release of The First Descendant, but the game has already created a lot of buzz. Over 200,000 people have played the game so far, and it continues to break records, although player reviews are incredibly mixed. Much of this is due to the game’s technical condition and bugs, one of which was a delay in receiving Caliber. Today, players and journalists have uncovered other not-so-pleasant details related to the icons and weapons in The First Descendant.

The first to report this was Twitter user 3jlowes, who noticed the Implosion Rounds icon on Bunny’s ability with minimal changes. Later in the comments, users pointed out a couple more examples from other characters:

This situation caught the attention of Paul Tassi, a journalist for Forbes and a well-known expert on Destiny 2. In his article, Tassi compiled many examples and comparisons, as well as shared his thoughts on the matter:

“I think a lot of this could be overlooked even if the “inspiration” is clear, if you can call it that. But the icons are problematic and I do wonder if Bungie will try to do anything about it. I do not know if other icons may be from other games I don’t play. I will continue looking for more comparison points…”

— Paul Tassi, Forbes

We’ll leave some examples below if you want to take a look at all the icons similar to those in The First Descendant and Destiny 2:

TFD Icons
(Source: Forbes)

Unfortunately, the icons were not the only things the developers decided to copy. Players also noticed a strong resemblance between Different Dreams and two weapons from Destiny 2, namely IKELOS_SR and Sleeper Simulant:

Many have drawn comparisons between The First Descendant and Warframe or Destiny 2. However, the issue at hand is not just about similarities but about the decision to copy designs from another game. Is taking this shortcut a cost-effective solution, or does it compromise the creative integrity of the game. The response from Bungie or Nexon is yet to be seen. What’s your take on this? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for Reading! Owl is Flying Away.

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